To receive and consider reports, minutes and recommendations of the Staffing Committee.
To confirm the minutes as a true record.
Additional documents:
Resolved:- That the reports, recommendation and minutes of the meeting of the Staffing Committee be adopted.
Mover:- Councillor Alam Seconder:- Councillor Read
17 UNISON Violence at Work Charter PDF 124 KB
Consideration was given to a report which provided detail in respect of UNISON’s Violence at Work Charter, which set out measures that UNISON would like employers to put in place to prevent people that they are responsible for from being assaulted as they carry out their work.
It was reported that in order to qualify for the UNISON Violence at Work Charter mark, employers must meet ten standards and it was noted that the Council’s current practices were in line with the key principles of the Charter, which were covered by the Health and Safety Policy.
It was suggested that a public awareness campaign to accompany the proposed adoption of the Charter would be helpful in highlighting the issues and difficulties faced by frontline staff both within Council buildings and working in communities.
1. That the Council be recommended to become a signatory to UNISON’s Violence at Work Charter.
2. That the existing activities of the Council in meeting the aims of the Charter be noted.
3. That a public awareness campaign be undertaken to promote the adoption of the Charter.