Venue: Oak House, Moorhead Way, Bramley, Rotherham S66 1YY
No. | Item |
PLEASE NOTE: A pre-meeting for Elected Members and Scrutiny Officers will be held in the Larch Room, Oak House at 2.30p.m. |
Introductions The Chair to welcome all attendees to the meeting and provide an opportunity for introductions. |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies of any Member or Commissioner who is unable to attend the meeting |
Questions from the Press and Public
To receive questions from members of the public who wish to ask a general question. The Chair has the discretion to allow a supplementary question which is related to either the initial question or the response provided to the initial question. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting - 3 April 2017 PDF 67 KB To note the minutes of the previous meeting of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 3 April 2017. Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest To invite Members to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or personal interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting, to confirm the nature of those interests and whether they intend to leave the meeting for the consideration of the item. |
Hospital Services Review PDF 26 KB To consider a briefing paper on Children’s Non Specialised Surgery and Anaesthesia from Tim Moorhead, Clinical Lead, Children’s and Maternity, South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Accountable Care System
Update on Hyper Acute Stroke Services PDF 23 KB To consider a briefing paper on Hyper Acute Stroke services from Lesley Smith (Lead for System Reform /Senior Responsible Officer for Hyper Acute Stroke, South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Accountable Care System
Review of JHOSC Terms of Reference PDF 35 KB To review the terms of reference for the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
Discussion regarding scrutiny arrangements for the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Sustainability and Transformation Plan To consider the approach for the ongoing scrutiny of the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Sustainability and Transformation Plan. |
Date and time of next meeting |