Issue - meetings

Climate Change Action Plan

Meeting: 03/06/2020 - Council Meeting (Item 338)



To consider an update from the Cabinet in respect of the authority’s response to the Climate Emergency.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report that provided a progress report of the Council’s actions in respect to Responding to the Climate Change Emergency.


The Cabinet Member for Cleaner, Greener Communities, Councillor Allen in moving the report noted that following the Council declaration of a Climate Emergency at its meeting on 30 October 2019 (Council Minute No.271), work had been undertaken to produce a draft policy document “Rotherham Council Responding to the Climate Emergency”, that set out the Council’s commitment to tackle climate emergency. The draft policy document was attached as an appendix to the officer’s report.


Councillor Allen advised that a Member Working Group had been established to consider the Council’s response to the climate emergency and to propose a target for the Council’s carbon reduction. As a result of this work it was proposed that the Council’s carbon emissions should be at net zero by 2030 and Borough-wide carbon emissions should be at net zero by 2040. The Cabinet Member noted that the draft policy document, due to the constant improvement and development of technology in this area was a living document, and as such would be subject to amendment over time.


Councillor Allen advised that work to deliver on the proposed targets would be approached by themes of activity supported by a set of actions for 2020/21 and that it was proposed that the Member Working Group would continue to develop the policy and actions for future years to meet the target outcomes. A full action plan of activity was attached as an appendix to the officer’s report. Actions for 2020/21 included:


·       Producing carbon impact assessments for all significant Cabinet decisions

·       Addressing gaps in data collection regarding CO2 emissions

·       Exploring the feasibility of renewable energy self-generation

·       Committing to requiring efficiency standards for private housing developers that were in line with net zero targets

·       Carrying out assessments of the Council's operational buildings to determine feasible energy efficiency upgrades

·       Developing a timeline for Electric vehicle fleet conversion

·       Developing awareness training for the Council’s work force around energy use behaviours

·       Promoting sustainable transport across the workforce

·       Strengthening South Yorkshire partnership commitments to reduce emissions associated with waste

·       Completing energy efficiency improvements to street lighting.


Councillor Allen advised that to deliver on the proposed targets engagement with staff, residents and partners would be essential and that the working group would be looking for both staff and members to become Climate Change Champions.


Councillor Roche in seconding the report thanked Councillor Allen, the working group and officers for their work in getting to the current point so quickly. Councillor Roche stressed the urgency of the situation and the importance of driving the activities forward that would enable the Council to meet its targets for net zero carbon emissions.


Councillor Steele, as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board welcomed the report, noting that the Board had endorsed the report and its recommendations at its meeting in March 2020. Councillor Steele welcomed the tree planting policy and noted that the Covid-19 pandemic  ...  view the full minutes text for item 338

Meeting: 23/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 129)

129 Responding to the Climate Emergency pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive




1.    That the progress to date following the declaration of the climate emergency be noted


2.    That the continuation of the work of the Climate Emergency Member Working Group be agreed


3.    That approval be given to set the following targets:


a          RMBC:  ...  view the full agenda text for item 129

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which detailed how the Council declared a Climate Emergency at its meeting on 30thOctober, 2019. Following the declaration work had been undertaken to produce a draft policy document “Rotherham Council Responding to the Climate Emergency”, setting out the Council’s commitment to tackle climate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 129

Meeting: 18/03/2020 - Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (Item 167)

167 Responding to the Climate Emergency pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report that was submitted for pre-decision scrutiny ahead of the Cabinet meeting scheduled for 23 March 2020 in respect to Responding to the Climate Change Emergency.


The Cabinet Member for Cleaner, Greener Communities, the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment and the Head of Policy, Performance and Intelligence attended the meeting to present the report and to answer members questions.


The Cabinet Member noted that following the Council declaration of a Climate Emergency at its meeting on 30 October 2019 (Council Minute No.271), work had been undertaken to produce a draft policy document “Rotherham Council Responding to the Climate Emergency”, that set out the Council’s commitment to tackle climate emergency. The draft policy document was attached as an appendix to the officer’s report.


The Cabinet Member advised that a Member Working Group had been established to consider the Council’s response to the climate emergency and to propose a target for the Council’s carbon reduction. As a result of this work it was proposed that the Council’s carbon emissions should be at net zero by 2030 and Borough-wide carbon emissions should be at net zero by 2040. The Cabinet Member noted that the draft policy document, due to the constant improvement and development of technology in this area was a living document, and as such would be subject to amendment over time.


The Cabinet Member advised that work to deliver on the proposed targets would be approached by themes of activity supported by a set of actions for 2020/21 and that it was proposed that the Member Working Group would continue to develop the policy and actions for future years to meet the target outcomes. A full action plan of activity was attached as an appendix to the officer’s report. Actions for 2020/21 included:


·       Producing carbon impact assessments for all significant Cabinet decisions

·       Addressing gaps in data collection regarding CO2 emissions

·       Exploring the feasibility of renewable energy self-generation

·       Committing to requiring efficiency standards for private housing developers that were in line with net zero targets

·       Carrying out assessments of the Council's operational buildings to determine feasible energy efficiency upgrades

·       Developing a timeline for Electric vehicle fleet conversion

·       Developing awareness training for the Council’s work force around energy use behaviours

·       Promoting sustainable transport across the workforce

·       Strengthening South Yorkshire partnership commitments to reduce emissions associated with waste

·       Completing energy efficiency improvements to street lighting


The Cabinet Member advised that to deliver on the proposed targets engagement with staff, residents and partners would be essential and that the working group would be looking for both staff and members to become Climate Change Champions.  The Cabinet Member noted that the Council would look to work with both the Government and the Sheffield City Region combined authority in order to secure the extra funding that would be required to deliver on the proposed targets for carbon reduction.


Members welcomed the actions that had been taken since the Climate Emergency had been declared, and noted their support for the proposed targets,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 167