To receive for information recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in respect of a scrutiny review of modern methods of construction.
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 27 of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board held on 12th December, 2018, consideration was given to the report which presented the findings from the scrutiny review into modern methods of construction.
The review was undertaken because of evidence that the:-
· Housing market is not fit for purpose with the housing market locally reflecting national information and trends.
· Demand for homes outweighs provision e.g. more one bedroom and larger properties are required in Rotherham
· Number of homeless people is on the increase, this number could continue to increase due to the introduction of Universal Credit.
· Insufficient affordable properties available – which includes cheaper, renewable sources of energy to heat the homes.
· Private and social owned properties are not being build quick enough to meet demand
The options provided affordable homes, in a quicker timescale to traditional build homes, which were energy efficient and where possible used renewable sources of energy to keep running cost low. Two main options were looked at, one in Yorkshire and one in East Yorkshire, who provided excellent modular housing. The advantages were outlined and compared with traditionally built properties.
All those involved in the review were formally thanked for their input and demonstrated clear cross-party partnership working.
Following consideration by the Council, the Cabinet would be required to respond formally to the recommendations and indicate agreement or otherwise, what action, would be taken to implement the recommendations, along with details of timescales and accountabilities.
Members welcomed the evidence and that the Housing Department were already trying to embrace this growing area as part of its wider mix of delivering affordable housing across the borough. At the next meeting of the Cabinet on 4th February, 2019, approval was being sought for the delivery of twelve bungalows delivered through modern methods of construction.
Members supported the review and welcomed the opportunity to use novel concepts and some up-to-date technologies and to combine them to propose an entirely economically feasible and technically feasible housing solution. This was Rotherham looking to the future and moving forward confidently and positively.
Resolved:- (1) That the report and recommendations from the review of Modern Methods of Construction be noted.
(2) That the response of Cabinet to the recommendations be reported to Council and the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.
Mover:- Councillor Cowles Seconder:- Councillor Sansome
143 Scrutiny Review - Modern Methods of Construction PDF 111 KB
To receive the report and recommendations from the review of Modern Methods of Construction.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report which presented the findings from the scrutiny review into Modern Methods of Construction. The review was undertaken by a group of members from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board and the Improving Places Select Commission.
The report detailed a number of recommendations which would be submitted to Cabinet for its consideration and would be reported to Council for information on 23 January 2019.
1. That the scrutiny review of Modern Methods of Construction be approved for submission to Cabinet.
2. That the Cabinet respond to the recommendations from the review by the end of March 2019.