33 Council Plan Quarter 4 (January to March 2019) and 2018-2019 Annual Performance Report PDF 167 KB
Cabinet Portfolio: Corporate Services and Finance
Strategic Directorate: Assistant Chief Executive
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report presented by Councillor Read, Leader of the Council, which set out the headline priorities, outcomes and measures demonstrating delivery of the vision.
This fourth quarter report indicated that 58% of the total number of measures had been met when compared to the 44% met this time last year. This was the highest percentage of performance measures that the Council had hit for a number of years and represented a significant improvement in performance over previous quarters, as only 47%, 45% and 42% of measures hit their targets in quarters one, two and three respectively. The priority area with the highest proportion of targets met was Priority 4 (extending opportunity, prosperity and planning for the future) where 75% of measures were marked as on target.
The Leader set out in detail the direction of travel which was positive for 32 (51%) of the measures calculated in this quarter. This was a deterioration compared to the 58% figure for last quarter and suggests that, although there had been an increase in the number of targets marked as “hit”, there were an increasing number of measures where performance was stable or worsening.
An outline summary was provided of all the targets and a snapshot of the current progress against the thirteen delivery outcomes which underpinned the Council’s priorities and the seventy headline performance measures that Directorates had identified to demonstrate progress in achieving the outcomes. Reference was also made to the performance status broken down by priority with Priority 1 having seven on target, two satisfactory and six off target; Priority 2 having six on target, none satisfactory and three off target; Priority 3 seven on target, two satisfactory and seven off target; Priority 4 six on target, one satisfactory and one off target and Priority 5 eight on target, two satisfactory and one off target (these were all set out in detail as part of the report).
There were a number of measures that did not have information available due to these being annual, termly or six monthly.
The Board asked the Cabinet Member and lead officer for each priority to comment further drawing any attention to specific areas.
Priority 1:-
Jon Stonehouse, Strategic Director, expressed cautious optimism at the progress with looked after children numbers which appeared to be plateauing in their reduction and were in line with budget expectations. The trend was also positive around child in need and child protection numbers and demand indicators.
The Board sought clarification on the number of looked after children and the projections and whether this was done by linear extrapolation from the trend or if the numbers were first estimates.
The Directorate had tried to illustrate the projected position as comprehensively as possible based on a range of variables, including population size and demographics.
A further question was asked by the Board as to why a funding commitment was required from secondary schools to support the appointment of three lead practitioners for English, Maths and Science.
Again ... view the full minutes text for item 33
24 Council Plan Quarter 4 (January to March 2019) and 2018-2019 Annual Performance Report PDF 167 KB
Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.
1. That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to performance be noted
2. That consideration be given to measures which have not achieved their target and the actions required to improve performance, including future performance clinics
3. That the performance ... view the full agenda text for item 24
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report which detailed how the Council Plan was the core document that underpinned the Council’s overall vision.
The Plan set out the headline priorities, outcomes and measures that would demonstrate delivery of the vision. The process for monitoring performance against the vision was set out ... view the full minutes text for item 24