61 Looked After Children and Care Leavers Sufficiency Strategy 2023 - 2028 PDF 478 KB
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Rebecca Wall, Head of Service Children in Care, presented a report , for information, previously approved by Cabinet on 17th October, 2022 (Minute No. 57 refers).
The Strategy identified the principles that were applied when commissioning the provision of secure, safe and appropriate accommodation and support to children in care and care leavers over the next 3 years. It provided the needs analysis that would inform market management work seeking to ensure that there was the right mix of provision available to meet the needs of children and young people and that the provision mix provided positive outcomes and value for money.
The previous Strategy (approved in June 2019) had 6 key priorities for the Market Management Project. Progress against all these priorities had been reviewed to support the development of the new Strategy.
The revised Sufficiency Strategy focussed on what Rotherham Council knew about its children and young people and the information about local homes for children. It included the voice of Looked after Children.
Discussion ensued on the Strategy with the following issues raised:-
- The last year had seen an increase in the number of unaccompanied asylum seeker children which had placed pressure on 16+ provision
- Work with Roundabout (to commence on 1st March) with an offer of 8 beds
- Due to successful DfE funds, the number of 16 residential beds for emergency accommodation would increase to 20 across 7 Rotherham settings
- Real focus and linkage throughout the Strategy to Early Help, managing demand as it came through the “front door”
- 25% reduction in the initiation of Care Proceedings
- Joint commissioning between the Council and ICB bringing everyone together for collaborative planning
- Challenge to remain competitive for foster carers
- Work had taken place on joint commissioning for Social Care and Education. Visits had been made to ensure the appropriate care was in place together with safeguarding and that the education was of a high standard
It was noted that the report had also been considered by the Improving Lives Select Commission.
Resolved:- That the report be noted.
7. Looked After Children and Care Leavers Sufficiency Strategy 2023 - 2028 PDF 478 KB
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