Issue - meetings

Day Care and Transport Charges

Meeting: 14/11/2016 - Cabinet and Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (during Government Intervention - 18 January 2016 to 23 September 2018) (Item 113)

113 Day Care and Transport Charges pdf icon PDF 167 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Housing


Cabinet Member:     Councillor Roche (in advisory role)

Commissioner:         Myers




1.     That the information contained in this report be received.


2.     That the proposed charges for Day Care be increased on a phased basis from £4.47 to £15.00 per session from 1 January 2017, with a further increase to £30.00 per session from 1 October 2017.


3.     That the charges for Transport be increased to £5.00 per return journey.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which provided details of the outcome of the consultation with customers and carers on the proposed increase in charges for Day Care and transport and further consideration on the future charges for Day Care and transport.


Further information was provided on the number of service users, the current cohort profiles, the consultation with customers and carers on the proposed phased increases and the responses, which were set down in full as part of the report.


The options and recommended proposals for day care and transport to day centres and the potential impact on usage were also considered.


Councillor Steele, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, confirmed this report had been presented to Scrutiny and it was suggested that there be careful monitoring of the user position prior to second implementation of charge increases.  To this end a further update report should be presented to the Cabinet and Commissioners during July, 2017.


Commissioner Myers agreed:-


1.         That the information contained in this report be received.


2.         That the proposed charges for Day Care be increased on a phased basis from £4.47 to £15.00 per session from 1st January, 2017, and that prior to a further increase to £30.00 per session from 1st October, 2017 an update report on access and usage be presented to the Cabinet/Commissioners in July, 2017.


3.         That the charges for Transport be increased to £5.00 per return journey.