Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Housing and Environmental Services - Oct 2000 to May 2005 - Monday 28 February 2005 9.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Dawn Mitchell, 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Future of Tarran Properties, Maltby pdf icon PDF 57 KB

- to note the independent structural assessment and to re-affirm the previous decision

Additional documents:


34 residents of the Tarran Newland properties attended the meeting with apologies from a further 32 submitted.


In accordance with Minute No. 141 of 10th January, 2005, the Head of Neighbourhood Development submitted a report on the outcome of an independent structural assessment of non-traditional Tarran houses in Maltby and the costs associated with refurbishment and demolition.


Curtins Consulting Engineers were commissioned by the Council on 1st December, 2004, to undertake investigations of the Council-owned Tarran properties to assess the current structural condition and consider the options and costs for refurbishment and demolition.  They also considered the previously undertaken condition survey together with comments made by the Audit Commission.  Costs and recommendations had been prepared in respect of the following alternative options:-


A          Identify repair and upgrade works required for the properties to achieve full mortgageability status


B          Identify alternative repair schemes to achieve a limited form of mortgageable status (a limited number of building societies were prepared to offer mortgages on properties with a life span of approximately 30 years)


C          Identify repair and upgrade works required to ensure a life span of 30 years and satisfy the requirements of the Decent Homes Standard.


A copy of the consultants’ report was attached at Appendix A.


In financial terms, the costs of repair and refurbishment significantly exceeded the costs of demolition.  In addition, the Decent Homes Standard and CGU2000 Scheme offered no or limited mortgageability respectively, thus hindering the aspirations of tenants who may in future wish to exercise the right to buy.  The acquisition and demolition of the properties was the recommended option for ensuring the long term sustainability of the estate.


Advice was also obtained from Central Government and the Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber as to the availability of Government finance to assist with one or more of the options under consideration.  Government Office had confirmed that there were no Government grants available to assist with the costs of refurbishment.  It had, however, informed the Council of the potential availability of funds to assist with the purchase of former right to buy properties.  A Government scheme was available to purchase properties that had structural defects that restricted the owner’s ability to sell their property or limit the ability of a prospective purchaser obtaining a mortgage.  The Government may provide assistance with 35% of the total purchase costs subject to an annual excess of £50,000.


A question and answer session ensued where it was realised that tenants and residents had not been formally notified that this issue was to be discussed at the meeting.  The Cabinet Member felt that the issue should be deferred to enable all to be formally informed of the date of the meeting.


Resolved:-  (1)  That this issue be deferred. 


(2)  That all tenants and residents of the Tarran Newland properties be officially notified that this issue will be discussed at the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Environmental Services to be held on 14th  ...  view the full minutes text for item 166.


Employment Opportunity - People with a Learning Disability and the Gardens of Older People in Council Housing pdf icon PDF 34 KB

- to note the progress of the Scheme


The Director of Learning Disability Service submitted a report on the above Scheme which was a partnership between the Learning Disability Service, Adult Community Learning, Mencap, Housing Services, people with a learning disability and the Valley Partnership.  It had proved popular with customers and team members with 30 people having gained valuable employment opportunities and 250 gardens tended. 


The project was now to expand with the help of increased Single Regeneration Budget funding and the Valley Partnership.  The bid had centred on an all year round scheme and a Development Officer post.  The role of the Development Officer was to provide more work opportunities, develop systems and to look at future options of making the teams permanent, employment-based and self-sufficient organisations.


The amount of gardens to be tended within the Valley Partnership was not known but was believed to be over 1,000.  At present the project would be unable to take on that amount as well as the 400 requests that Housing Services received each year.  It was proposed, therefore, that the project continue with the 50 gardens nominated by Housing Services within the Valley Partnership and the rest dealt with by the traditional method of using outside contractors.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress of the Scheme be noted.


(2)  That a further report be submitted in 6 months on the viability of the Scheme.


Customer Satisfaction Survey - Refuse Collection and Recycling Service Contract 2002/08 pdf icon PDF 48 KB

- to note the content of the report

Additional documents:


The Waste Strategy Manager submitted a report on the second customer satisfaction survey undertaken on Waste Collection Services. 


The sample survey had been sent to 2,500 premises incorporating domestic and commercial waste collection, bulky items, blue box and green waste recycling collections and the paper recycling service.


945 responses (37%) had been received.  The results had been shared within the Waste Management Team to highlight the things done well and recognise areas of good performance.  They would be used to identify opportunities for service improvement and development where possible acting upon customer improvement suggestions.  The results would be discussed in detail with the waste paper collection service partner, Cutt’s Brothers, with the aim of driving continuous improvement in their service delivery.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the high level of customer satisfaction across all 6 Services be noted.


