Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Housing and Environmental Services - Oct 2000 to May 2005 - Monday 24 May 2004 10.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Dawn Mitchell, 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


The Lanes - South Yorkshire Police Accommodation

Update on negotiations


Further to Minute No. 193 of 2nd February, 2004, the Head of Housing Services submitted a progress report on negotiations with South Yorkshire Police regarding their request for accommodation.


The Police had identified sufficient revenue funding and would be responsible for the rent and all other outgoings including business rates, utility rates and property insurance.  Housing Services would retain responsibility for repairs and maintenance.  The Police had also confirmed that they would provide an intruder alarm at the property and sufficient security measures to meet their needs from their own resources.


Resolved:-  That the proposal to rent The Lanes, East Dene, to South Yorkshire Police at the current standard rent be approved.


Private Rented Sector Landlord Accreditation Scheme


The Head of Housing Services submitted proposals for the introduction of a Private Rented Sector Landlord Accreditation Scheme.


The Scheme was intended to acknowledge and actively promote good standards and management practice by landlords in the private rented sector and to promote better understanding between landlords and tenants.  It would recognise and incentivise landlords who were committed to providing good quality, properly managed accommodation to rent.


It was proposed to introduce it initially in 2 pilot areas covering Brinsworth and the Eastwood and Springwell Gardens Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder.  It was intended to extend it Borough-wide following the 6 month pilot period.


The following points were highlighted:-


-           It was to be a property based Accreditation Scheme i.e. some landlords may meet the management requirements but not the fully property requirements

-           The Scheme would contribute to developing neighbourhoods, ensuring Decent Homes, renewing the housing market and providing fair access and choice

-           Landlords could lose their accreditation should their standards fall

-           Accreditation would be reviewed on a 3 yearly basis.


The Executive Director pointed out that the paper set out a model scheme from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.  There were many ways in which it could be developed during the pilot process with benefits to become the Rotherham standard.  At the moment a charge could not be imposed as the benefits to the private landlord were quite modest. 


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised:-


-           As part of the Service’s criteria bonds would be crucial.  If a landlord  was accredited it would be emphasised that they must clearly explain to the tenant and publicise their criteria of circumstances where the tenant may have to forfeit their bond

-           It was suggested that the Service could offer landlords an Independent Review Panel in light of the above.

-           3 years was too long between review of accreditation


Resolved:-  (1)  That the introduction of a Private Rented Sector Landlord Accreditation Scheme be approved.


(2)  That the Scheme be introduced initially for 6 months in 2 pilot areas covering Brinsworth and the Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder – Eastwood and Springwell Gardens.


(3)  That the Accreditation Scheme be extended Borough-wide after evaluation of the 6 months pilot.


(4)  That landlords’ accreditation be reviewed on an annual basis.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs, indicated below, of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs indicated below of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Central Station House, Manvers

(Exempt under Paragraphs 7 and 9 of the Act - financial affairs of another body/negotiation of terms)


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report highlighting the situation with regard to the above property.


The current tenants of Central Station House had been approached by Housing Services with regard to being rehoused due to a major road improvement and business development scheme being carried out which would affect the tenants.  The property was in need of major refurbishment


The tenants were elderly who had a large extended family that lived in the area.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the tenants be rehoused to a three bedroomed house in Wath upon Dearne and receive Home Loss and Disturbance Allowance payments.


(2)  That the property be demolished during any redevelopment of the site.


(Exempt under Paragraphs7 and 9 of the Act – financial affairs of another body/negotiation of terms)


Future to Nos. 48-52 Doncaster Road, Dalton

(Exempt under Paragraphs 7 and 9 of the Act - expenditure to be incurred/negotiation of terms)


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report considering the future of Nos. 48-52 Doncaster Road, Dalton, which were the last remaining properties on the estate.


Ward Members had met with officers on a regular basis and were aware of the current position regarding the properties and the development proposals  contained within the report.  The owner of the property had been informed of the proposals both verbally and in writing.


Mrs. Farmer, Head of General Law Group, advised on the options particularly taking into consideration the tenant’s human rights.  Any contravention of the Human Rights Act would have to consider whether or not the Cabinet Member was of the view that the proposed scheme and its benefits to the community as a whole outweighed the owner’s rights.


Resolved:-  That in considering:-


(1)       the 3 alternatives outlined in the report


(2)       that the environmental scheme will achieve an enhanced and improved appearance to one of Rotherham’s main gateways and provide an environmental area for local residents and


(3)       having taken into account Article 1 to the first Protocol and Article 8 of the convention on Human Rights Act, it is considered that there is a need to improve and sustain this area as a whole for the benefit of all residents:-


(a)       That the Council, in pursuance of its powers relating to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Section 226(1) Paragraph (A) agree the “Rotherham Borough Council” Doncaster Road Dalton Environmental Improvement Scheme CPO 2004 for the acquisition of No. 48 Doncaster Road, Dalton, required for the purpose of an environmental improvement scheme as shown on the plan submitted.


(b)       That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to affix the Council’s Common Seal to the Order, map and duplicate copies thereof.  That the Order be now submitted to the Secretary of State for confirmation.


(c)        That in parallel permission be given to the Head of Housing Services to pursue the possibility of assisting the owners of No. 48 Doncaster Road to purchase alternative accommodation or consider a land/property exchange taking into account legal advice and powers contained in the “Regulatory Reform Housing Assistance Order”.


(Exempt under Paragraph 7 and 9 of the Act – expenditure to be incurred/negotiation of terms)


Tender Report - Decent Homes Scheme at Middle Eastwood

(Exempt under Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Act – expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)


The Project Manager, Economic and Development Services, submitted a report seeking authority to accept a negotiated target cost tender for the work involved in the properties of the Decent Homes Schemes at Middle Eastwood.


The work was programmed for a start on site on 5th July, 2004, with a completion date of 8th November, 2004.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the target price tender of £863,056.77, submitted by Wates Construction Ltd., on 24th May, 2004, for Middle Eastwood, based on their Stage 1 tender for the Decent Homes Scheme Partnering Agreement, be accepted and a start be made subject to the conditions of contract being accepted.


(2)  That, in order to prevent any possible delays, it was not necessary to submit tender reports for the roll out of the Decent Homes Scheme provided that the contractors were working satisfactorily.  Should any reports be received of dissatisfaction, a report be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Housing and Environmental Services


(3)  That in view of (2) above, a progress report be submitted on a six monthly basis.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)