60 Looked After Children Council - December and January Update PDF 997 KB
Additional documents:
Angie, Baron, Bell, Bobby, Emil, Hope and Rosie, supported by Lisa Duvalle, gave a presentation to the Panel on the work of Rotherham’s Looked After Children’s Council drawing attention to:-
- Amplify Event, Manchester
- Advocacy and Independent Visitors Consultation
- Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service
- York Visit and Pantomime
- LACC Animation Project
- International LAC Council Tour (may be France)
- LAC Campaign Priorities 2022-23:-
Mental Health and Wellbeing
LACC Animation project
VIP Summer Fest Awards 2023
The LAC Council had tirelessly campaigned for a free leisure pass for Looked After and Leaving Care young people for the past 3 years. In December 2022 the Panel shared an update with the LAC Council on the free leisure activities secured so far:-
- VIP Big Brother Project 2023 – free gym membership for 50 boys aged 11/15 years
- VIP Sister Project 2023 – from gym membership for girls aged 9-15 years
- VIP Swimming – free swimming for Looked After and Leaving Care young people across 4 leisure centres aged 0-25 years
However, the young people shared their frustration and not being provided with the access codes for the gym so they could not be used and the amount of personal budgetary information that had to be provided to access the VIP Sister Project.
Issues were also raised about family time once a LAC was post-18. It was felt that communication need to be clear so all parties were aware of the expectations
Resolved:- (1) That the update be noted.
(2) That a meeting be held with a representative of the LAC Council, the Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel, the Head of Service Children in Care and Regeneration and Environment to discuss the issues raised with regard to the free leisure pass.
(3) That when the IRO review report was submitted in June that it include feedback on family time and focus on the child’s voice.
(4) That consideration be given to including a standard agenda item of an update from the Head of Safeguarding.
5. Looked After Children Council - December Update PDF 997 KB