143 Fleet Replacement Plan PDF 630 KB
Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.
That Cabinet:
1. Approves the approach to fleet replacement, which refreshes 35% of the current fleet by 2025/26 that works towards the Council’s strategic objective of achieving ‘Net Zero’ status by 2030, and Borough wide by 2040.
2. Notes the ... view the full agenda text for item 143
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report which considered options to implement a long-term phased approach to the procurement, operation, maintenance, replacement, and disposal of Council fleet vehicles, which were essential tools in delivering services across the Borough.
The report detailed the current vehicle assets owned or leased by the Council ... view the full minutes text for item 143
165 Fleet Replacement Plan PDF 630 KB
Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.
That Cabinet:
1. Approves the approach to fleet replacement, which refreshes 35% of the current fleet by 2025/26 that works towards the Council’s strategic objective of achieving ‘Net Zero’ status by 2030, and Borough wide by 2040.
2. Notes the intention to strengthen centralised fleet management, including Council-wide requests for additional vehicles, acquisition, disposal, maintenance and redeployment of assets to ensure best utilisation and value.
3. Delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the S.151 Officer, and Cabinet Member for Transport and the Environment to enter into the necessary procurement agreements to effect the delivery of the report objectives.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment introduced the report explaining the council had around 337 vehicles operating across a countless number of services and performing lots of different tasks. The proposal was to replace around 119 vehicles over the next two years, comprising of vehicles that did not meet the Euro 6 standard of emissions along with replacing those that costed a lot of money, which were principally those that were leased or on hire arrangements. It was an ambitious proposal as 64 of the vehicles would be battery/electric vehicles. This was an ever-evolving picture with the information considering the current market conditions.
In response to queries the following points were made:
· More and more people were moving to electric vehicles, in order to manage that particular type of waste, the team was working closes with colleagues in waste to ensure that disposal of any batteries was responsible and sustainable going forward.
· The Council had been selective, in terms of which vehicles it had identified for prioritisation, considering aspects such as range and reliability. The fleet replacement plan considered the models of vehicles that were emerging with stronger capabilities and mileage ranges.
· A factor that would be considered as part of a central approach to the fleet management would be to develop a policy around home charging facilities in the same way as other Council’s had adopted.
· It was acknowledged that the full life costs of an electric vehicle were likely to be more expensive however there was a need to focus on the climate benefits and take a blended, balanced approach, delivering the best value for money.
1. That Cabinet be advised that the following recommendations be supported.
That Cabinet:
1. Approves the approach to fleet replacement, which refreshes 35% of the current fleet by 2025/26 that works towards the Council’s strategic objective of achieving ‘Net Zero’ status by 2030, and Borough wide by 2040.
2. Notes the intention to strengthen centralised fleet management, including Council-wide requests for additional vehicles, acquisition, disposal, maintenance and redeployment of assets to ensure best utilisation and value.
3. Delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the S.151 Officer, and Cabinet Member for Transport and the Environment to enter into the necessary procurement agreements to effect the delivery of the report objectives.