(2)  That the overall increase in customer satisfaction levels from the previous year be noted.


(3)  That the main service issues where action was required to continue to deliver service improvements be noted.


(4)  That a report be submitted on the options available for the kerbside waste paper collection service.


(5)  That a report be submitted on the possible disposal of window panes at household recycling centres.


Rehousing of Homeless Applicants pdf icon PDF 42 KB

- to note the report and the improved procedures


Pursuant to Minute No. 162 of December, 2003, the Community Services Manager submitted a report on the review that had been undertaken of the homeless waiting list.


The review of the Housing Register undertaken in December, 2003, had highlighted a significant number of outstanding homeless applicants awaiting rehousing.  The cases had been reviewed and contact made, wherever possible, by telephone/letter.  The number of applicants awaiting rehousing had now reduced to a core of approximately 300. 


Improved procedures had been established to assist with rehousing including:-


-              the establishment of a Resettlement Officer within the Prevention and Support Team

-              regular daily liaison with Allocation Officers at the Neighbourhood Offices

-              improved Nomination Agreements and Protocols with Registered Social Landlords which had resulted in increased numbers of vacancies being offered to homeless applicants

-              regular daily contact with Registered Social Landlords

-              joint working with relevant agencies e.g. Richochet Project, Robond, Action House, Rotherham Women’s Refuge

-              increased prevention work to reduce the number of homeless applicants through the use of the pilot family mediation scheme and increased housing advice

-              measures put into place to help maintain contact between Allocation Officers at the Neighbourhood Offices and homeless applicants.  All homeless applicants accepted for rehousing were issued with a Registration Card which must be stamped at their local Neighbourhood Housing Office on a monthly basis.


It was noted that a Government Circular issued last year had given local authorities more power and control over Registered Social Landlords and the realisation that homelessness was not just for the Council to resolve.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received and the improved procedures noted.


(2)  That the Community Services Manager be congratulated on the work undertaken by her with the Rotherham Women’s Refuge.


Homelessness Strategy 2003-08 - Current Progress against Action Plan pdf icon PDF 48 KB

- to note the progress to date against the Action Plan

Additional documents:


The Community Services Manager submitted a report on current progress against the action plan attached to the Homelessness Strategy 2003-08.


There had been limited opportunities for progress since the 2004 progress report due to the previous staffing levels/use of Agency staff within the Homelessness Team.  However, the situation had been addressed with the restructuring of the Community Services Unit and the establishment of the Prevention and Support Team.


However, there were a number of areas where significant progress had been made e.g. mediation, elimination of the use of bed and breakfast accommodation for families, development of furnished tenancies and ongoing monitoring was being undertaken to ensure that the progress was sustained.


There were also areas where progress was behind target which would be addressed by the newly formed team.  The Homelessness Team was now the Prevention and Support Team with the emphasis on preventing homelessness rather than the present reactive team.  The development of the Choice Based Lettings Scheme and the Housing Advice Team would also have a positive impact on the Homelessness Strategy.


In August 2004, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister published the results of an independent evaluation of local authorities’ Homelessness Strategies which had been carried out by Housing Quality Network Services.  Their overall assessment was that Rotherham’s Strategy was an inclusive document which reflected an extensive multi-agency approach and showed a clear picture of homelessness in the area.  It also identified a lack of direct consideration of the health needs of the homeless and the lack of identified involvement of homelessness staff within the review strategy process as areas of weakness.  They would be looked to be addressed within the next financial year.


Since April, 2004 to 25th February, 2005, 2,027 homeless people had presented themselves of which 1,000 had been given advice and a full investigation of 1,022.  Full duty had been fulfilled to 520.  That was the highest number for some time.  Homeless applicants were subject to a very rigorous procedure and were not fast tracked into Council accommodation. 


Resolved:-  That the report be received and the progress to date against the action plan be noted.


Proposed Fees and Charges Cemeteries and Crematorium pdf icon PDF 116 KB

- to approve the increase in fees effective from 1st April, 2005


Resolved:-  That the report be deferred until the 14th March, 2005.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs indicated below Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs, indicated below, of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Wath Regeneration Phase 6A Tender Report

(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)


The Projects and Partnership Manager, Economic and Development Services, submitted a report seeking authority to accept a negotiated tender submission for the environmental and highways works within Phase 6A of the Wath Neighbourhood Regeneration Scheme.


