79 Community Energy Switching Scheme PDF 215 KB
Report of the Acting Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
1. That approval be given to the OJEU procurement process to identify a potential partner to develop a community energy switching scheme and inform a business case that will be developed, based on the results of the tender.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report which detailed the proposed community energy switching scheme which would be open to all Rotherham residents and would reduce the number of households paying high tariffs for gas and electricity and reduce fuel poverty. Although the scheme would be open to all residents it ... view the full minutes text for item 79
127 Community Energy Switching Scheme PDF 120 KB
Cabinet Portfolio:- Jobs and the Local Economy
Strategic Directorate:- Regeneration and Environment
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report due to be considered by the Cabinet on 17 December 2018 concerning proposals to establish a Community Energy Switching Scheme.
It was reported that the proposed scheme would be open to all Rotherham residents and would reduce the number of households paying high tariffs for gas and electricity and reduce fuel poverty. Although the scheme would be open to all residents it should be particularly beneficial for hard to reach and vulnerable tenants that were generally considered to be the groups that required the greatest support to identify and change to a cheaper tariff.
It was expected that residents could save around £200 to £300 per year in an average 3 bedroom semi-detached houses. A Community Energy Switching Scheme report had been discussed at the former Cabinet and Commissioners’ Decision Making Meeting on 9 July 2018, where it had been agreed that a feasibility study should be undertaken and a report be brought back for consideration. Having completed the feasibility study, approval was sought to carry out an OJEU procurement process to identify a potential partner to develop a community energy switching scheme and inform a business case that will be developed based on the results of the tender.
Members sought clarification in respect of the proposed marketing campaign and advised that it would be crucial to target groups and individuals, with GP surgeries be a suggested venue for marketing materials to be placed. In response it was confirmed that the marketing strategy was subject to development, however it could not be rolled out until the procurement process had been completed, which mean that June or July 2019 was expected to the date for roll out. It was noted that additional resources would be required to undertake this work.
Members sought assurances the customer support and service standards were built into the specification for the scheme to ensure that the local people would receive a high quality service, as well as lower costs. It was also felt that this was an important work stream and, as such, the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy should maintain oversight over performance in respect of customer support and service standards.
Further discussions were held in respect of the procurement process and the criteria that may be used in determining which scheme and suppler would be chosen.
1. That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.
2. That Cabinet be asked to ensure that customer support and service standards are built into the tender framework.
3. That the performance of customer support and service standards be reported on a quarterly basis to the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy.