Issue - meetings

External inspections, reviews, and audits update

Meeting: 07/08/2023 - Audit Committee (Item 9)

9 External inspections, reviews, and audits update pdf icon PDF 709 KB


Consideration was given to a report, presented by Tanya Lound, Corporate Improvement and Risk Officer, providing details of recent external inspections, reviews and audits as well as a summary of progress against the recommendations from all external inspections, reviews and audits setting out details of arrangements for ensuring the accountability and governance around their implementation. As previously requested by the Committee (Minute No. 66 of 10th January, 2023 refers), a rating system had been applied and included in the report.


Since the last report to Committee in January, 2023, 9 external inspections, reviews and audits had taken place resulting in 14 recommendations/areas for improvement 6 of which were complete and 8 in progress.  The outcome was not yet known for one of the audit reviews conducted.


In addition, 29 of the ongoing recommendations relating to external inspections, reviews and audits that took place prior to January 2023 were now completed, 47 were in progress, 5 of which were delayed, and 4 required no further action/did not require adjustment.  


The report included detail of progress being made in respect of the following specific areas and Directorates together with a verbal update on the outstanding recommendations:-


-        Children and Young People’s Services

-        Adult Care, Housing and Public Health

-        Regeneration and Environment Services

-        Finance and Customer Services

-        Assistant Chief Executive


It was also noted that the outcome of the Corporate Peer Challenge would be presented to Cabinet in September.


Monica Green, Assistant Director CYPS, was also in attendance to answer any specific questions relating to her areas of responsibility.


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised/clarified:-


·       The format of the submitted report was much improved

·       The Ofsted inspection framework did not allow for any children’s home to be anything other than Good in the first 12 months.  Liberty House was a short break facility

·       Work was taking/had taken place with the Youth Justice Service and assurance provided that the 13 areas of improvement had been completed

·       A report had been received regarding the Corporate Peer Challenge the findings of which were being worked through with the LGA.  An action plan was being developed and would be submitted with the final findings to Cabinet


Resolved:- (1)  That, the recent external inspections, reviews and audits which have taken place and the progress made relating to ongoing recommendations, be noted.


(2)  That the governance arrangements in place for monitoring and managing the recommendations be noted.


(3)  That regular reports continue to be submitted to the Audit Committee.

Meeting: 27/07/2023 - Audit Committee (Item 10.)

10. External inspections, reviews, and audits update pdf icon PDF 709 KB