Issue - meetings

Rotherham CAMHS Local Transformation Plan - Quarter 3 report 2016-17

Meeting: 08/03/2017 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 68)

68 Rotherham CAMHS Local Transformation Plan - Quarter 3 report 2016-17 pdf icon PDF 143 KB


The Board received the Quarter 3 update for the CAMHS Local Transformation Plan for information.


The Plan continued to be closely monitored and updated on a bi-monthly basis and was now published on the NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group website alongside the Local Transformation Plan (LTP) itself. It reflected all the proposed developments in the ‘Future in Mind’ report and went behind the specific priority development areas outlined in the Local Transformation Plan and to which extra funding was attached.


Further detail on each local priority scheme was set out in the report submitted.


All of the priority schemes had started their implementation in 2015/16.  There were a number of other identified areas for development, which were included in the CAMHS LTP Action Plan, scheduled to start in 2017/18 or beyond.  These included:-


·           Undertaking a scoping exercise to understand if the ‘Thrive’ model or something similar could be developed in Rotherham.

·           Undertaking a scoping exercise to understand how ‘One-stop-shops’ could be developed in Rotherham.

·           Implementing a Social Prescribing Service during 2017/18 to support children and young people who transition out of CAMHS services but not into Adult Services.  This would involve new funding from the LTP monies.

·           A new service to be developed from 2017/18 providing education and prevention around self-harm.  This would probably be delivered in school settings by voluntary sector CAMHS providers.  Specific details were being developed and new LTP funding would be allocated to this area.


The report also set out the areas of most challenge in implementation, finance and activity review and review of partnerships.


It was also noted that the Clinical Commissioning Group’s duty to publish an annual engagement report would be fulfilled by including the necessary information within the standard Annual Report.


Resolved;-  That the report be received and its contents noted.