Issue - meetings

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Aim 5 - Healthy, Safe and Sustainable Communities

Meeting: 08/03/2017 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 62)

62 Health and Wellbeing Strategy Aim 5 - Healthy, Safe and Sustainable Communities pdf icon PDF 436 KB

Presentation by Rob O’Dell, South Yorkshire Police, supported by Karen Hanson, RMBC

Additional documents:


The Chair referred to a survey undertaken in 2011 by the former coalition Government about levels of happiness and anxiety within society. According to data held by the National Office for Statistics, Rotherham is placed in the top ten towns in the country which have the widest disparity between happiness and anxiety amongst its residents.


In that context, the Chair welcomed Mrs. Karen Hanson (Assistant Director, Community Safety and Street Scene, RMBC) and Superintendent Sarah Poolman (South Yorkshire Police), who gave the following presentation about the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Aim 5: Rotherham has healthy, safe and sustainable communities as places:-


Safer Rotherham Partnership – “Working together to make Rotherham Safe, to keep Rotherham safe and to ensure the communities of Rotherham feel safe

-          Statutory partnership under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998

-          Six responsible authorities (Local Authority, Police, Fire and Rescue Service, Probation Service, Community Rehabilitation Company, Clinical Commissioning Group);

-          Statutory duty to develop an annual Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment (JSIA)

-          Requirement to develop and implement a partnership plan

-          Safeguarding protocol linking Partnership Boards


Safer Rotherham Partnership Priorities

-          Reducing the threat of child sexual exploitation and harm to victims and survivors

-          Building confident and cohesive communities

-          Reducing the threat of domestic abuse and harm to victims and survivors

-          Reducing and managing anti-social behaviour and criminal damage

-          Reducing the risk of becoming a victim of domestic burglary

-          Reducing violent crime and sexual offences


Safer Rotherham Partnership Structure

-          Safer Rotherham Partnership Board

-          Performance and Delivery Group

-          Priority Theme Groups

-          Task and Finish Groups

-          Other meetings and networks

Countywide meeting


Area Assemblies


Reducing Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

-          Prevention

-          Early Intervention

-          Development of integrated neighbourhood model

-          Enforcement

-          Communication


Rotherham’s Local Plan

-          Health is a cross-cutting theme in Rotherham’s Local Plan – which guides all future development in our Borough

-          The Plan includes “Promoting Healthy Communities – Good Practice Guidance” which seeks to strengthen and integrate provision for health and wellbeing within the design of new development

-          It highlights key health impacts and requires the consideration of health and wellbeing in planning applications to promote healthy communities and sustainable development

-          Locating shops and services in accessible areas – can promote improved walking and cycling and use of public transport

-          Providing and protecting green spaces near to home – enables greater use and enjoyment of the outdoor environment

-          The Local Plan also has policies on the Natural and Historic Environment, Air Quality and creating Safe and Sustainable Communities

-          Examples of specific policies (development with Public Health partners)

Promoting hot food takeaways (AP25) to limit their proximity to local schools and colleges, the impact they have on local amenity and their concentration within local areas


Opportunities for people in Rotherham to use outdoor space for improving their health and wellbeing

-          Pensioners playgrounds

-          New and improved children’s play areas

-          Allotments

-          Improved changing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62