141 Rothercard Review PDF 547 KB
To consider a report outlining the findings of the review of the Rothercard scheme and changes identified to deliver an improved Rothercard scheme.
Cabinet Portfolio: Social Inclusion
Strategic Directorate: Finance and Customer Services
Additional documents:
The Vice-Chair welcomed the Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion, the Strategic Director for Finance and Customer Services and the Assistant Director for Customer, Information and Digital Services to the meeting.
The Rothercard scheme was launched as an anti-poverty initiative in 1993 to prioritise support for Rotherham people living on a low-income by offering a discount on a range of Council services, as well as discounts on goods and leisure activities from a small number of other organisations. The current scheme had not been developed or promoted for some time which was likely to mean that some of the people who could most benefit from the scheme, were missing out. A review of the Rothercard scheme by a cross party Rothercard Working group had been completed. The findings from the review were set out in Appendix 1. The purpose of this report was to set out the changes identified from the outcome of the review, which, once implemented, would deliver an improved Rothercard scheme.
The Cabinet Member introduced the report and outlined that the work undertaken to maximise the benefits for those residents eligible. He thanked members of the working group for their contribution to the review.
The Assistant Director noted that the scheme was originally introduced in 1993 and had not been reviewed in some time in line with technological developments or relevance of the range of offers. Applications for Rothercard were logged in 2017 to gain an understanding of what it was being used for. The report set out proposals to be implemented from April 1, 2023. It was intended that the working group would be reconvened on an annual basis to ensure that the scheme evolved and remained relevant for those who needed it.
The Vice-Chair invited questions from the Board and a discussion on the following issues ensued:
Clarification was sought about how the scheme would be publicised. A suggestion was made to add it to ward newsletters and publicise via school networks, social media pages, housing information etc. It was outlined that it would be targeted at residents in receipt of Council Tax support, including people receiving state pension. It was noted that further promotion was planned with under 21s.
It was noted that disabled people were often less physically active than non-disabled people and if scheme eligibility was extended, whether this may incentivise disabled people’s access to leisure facilities. Further consideration would be given to how the scheme could be expanded and what discounts were available. A piece of work was being undertaken with Children and Young People’s Service to look at gaps in provisions and how these could be addressed. It was suggested that consideration could be given to extending eligibility automatically to those in receipt of Education, Care and Health Plans (EHCPs) or other Council services.
Plans to engage local with businesses to offer discounts were welcomed. Details were sought of whether there were plans to undertake discussions with neighbouring authorities to expand provision. It was noted that this may take ... view the full minutes text for item 141