Issue - meetings

Treasury Management Outturn 2017/18

Meeting: 09/07/2018 - Cabinet and Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (during Government Intervention - 18 January 2016 to 23 September 2018) (Item 7)

7 Annual Treasury Management Report and Actual Prudential Indicators 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services


Cabinet Member:     Councillor Alam

Commissioner:         Ney (in advisory role)




1.    That the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators outturn position as set out in section 3 and Appendices A and B of the Annual Treasury Management Report for 2017/18 be noted.


2.    That the report be forwarded to the Audit Committee for information.



Consideration was given to the Annual Treasury Management Report, which was submitted to review the treasury activity for 2017/18 against the strategy agreed at the start of the year.


The report covered the actual Prudential Indicators for 2017/18 in accordance with the requirements of the Prudential Code. The report met the requirements of both the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management and the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities. It was noted that the Council was required to comply with both Codes through Regulations issued under the Local Government Act 2003.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators outturn position as set out in Section 3 and Appendices A and B of the Annual Treasury Management Report for 2017/18 be noted .


(2)  That the report be forwarded to Audit Committee for information