Issue - meetings

May 2018/19 Financial Monitoring Report

Meeting: 09/07/2018 - Cabinet and Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (during Government Intervention - 18 January 2016 to 23 September 2018) (Item 6)

6 May Financial Monitoring Report 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 187 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services


Cabinet Member:     Councillor Alam

Commissioner:         Ney (in advisory role)




1.    That Cabinet note the current General Fund Revenue Budget forecast overspend of £5.8m.


2.    That Cabinet note that management actions continue to be developed and implemented to address areas of overspend and to identify alternative and additional savings to mitigate shortfalls in achieving planned savings in 2018/19.


3.    That Cabinet note that the Capital Programme positon and Treasury Management key indicators for the first quarter of 2018/19 will be reported in the Financial Monitoring Report to Cabinet in September.


4.    That Cabinet agree the changes to the Business Rates Revaluation Support Scheme as set out in paragraphs 3.11.1 to 3.11.3 of this report and that any further changes which may be required are delegated to the Strategic Director - Finance and Customer Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Finance.


5.    That Cabinet approve the virement of budget within Children’s and Young Peoples Services of £500k to Special Guardianship Orders from the placements budget, as referenced in paragraphs 3.2.8 to 3.2.14 of this report.



Consideration was given to the report which set out the financial position for the Revenue and Capital Budgets at the end of May, 2018 based on actual costs and income and forecasts for the remainder of the financial year. This was the first of a series of monitoring reports for the 2018/19 financial year which would continue to be brought forward to Cabinet and Commissioners on a regular basis. 


Delivery of the Council’s Revenue and Capital Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy within the parameters agreed at the start of the current financial year was essential if the Council’s objectives were to be achieved.  Financial performance was a key element within the assessment of the Council’s overall performance framework.


As at May 2018 the Council had a net forecast year-end overspend of £5.8M on the General Fund, after taking account of the £10M budget contingency approved within the 2018/19 budget and the actions currently underway to address budget pressures, particularly in Children and Adult’s Social Care


Children and Young People’s Services continued to overspend against budget in 2018/19.  The number of children in care was still increasing, 23.3% since May 2017 (from 509 to 628).  This was exacerbated by the number of high cost placements that had arisen from a combination of complex child protection cases and Operation Stovewood. This had also placed significant and unavoidable pressure on Legal Services within the Finance and Customer Services Directorate with a current forecasted overspend for Legal Services of £1.010M.


Management activity was underway to identify areas of overspend and put mitigating measures in place whilst maintaining service delivery.  The overall budget position would continue to be closely monitored with provision of regular updates through the financial monitoring reports.


Within the 2018/19 budget, new savings of £15.2M were required to achieve a balanced budget.  This was in addition to £6.5M of savings that were approved in prior years for delivery in 2018/19 making a total savings requirement of £21.7M.  Progress in delivery of the savings was reflected in the forecast overspends and supporting narratives of the Directorates.  Currently all savings were either on track or mitigating actions in place with the exception of savings in Adult Social Care and a small amount in Children and Young People’s Directorate. 


The forecast overspend should be set against a backdrop of the Council having successfully addressed cost pressures of £162M between 2011/12 to 2017/18, the requirements to save a further £21.7M in the current year and to deliver a further £30M of efficiencies and savings in the following two financial years in order to meet the estimated budget gaps to 2020/21.


Rotherham’s schemes for Supporting Small Businesses and Support for Pubs based on Government guidance for those schemes had been agreed. However, the Government did not provide any detailed guidance for Revaluation Support but gave each Council a fixed amount of grant to be distributed to businesses based on locally developed criteria. Rotherham Council have received £365k for 2017/18 and Cabinet agreed Rotherham’s criteria for distributing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6