Issue - meetings

Better Care Fund Quarter 3 Submission.

Meeting: 24/02/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 59)

59 Better Care Fund Quarter 3 Submission pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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Consideration was given to the report that outlined the Quarter Three performance of Rotherham’s Better Care Fund.  The Q3 submission needed to be submitted to NHS England by 26th February, 2016. 


A Section 75 Agreement had been signed between the Local Authority and the Clinical Commissioning Group to pool the Better Together Funds. 


In Q2, Rotherham had met four of the six National Conditions.  In Q3 Rotherham had met the remaining two: -


·           7 day services to support patients being discharged and prevent unnecessary admissions at weekends in place and delivering – Enabling and Domiciliary Services has been operating as the first phase of our 7 day services plan: -


o    Rotherham had now implemented a 7 day working hospital discharge pilot from 1st December, 2015, which will complete the intentions for 7 day working set out in the Rotherham BCF plan.


·           NHS number being used as the primary identifier for health and care services: -


o    Work was well underway to ensure better sharing between Health and Social Care. There were 5,495 adults who were in the scope of the NHS number matching project.  By the end of February 2016 all in-scope BCF records would have an assigned NHS number.  Training materials have been issued which demonstrate to practitioners in adult social care on how to use the NHS number field.


Rotherham’s performance on most metrics was on target and commentary was provided about these.  Recently introduced integration metrics relating to personal health budgets, use of prevalence of multi-disciplinary and integrated care teams and use of integrated digital care records across health and social care had been included and Rotherham could report favourably on the first two. 


Discussion followed the report’s presentation and it was requested that future reports include an overview summary.  The governance of the Better Care Fund submission was considered and it was suggested that sign-off be delegated to the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Executive Group.  NHS England had confirmed that this was permissible. 


Graeme Betts felt that it was important that the Health and Wellbeing Board continue to consider the reports as all providers were represented and engaged at the meeting.  It was agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board would continue to own the Better Care Fund submission return and consider the quarterly strategic return.  The Health and Wellbeing Executive Group would monitor the report on a monthly basis. 


Julie Kitlowski thanked all of the staff who had contributed to bringing the report together, and who would continue to do so.  This represented a significant level of work and partnership working.


Resolved:- That the Better Care Fund Quarter 3 Submission be approved and be submitted to NHS England.