Information Pack
Contained within the information pack were the notes from the Quality Sub-Groups and the quarterly briefing with health partners together with a copy of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) report for CGL. Also included was information about the Schools Mental Health Trailblazer including a map showing which schools were involved.
Integrated Place Plan
A response was due shortly from the Delivery Group to the questions raised in relation to the Integrated Place Plan Quarter 2 performance report that was discussed in a workshop session.
Performance Sub-Group
The Sub-Group had met recently and discussed final Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures and benchmarking data. Notes would follow but from the workshop two further items had been identified for the work programme:-
Carers – given their rights under the Care Act and the need to enable them to carry out their important role in helping people remain independent for as long as possible.
Information, Advice and Guidance – getting this right was imperative for the new approaches and what was hoped to be achieved.
Improving Lives Select Commission
Councillor Jarvis would supply a written report to be circulated to the Select Commission Members.
Carnson House
Councillor Andrews reported that the sub-group had visited the premises and had been impressed with the improvements that had been made and how the service was implemented. There was still progress to be made in some areas but overall it was positive. The transferred staff had settled with recruitment still taking place. Peer mentor support was particular important and further recruitment was planned.
The Chair invited Councillor Jarvis, on behalf of the Improving Lives Select Commission, to provide a brief update regarding the work currently taking place, which included the item that had been discussed on Domestic Abuse. Further detail would be provided by Councillor Jarvis and this would be circulated to the Selection Commission for information.
The Chair also reported that in the last Member Bulletin there was information about grants available for local groups for activities to support and improve men’s mental health. Members were asked to encourage any local groups to bid, especially if a Ward was one with higher rates of suicide.
Improving Lives Select Commission
Councillor Jarvis gave a brief summary of the agenda items considered at the last meeting of the Improving Lives Select Commission as follows:-
- Increased numbers of Looked After Children
Possible reasons for the increase
Initiatives coming into place to counteract the numbers
Increased management oversight
Right Child Right Care
Edge of Care Panel
Foster parent recruitment
63 Initiative
- Education Performance Outcomes
Actions more aspirational rather than targets, so officers had been asked to come back with something sharper
Councillor Williams gave a verbal report on the visit to the Health Village, Doncaster Gate, Care Co-ordination Centre, Rotherham Hospital and the Adult Care Single Point of Access that had taken place on 13th November, 2018.
It was quite clear that all 3 teams had a passion/dedication for the role they were undertaking and the work they were providing. Clear benefits from having people from different teams together, included quick immediate help and advice and developing people’s awareness and there was clear belief in this approach and that it was making a difference.
Improving Lives Select Commission
Councillor Jarvis gave a verbal report from the last meeting of the Improving Lives Select Commission on the Early Needs update. The main issues had been the reduced a number of buildings without actually affecting the amount of services, reconfiguration of locality teams, development of locality based family hubs, introduction of Borough-wide evidence based intervention, further investment in Family Group Conferencing, proposed reduction in the Heads of Service posts, increased integration of the Youth Offending Team and a proposed reduction in the number of Youth Centres and Early Help Team bases from 11 – 6 whilst maintaining effective delivery of youth work.
Janet Spurling, Scrutiny Officer, gave an update on the following proposed visits:-
Adult Care Single Point of Access, Health Village and Care Co-ordination Centre – 13th November 12.50-16.30 p.m. to speak with staff about the impact of closer working and expansion of the MDT approach
Carnson House – follow up visit to be confirmed but probably the week commencing 19th November
RDaSH Quality Sub-Group – 3rd December
There were no communications to report.
The Chair invited Councillor Jarvis from Improving Lives Select Commission to provide a brief update regarding the work currently taking place, which included:-
· Key activity and progress in relation to the provision of Domestic Abuse Services across Rotherham. The Domestic Abuse Strategy set out the collective vision for Domestic Abuse (DA) Services within Rotherham for the next three years. Important issues discussed included access to IT, informing commissioning, data quality, training and ensuring the voice of the child was heard. The referrals process was being looked at again.
· 2017/18 year-end performance under the key themes for Children and Young People’s Services
· Implications for Looked After Children, previously Looked After Children and Care Leavers as a result of the Children and Social Work Act 2017 which was intended to improve the support for Looked After Children (LAC), promote the welfare and safeguarding of children and make revised provisions about the regulation of Social Workers.