South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Wakefield Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Update
It was reported that the next meeting would be held on 19th March, 2019. The agenda papers would be shared with the Select Commission once published with the ability to raise any issues/questions to be addressed at the meeting.
South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Wakefield Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Update
The Chair confirmed there was no further information to share for the South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Wakefield Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee other than to report that the next meeting would be in mid-March.
South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Wakefield Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Update
The Chair gave an update for the South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Wakefield Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee by confirming:-
- JHOSC had met in October the agenda for which had included the SY&B ICS and the next steps in response to the Hospital Services Review recommendations through a strategic outline business case
- Members had emphasised the importance of public engagement and improving communication
- Assurance had been sought that the plans would be delivered within resources and that they would address health inequalities and the variations in performance between hospitals
- Further information was required and provided after the meeting and could be shared with the Select Commission i.e.
Progress update on changes to Hyper Acute Stroke and non-specialised Children’s Surgery and Anaesthesia
Communications and engagement plan
More information with regard to the workforce issues raised in the Hospital Services Review
- The next meeting would be held in January/February 2019
In relation to the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System the cover report had stated that “Integrated care system leaders gain greater freedoms to manage the operational and financial performance of services in their area”.
Clarification had been sought as to what was meant by “greater freedoms”.
From the Memorandum of Understanding agreed nationally this meant that local systems that were working well had greater freedom in how they ensured extra funding and support got to where it was needed in local communities.
Resolved:- That the information be noted.
Attached to the agenda pack was the presentation and Strategic Outline Case presented to the CCGs and hospitals recently which had been developed following stakeholder feedback to the Hospital Services Review report.
Members had also been provided with a copy of the agenda papers for the meeting of the JHOSC to be held on 22nd October regarding the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System and the Hospital Services Programme.
Any issues Select Commission Members would like raising at the meeting should be forwarded to the Chair or Scrutiny Officer by 9.00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.
Additional documents:
Janet Spurling, Scrutiny Officer, presented papers requested by JHOSC at its previous meeting for information regarding progress with the implementation of Children’s Surgery and Anaesthesia and the designation process and an overview of the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS areas of future scrutiny.
When the papers for the next JHOSC meeting were published these would be circulated to all Select Commission Members with regard to identifying any questions or issues to raise through the Chair.
Resolved:- That the information be noted.
South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Wakefield Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Update
The Chair gave an update for the South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Wakefield Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) by confirming:-
· The Governing Bodies of the CCGs were currently considering the hospital services review report.
· Information was also awaited on the timelines from NHS colleagues to develop the JHOSC work programme for the year.
· The Judicial Review appeal regarding the hyper-acute stroke service changes had been rejected so health partners were proceeding to implementation of the decision as soon as possible.
Resolved:- That the information be noted.