Issue - meetings

Annual Childcare Sufficiency Report

Meeting: 19/02/2018 - Cabinet and Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (during Government Intervention - 18 January 2016 to 23 September 2018) (Item 108)

108 Annual Childcare Sufficiency Report pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services


Cabinet Member:     Councillor Watson (in advisory role)

Commissioner:         Bradwell




That the 2017-18 Childcare Sufficiency Report be approved for publication.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the 2017-18 Childcare Sufficiency annual report which detailed the current position of the childcare/early education market in Rotherham as required by the Childcare Acts (2006 and 2016).


The report was based on data captured from childcare providers in June/July, 2017 together with data on the take-up of early education in schools and additional information held by the Families Information Services.


The purpose of the report was to identify the current childcare sufficiency position in Rotherham and, as well as being circulated to Elected Members, was of interest to existing and potential childcare providers to support decisions on the creation of additional childcare in the Borough to meet demand.


The report set out the key findings as well as the key issues which included:-


·             Regular communication with all sectors of the market and information sharing on an ongoing basis to enable providers to adapt to changes such as changes in policy to meet needs.


·             The take-up of 30 Hour Childcare places from the introduction of the entitlement in September 2017 had been positive with 1,090 children taking up a place in the first term. A shortfall of places in some areas of the borough at the busiest times (summer term) was anticipated and action was currently being taken to address this through submission of a funding bid to the Department for Education to increase capacity and enabling existing/potential providers to apply for existing capital funding to increase capacity in identified areas of need.


·             Ongoing review of the childcare market with a termly review of take-up of early education for two, three and four year olds and a full annual childcare analysis to ensure there continued to be adequate provision to meet needs.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations.


Cabinet Members noted the recorded child poverty figures which had deteriorated since 2016 and the actions being taken to mitigate the wider economic challenges.


Commissioner Kenny agreed:-  That the 2017-18 Childcare Sufficiency report be approved for publication.

Meeting: 14/02/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (Item 98)

98 Annual Childcare Sufficiency Report pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report due to be determined at the Cabinet and Commissioners’ Decision Making Meeting on 19 February 2018 in respect of the current position of the child care and early education market in the borough.  It was noted that statutory guidance required the Council to report annually on how it was meeting its duty to secure sufficient childcare, and, in addition, make the report available and accessible to parents.


Having considered the report, Members queried the level of risk associated not meeting the sufficiency requirement and sought assurances in respect of the what the Council and the private sector could do to mitigate that risk. It was explained that the private sector was keen to increase provision as it would present an opportunity to generate profit, however they were not keen to take on additional staff or extend existing premises in case the increase was not realised. It was believed that there was a sufficient number of places at the present time, but if every child met the 30 hour requirement that would present an issue.


Assurances were also sought by Members that enough support was being provided to deprived children and whether work had been undertaken to establish why services were not being used. In response, it was explained that the early years and foundation level testing results for the borough were the second best in the Yorkshire and Humber region. This indicated that good progress was being made with that cohort of children.




That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.