Issue - meetings

Recommendations from Improving Places Select Commission - Emergency Planning

Meeting: 28/02/2018 - Council Meeting (Item 162)



To receive a response from the Cabinet to recommendations made by the Improving Places Select Commission review of Emergency Planning

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 113 of the meeting of the Cabinet and Commissioners held on 19th February, 2018 the Improving Places Select Commission established a Task and Finish Group to undertake a review of Emergency Planning in 2016. The group completed its review in the autumn of 2017 and submitted a final report to Council on 18th October, 2017.


Under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, the Cabinet was required to respond to any recommendations made by scrutiny and the response was agreed. This report was submitted to ensure that all Members were aware of the proposed implementation of agreed recommendations arising from the scrutiny review.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the response to the recommendations of the Improving Places Select Commission scrutiny review of Emergency Planning (as set out in Appendix A) be noted.


(2)  That the response be referred to the next meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission on 14th March, 2018.


Mover:-  Councillor Alam                        Seconder:-  Councillor Read

Meeting: 19/02/2018 - Cabinet and Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (during Government Intervention - 18 January 2016 to 23 September 2018) (Item 113)

113 Recommendations from Improving Places Select Commission - Emergency Planning pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment


Cabinet Member:     Councillor Alam

Commissioner:         Ney (in advisory role)




1.    That the response to the recommendations of the Improving Places Select Commission scrutiny review of Emergency Planning (as set out in Appendix A) be approved.


2.    That the response be referred to the next meeting of the Council on 28 February 2018 and the next meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission on 14 March 2018.


Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 84 of the Council Meeting held on 18th October, 2017, consideration was given to the report which shared the recommendations from the Improving Places Select Commission’s cross-party review group on Emergency Planning process for Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.  The existing Emergency Plan was considered to be out of date and called into question its resilience and was a determining factor for undertaking the review. 


Details of the methodology to the review and the visits undertaken were outlined, further assisted by the experience of a live incident during the review period.


Appendix A of the report submitted set out the fifteen recommendations arising from the Scrutiny Review of Emergency Planning together with detail in respect of whether the recommendations should be agreed, not agreed or deferred and the action being taken.


The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board also wished to place on record his thanks and appreciation to the Chair and other members of the Improving Places Select Commission for their hard work in this review.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Cabinet’s response to the recommendations of the Improving Places Select Commission Scrutiny Review of Emergency Planning be approved.


(2)  That the response be referred to the next meeting of the Council on 28th February, 2018 and the next meeting of the Improving Lives Select Commission on 14th March, 2018.