Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/03/2021 - Council Meeting (Item 450)

450 PETITIONS pdf icon PDF 284 KB


To report on any petitions received by the Council received by the Council and receive statements in support of petitions in accordance with Petitions Scheme and Council Procedure Rule 13.


The Mayor introduced the report and confirmed the receipt of 3 petitions received since the last Council meeting which had not met the threshold for consideration by Council.


·       Containing 97 signatures calling on the Council to prevent vehicles going the wrong way down a one-way system and to enforce the Access Only Guidance.


·       Containing 21 signatures calling on the Council to request that the National Crime Agency open a line of investigation into those individuals, organisations, partners, agencies or others identified during the investigation and to determine if charges should be brought against them, without further delay. Councillor Allen Cowles the lead petitioner addressed Council as part of the presentation of the petition.


·       Containing 38 signatures requesting that the Council install residential parking only on Mortain Road and Lymister Avenue with time limits of 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.


Resolved: - 


1)    That the report be received.


2)    That the relevant Strategic Directors be required to respond to the lead petitioners, as detailed in the report, by 17th March, 2021.


Mover: - Councillor Read                                  Seconder: - Councillor Watson