Report of the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services
Cabinet Member: Councillor Watson
Commissioner: Bradwell (in advisory role)
1. That approval be given to the increase in educational provision for Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) across the Borough following consultation.
2. That approval be given to the projects that are to be linked to the Capital Programme within the Formal Budget & Council Tax 2018-19 report.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report outlining the outcome of the consultation undertaken in relation to proposals to increase Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) capacity of provision across the Borough by 138 places by 2021.
The report outlined the growth in the general pupil population in recent years and the subsequent increased need for school places for pupils with a range of SEND needs. It also outlined, following completion of the SEND Sufficiency report, an additional 138 SEND places would be needed across the Borough to meet current and expected future demand up to 2021. These places would reduce out-of-authority placements by half and add additional capacity and provision within the Borough to support future increase in demand from population increase.
The Dedicated Schools Grant (High Needs Budget) was significantly overspent in this area with indications that there would continue to be significant increases in out-of-authority placements should ‘in authority’ capacity not be increased. The report set out the proposed projects required to create the additional places and reduce the financial burden on the High Needs funding allocation in future year. It also outlined proposals for moving forward to create additional places post-2021 for anticipated future cohort number increases and the project costs.
This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations.
Resolved:- (1) That the increase in educational provision for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) across the Borough following consultation be approved.
(2) That the projects linked to the Capital Programme within the Formal Budget and Council 2018-19 report be approved.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report due to be determined by the Cabinet and Commissioners’ Decision Making Meeting on 19 February 2018 that outlined the outcome of the consultation and sought approval of proposals to increase Special Educational Needs and Disability SEND provision across the Borough.
It was reported that consultation had been undertaken in line with the requirements of the Department for Education (DfE) – Special Provision Capital Fund guidance which requires local authorities to plan how to invest their allocation and other funding to achieve the best outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
Members sought assurances that the proposals addressed the longer term issues associated with young people being outside of their communities for prolonged periods of time and emphasised the importance and benefits to all of keeping children within their locality. Assurances were also sought in respect of the impact on children of changing routines and placements and the arrangements in place for the transition to adulthood. In response, it was explained that the best place for any child was to be at home with their family, so long as it was in the child’s best interest. It was also highlighted that the response to the consultation had been largely positive on this point and improvements continued to be made to strengthen transitional arrangements to adulthood.
The Board queried whether a cost benefit analysis had been undertaken to measure an increase in provision within the borough against placements outside of the borough. It was explained that the report discussed the reduced costs associated with retaining children within the borough. If the challenge were met this would potentially enable a saving in the region of £3.5m, however the response to how this could be achieved needed to be proportionate.
Members sought assurances that the consultation had included the voice of the child, in particular those children who were in out of borough placements. The Strategic Director gave an undertaking that he would verify that such consultation had taken place with children in out of borough placements. Members sought further assurances that the proposals were consistent with the requirement of the Education Act 1986 that the proposed alternative arrangements would lead to improvements in the standard, quality and/or range of educational provision for children with SEND.
That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.