106 Ethical Procurement Policy PDF 140 KB
Report of the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services
1. That approval be given to the Ethical Procurement Policy.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report which introduced the Ethical Procurement Policy, which set out a range of measures and policy decisions/commitments that have been taken by the Council over the years (including the recent Social Value Policy) to achieve this and drive ethical practice, with the aim to encompass ... view the full minutes text for item 106
108 Ethical Procurement Policy PDF 140 KB
Cabinet Portfolio: Corporate Services and Finance
Strategic Directorate: Finance and Customer Services
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report submitted for pre-decision scrutiny in advance of the Cabinet meeting on 20 January 2020 that underscores centrality of ethical behaviour at the core of the Council’s procurement activity. The Council expects the suppliers it does business with to share similar values and ethical ethos in the way they deliver their services. This Policy sets out a range of measures and policy decisions / commitments that have been taken by the Council over the years (including the recent Social Value Policy) to achieve this and drive ethical practice, with the aim to encompass this into one comprehensive policy.
Members lauded the organization and clarity of the document, and were interested to know what kinds of training and monitoring efforts would be conducted by officers in the implementation of this policy. Members expressed concerns about the impact of this policy on local and small businesses, and they wished to know by what evaluative measures prospective suppliers would be assessed, and if these expectations—as well as feedback on any refused applications—would be made available to prospective suppliers. Members were interested in seeing a tally of distributions over time so that we might all see development at the ward level.
In response, Members were informed that a specific officer is responsible to oversee training and monitoring Ethical Procurement Policy implementation, and that this individual will be able to provide a more fulsome information as needed. Further, Members were assured that this policy is part of a full Social Value offering, a contract that balances the priorities of Social Value and Local Spend so that the implementation will be in no way discriminatory towards local businesses. It was affirmed that the Council’s desire is to award more local contracts to more local businesses. Members were assured that it would be useful to continue to review the policy in total, as it has here been consolidated into one document.
1. That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.
2. That when engaging with external contractors, arrangements be made to ensure that ethical outcomes are effectively captured and presented in an annual report to be published on the Council’s website.
3. That, with regard to corporate policy review mechanisms within the authority, consideration be given to reviewing Council policies on at least a three yearly cycle, unless a statutory or previously agreed local framework has already been prescribed.