Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Review - Use of Agency, Interim and Consultancy staff

Meeting: 23/05/2018 - Council Meeting (Item 194)



To receive the report and recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in respect of its review of the use of interim, agency and consultancy staff.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which presented the views of a cross-party review group on the Authority’s use of agency, interim and consultancy staff following concerns about the forecasts of overspend.


The purpose of the review was to seek assurance that the Council measured performance and value for money in its use of agency staff and consultants and was taking appropriate action to maintain spend within acceptable limits. The recommendations made by Members were based on information and evidence collated during the course of the review and their challenge of existing practices and developing protocols.


The recommendations made by Members were based on information and evidence collated during the course of the review and their challenge of existing practices and developing protocols. The Workforce Management Board (WMB), led by the Assistant Chief Executive and attended by Assistant Directors from all Directorates, had been set up shortly before the commencement of this review to introduce a control process, with the use of agency staff requiring explicit Directorate and Board sign off. 


It was helpful that the review coincided with the development of the Workforce Management Board as Members were able to hold officers to account and see evidence of its work with associated improvement in performance; increased oversight and reduction in spend. Through this regular dialogue, Members were able to influence the development of procedures and clarification of definitions and reporting routes which has meant that some of Members’ recommendations were implemented during the course of the review.  


The report was presented for information to share the findings with the wider membership of the Council. Following this meeting, the Cabinet would be required to respond formally to the recommendations and indicate agreement or otherwise, what action, would be taken to implement the recommendations, along with details of timescales and accountabilities.


Councillor Cowles was happy to second and concurred with Councillor Steele.  He commended him for the in-depth work that was undertaken and the avenues pursued and challenges being faced.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report and recommendations in respect of use of agency, interim and consultancy staff, as outlined in Section 4 of Appendix 1, be noted.


(2)  That the report is forwarded to Cabinet and its response to the recommendations be fed back to Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


Mover:-  Councillor Steele                          Seconder:-  Councillor Cowles