Issue - meetings

Climate Change Action Plan and Annual Report

Meeting: 20/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 139)

139 Climate Change Action Plan and Annual Report pdf icon PDF 554 KB


Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




It is recommended that Cabinet:


1.    Approve the Climate Change Action Plan in Appendix 2 including nature crisis and adaptation actions, noting the key achievements and opportunities summarised in Appendix 1 and sections 2 and 5 of this report.


2.  ...  view the full agenda text for item 139

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report which identified opportunities for joint action on the climate and nature crises in 2023 and expanded the programme’s remit to include climate change adaptation and cohesion with a nature restoration programme.


The Council declared a climate emergency in October 2019. The report covered three  ...  view the full minutes text for item 139

Meeting: 15/03/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (Item 162)

162 Climate Change Action Plan and Annual Report pdf icon PDF 554 KB


Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




It is recommended that Cabinet:


1.    Approve the Climate Change Action Plan in Appendix 2 including nature crisis and adaptation actions, noting the key achievements and opportunities summarised in Appendix 1 and sections 2 and 5 of this report.


2.    Approve the Single Use Plastic Action Plan in Appendix 4.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy introduced the report and explained it was the annual updated on climate change. The report covered three main areas, it was a progress report indicating what had been delivered so far, it was an annual action plan for climate change along with including a specific plan covering single use plastic. 


The Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment introduced the other officers present and provided an overview of the report. This noted that the Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 which had led to a number of reports and action plans. The action plan had been split into three documents focusing on what had been done in terms of the progress on last year’s action plan. There was also a year ahead plan for climate change and a specific action plan for single use plastics.  A substantial amount of progress had been made in areas such as active travel, electric vehicle charging points and the delivery of a successful tree planting programme.


Actions undertaken regarding building decarbonisation had been successful with the retrofitting of 217 properties by housing and which was being carried out in other areas of the borough.  Progress had been made regarding single use plastics nothing that the Town Hall and the theatre was no longer using single use cups.


Lots of engagement was being undertaken, particularly with the Youth Cabinet who had maintained climate changes as one of their manifesto commitments for the year.


There were also a number of schemes being undertaken around climate adaptation, sighting the canal barrier at Forge Island, which would not only protect against climate change and flooding but included climate friendly concrete as part of the construction materials.


Actions for next year included further decarbonisation of council buildings, more retrofitting of the council’s housing stock and further action around single use plastics and electric vehicle charging points.  It also included the roll-out of the carbon literacy training for officers and Members.


The following points were raised in response to queries:

·       The caron literacy training would provide information around about what the carbon sources were.

·       Whilst the report discussed up to six electric vehicle (EV) charging points, it was noted that there were three available at the moment, with additional funding being secured. The existing three EV charging points had come in under budget. All options were being explored to increase the number of charging points.

·       The Improving Places Section Commission was undertaking a spotlight review into the Nature Crisis motion which overlapped with climate change.

·       The Council needed to consider its schemes as a whole, ensuring that measures were put in place that could be directly attributed to offset any carbon impact of construction projects.

·       It was felt that the Carbon Impact Assessments needed to contain more detail.

·       The carbon literacy training would be delivered through an e-learning platform.

·       Members were encouraged to feedback information on any local tree planting schemes so that it can be captured.

·       Information on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 162