Issue - meetings

Health Protection Annual Report

Meeting: 20/04/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 72)

72 The Health Protection Committee's Annual Report pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Richard Hart (Public Health) to present

Additional documents:


Richard Hart, Health Protection Principal, presented the Health Protection Committee’s 2015 annual report.


The Committee had made considerable progress in seeking assurance from organisations across the Borough on a range of controls associated with health protection.  The report outlined the responsibilities of the Council, NHS England, the Clinical Commissioning Group, Public Health England, Foundation Trust and RDaSH.  It also highlighted the work that had been done over the year and areas where further development was needed.


The following areas of progress were highlighted:-


-          Clarifying health protection roles and responsibilities and the line of accountability between the Health Protection Committee and the Health and Wellbeing Board

-          Maintaining effective working relationships and communications with Council staff, external agencies/professionals and the public

-          Controlling the spread of TB and HIV through multi-agency incident meetings

-          Providing local advice on national and local alerts on environmental hazards such as high level air pollution episodes

-          Managing Health Care Associated Infections, MRSA bacteraemia and Clostridium Difficile Infections and engagement of the Hospital and Community Trusts

-          Implementing the national childhood immunisation and seasonal flu programme across Rotherham

-          Facilitation of training and simulation exercises run by the Emergency Planning Shared Service

-          Local planning and response to Ebola and other emerging infections


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised/clarified:-


·           The CCG had employed an excellent Infection Prevention and Control Lead Nurse


·           Was it appropriate to include issues that were pertinent to Rotherham e.g.  poor air quality and how that impacted on respiratory indicators, the real improvements in antibiotic resistance and the supporting work carried out on Ebola 


·           Shade provision and reducing skin cancers – this did not come under the scope of Health Protection Committee but there was a need to revisit where that might fit particularly working with Children and Young Peoples Services


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Health Protection annual report be noted.


(2)  That a report be submitted annually and exception reports as appropriate.