Issue - meetings

Health Protection Committee Annual Report

Meeting: 29/05/2019 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 7)

7 Health Protection Committee Annual Report pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Richard Hart, Public Health, to present

Additional documents:


Richard Hart, Health Protection Principal, presented the Health Protection annual report 2018 which highlighted the main areas of health protection activity in Rotherham over the period 1st January to 31st December, 2018.


The organisations represented on the Rotherham Health Protection Committee (RHPC) collectively acted to prevent or reduce the harm or impact on the health of the local population caused by infectious disease or environmental hazards, major incidents and other threats.


The Health Protection Committee, on behalf of the Director of Public Health, would continue to meet on a quarterly basis to oversee and discharge the Council’s Health Protection duties.


With the publication of the NHS Long Term Place (7th January 2019), there were opportunities to strengthen actions on health inequalities, antimicrobial resistance, air pollution, supporting people in care homes, national screening programmes and childhood immunisations.


There were 2 risks on the Council’s Strategic Risk Register associated with protecting the health of the local health population;-


·           To provide an effective co-ordinated multi-agency response in the early stages of any flu pandemic

·           To reduce the impact of any communicable disease incident/outbreak in Rotherham


The report set out the areas that RHPC had identified as the focus for actions in the year ahead from which the following key recommendations had been drawn:-


1.    Maintain effective monitoring, communication and response to incidents or outbreaks and consolidate multi-agency arrangements which includes an agreed approach to funding.


2.    Improve the update of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination to achieve minimum herd immunity, routine immunisations for the hard to reach communities and seasonal flu vaccination for staff and the eligible population.


3.    Review Borough-wide Infection Prevention and Control Services and make recommendations for improvements to the patient pathway and the sustainability of services (including Tuberculosis Specialist Services).


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-          There was national debate with regard to the take up of vaccinations to children.  If there was a national decision with regard to the way forward it would be adopted by Rotherham.  Rotherham Public Health worked very closely with partners and the NHSE worked with GPs

-          Public Health England was responsible for vaccinations and the CCG for management of local arrangements.  There was history of it being unclear who was responsible for what in the event of a pandemic.  It was important that PHE representation was in attendance at any workshop to discuss how such an event would be handled

-          Whilst awaiting a lead nationally, it was considered prudent to have such conversations with school leaders through the Rotherham Educational Strategic Partnership as to their thoughts on vaccinations

-          Consultation was due to start shortly on Clean Air Zones

-          Weekly oversight by the CCG on the availability of drugs


Resolved:-  (1)  That report be noted.


(2)  That the Board’s commitment for all partners to sustain their contributions to the Borough-wide health protection work and actions of the Rotherham Health Protection Committee be approved.

ACTION:-  All Board members