Issue - meetings

Draft Carers Strategy

Meeting: 14/04/2016 - Health Select Commission (Item 95)

95 Draft Carers Strategy pdf icon PDF 367 KB

Sarah Farragher, Adult Social Care, and Jayne Price, Carers Forum

Additional documents:


Sarah Farragher, Adult Social Care, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


The Carers Strategy

-          The Strategy is being co-produced

-          There are now members of the Carers Forum on the group alongside officers from RMBC, Health and the voluntary sector

-          The Strategy is progressing well and is on track for sign-off at the Health and Wellbeing Board in June

-          Plan is to launch during Carers Week

-          Carers Strategy Group will become the delivery group

-          Carers information booked to be produced



-          That every carer in Rotherham is recognised and supported to maintain their health, wellbeing and personal outcomes

-          That carers in Rotherham are not financially disadvantaged as a result of their caring role

-          That carers are recognised and respected as partners in care

-          That carers can enjoy a life outside caring


Carers Forum

-          Re-launched in January, 2016 and operating independently of the Council


The Strategy was still in draft form and would be submitted to the June meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board for sign-off.  It would be launched during Carers Week.


Jayne Price, Carers Forum, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Rotherham Carers Forum

-          An independent voice for Rotherham’s informal carers


Over the years:-

-          Long established forum – step up by dedicated and enthusiastic carers and professionals

-          Been actively involved in supporting carers: meetings, information, Carers’ Week, Carers’ Rights Day etc.

-          Changes over the years e.g. bases, officers

-          Partner groups developed e.g. Carers 4 Carers, Rotherham Parents Forum Ltd. and Lost in Transition



-          The Forum was a successful group which provided a place for carers to meet, listen to guest speakers, share experiences and provide a platform for informal carers

-          Health and Wellbeing partners provided the resources for the Carers’ Co-ordinator at Carers’ Corner


Recent Challenges

-          In 2014 the Carers’ Co-ordinator resigned from RMBC

-          Carers’ Corner relocated to the RAIN building

-          Where was the Constitution?

-          No available assets

-          Low attendance

-          Many people believed that the Forum had folded



-          “Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes live meaningful”


Big Task Ahead

-          The Forum needed a Constitution

-          Assets needed to be freed up and a new bank account opened

-          The status needed to be clarified as independent

-          The word needed to be out that we are still in business


Hard work paid off

-          Interim Officers were elected as a Steering Group

-          An interim Constitution was adopted

-          A new bank account was opened

-          We managed to get a cheque re-dated

-          We had a fantastic re-launch with great feedback

-          Our first funding bid has been successful


Where are we now

-          Monthly meetings with full agendas

-          We are a ‘critical friend’ and ‘co-productive’

-          Working with partners e.g. RMBC, Crossroads especially Carer Resilience, Alzheimer’s Society, Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group, Barnardo’s Young Carers, Age UK Rotherham, Carers 4 Carers, Rotherham Parents Forum Ltd.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95