Draft minutes

Governance Review Working Group - Friday 18 December 2015

No. Item


Executive Summary


Agenda Items:-

Confirmation of Preferred Model


Role of Area Assemblies

Members’ Training and Development


Agreed at the Meeting:-


That the Cabinet/Leader be the preferred governance model for Rotherham Council with a review carried out one year after operation as to its effectiveness and that of the scheme of delegation.


That for the first year the Cabinet should be the collection decision making body with no individual Executive Member decision making.


That a decision on the number of Members of the Council be deferred pending the 2016 Boundary Commission review.


That a report be submitted to the Group on 2 models of pre-scrutiny for consideration.


That further work by the Group take place on (i) the role of Area Boards and on member induction, appraisal and personal development and (ii) the number of scrutiny boards.