Issue - meetings

Sexual Health Strategy

Meeting: 20/04/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 74)

74 Rotherham Sexual Health Strategy 2015-17 Update pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Gill Harrison (Public Health) to present

Additional documents:


Gill Harrison, Public Health Specialist, presented a progress report on the multi-agency Sexual Health Strategy and action plan.


In May 2013 the Health and Wellbeing Board had recommended the reconvening of a multi-agency Sexual Health Strategy Group to produce an updated comprehensive Strategy for Rotherham.  The final Strategy was agreed in December, 2014.


One year into the delivery phase of the Strategy the following had been achieved:-


-          The mapping of the provision of Sex and Relationship Education across Rotherham

An audit by the School Effectiveness Team had revealed that the provision varied but the majority of schools felt that it was an improving picture regarding time on the curriculum for Personal, Sexual and Health Education which was where relationships and Sexual Health Education would be taught


-          CSE Theatre in Education (TiE)

The TiE ‘Chelsea’s Choice’ had been funded by the Clinical Commissioning Group and Public Health and aimed at Y8 or Y9 pupils.  All secondary and special schools and Pupil Referral Units engaged and there were a further two evening sessions for vulnerable young people (60 capacity) and parents/carers and siblings of vulnerable young people (126 booked, 117 attended).  All performances received excellent evaluations


-          Review of Sexual Health for Looked After Children (LAC) and Children Leaving Care

The multi-agency LAC Physical and Emotional Health Group now had a regular focus on sexual health with new training for carers being considered.  A review of pathways into services was being undertaken


-          Review of Youth Clinic Provision

The Rotherham Foundation Trust and Early Help and Family Engagement had undertaken a comprehensive review of all youth clinic provision and there had been a realignment of services to provide consistent delivery of services to young people on sites that were accessible by all within the community/locality and extended beyond the restrictions of term time only.  Staffing provision had improved in each clinic and the partners were marketing the services and had developed stronger links and pathways between other areas such as family Nurse Partnership and School Nursing.  Where footfall was poor and the more vulnerable were not engaging with the services, plans had been put into place for outreach work.  Embedded into the core of the clinics were robust assessments for CSE and Safeguard and partner notification or sexually transmitted infections such as Chlamydia


-          Review of delivery of Emergency Hormonal Contraception in the Community

Following a review, the CSE referral pathways had been updated and all pharmacists were undergoing extra training.  An audit of activity had been undertaken and provision across Rotherham mapped. Data showed that the majority of women accessing this service were over the age of 20; this information would now help in the future commissioning processes


-          Development of the Integrated Sexual Health Services

In line with national recommendations, the Council had commissioned an Integrated Sexual Health Service from the Foundation Trust to provide a full range of STI testing, HIV testing (not treatment) and comprehensive contraceptive services.  At present, NHS England also commissioned HIV  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74