Resolved:-  That the negotiated tender figure of £620,493.11, dated 21st January, 2005, submitted by Bramall Construction for Wath Neighbourhood Regeneration Scheme Phase 6A environmental and highways works, be accepted.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – expenditure to be incurred)


Wath Regeneration Phase 7 - Tender Report

(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)


The Projects and Partnership Manager, Economic and Development Services,  submitted a report seeking authority to accept a negotiated tender submission for the refurbishment works within Phase 7 of the Wath Neighbourhood Regeneration Scheme.


Resolved:-  That the negotiated tender figure of £908,664.57, dated 21st January, 2005, submitted by Bramall Construction for Wath Neighbourhood Regeneration Scheme Phase 7 refurbishment works, be accepted.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – expenditure to be incurred)


Alley Gating Pilot Project

(negotiation of terms for the supply of services)


The Senior Regeneration Officer, Neighbourhoods, submitted a report proposing the introduction and implementation of an Alley Gating pilot project in partnership with South Yorkshire Police.


The implementation of alley gates, in partnership with the Police, would introduce additional measures that would assist in the neighbourhood management of communities in both public and private sector areas.  Such schemes have proven to be successful in helping to reduce burglary, crime, the fear of crime, preventing problems associated with drug and alcohol misuse, anti-social behaviour, prostitution and motor cross bike offenders.


It was proposed to initially install secure by design lockable gates to rear unadopted passages and some alleys which were intended solely for resident access rather than a main highway route.  Other problem areas in Council/private ownership would be gated with the required consent of all owners and necessary planning permissions.  It was for this reason, without the use of Stopping Up Orders, that a decision was being sought at higher management level.  The formation of a Policy would be required, if permission was given, to gate off adopted stairwells and rear alleys in partnership with the Police.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the proposals to carry out the pilot project in the areas defined in the report submitted be approved.


(3)  That the report be discussed with Heads of Service in Economic and Development Services to clarify the proposal to gate off adopted rear alleys and other designated areas affected by high crime and anti-social behaviour in partnership with South Yorkshire Police without the use of Stopping Up Orders.


(4)  That the DLO carry out future maintenance of the gates after the 12 month period and funding sought through the General Fund.


(Exempt under Paragraph 9 of the Act – negotiation of terms for the supply of services)


Cost Comparison for bringing Vacant Property Security 'In House'

(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)


The Head of Housing Services presented an assessment and comparison of the costs of bringing vacant property security in-house at the end of the current contract period. The contract expired on 30th September, 2005.


The current service provided security screening of properties and associated works using metal or plastic screens and doors, deglazing and glazing, net curtains, alarms to some dwellings and a 24 hour responsive service 365 days a year.  The rates for the current contact compared with estimated “in-house” rates were shown in Appendix 1 of the report submitted.


Resolved:-  That the continuation of the current arrangements to outsource the procurement of vacant property security be approved.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)


Repayment of Grant Monies

(Exempt under Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Act – services provided by the Council/financial assistance provided by the Council)


The Principal Housing Regeneration Officer submitted a report outlining a request received from a grant recipient who now wished to sell the property and had asked that consideration be given to the waiving of the grant conditions based on the disposal clauses of the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.


The grant recipient wished to sell the property due to a change in his medical circumstances.  In total £14,599.44 had been granted with no contribution from the recipient.


The Cabinet Member had the power to agree to a pro rata payment in accordance with the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (Section 45(2)).


Resolved:-  That a pro rata payment of the grant be required, assessed as £5,109.80, based on the criteria outlined as to the remaining number of years in the 5 year grant condition period.


(Exempt under Paragraphs 4, 5 and 8 of the Act – contains name and address of applicant who had received financial assistance from the Authority)


Commercial Waste Collection Review - Prices for 2005/06

(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)


The Waste Strategy Manager submitted a schedule of suggested charges for the collection and disposal of commercial waste and the introduction of a scheme for the separate collection of waste paper from commercial premises for recycling with effect from 1st April, 2005.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the proposed price changes be approved for implementation from 1st April, 2005.


(2)  That the introduction of separate collections of paper for recycling from commercial premises be noted.


(3)  That paladin bins be replaced with 1,100 litre wheeled bins.


(Exempt under Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Act – contractual and trading information)


Evening and Weekend Appointment System for Non-Emergency Projects

(Exempt under Paragraph 1 of the Act – employees of the Council)


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report on the Repairs and Maintenance Services provision and overall viability for evening and weekend appointments on non-emergency repairs for Council tenants and customers.


The piloting of the system was to start at the Going Local Area Depot in Rotherham North.  The Depot would align its working hours to the 4 day week agreement which would meet evening appointments within the contracted 37 hours for operational staff. 


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Repairs and Maintenance appointments system be extended to weekend and evenings for non-urgent repairs by August, 2005.


(2)  That the above be piloted at Rotherham North as part of a Going Local initiative with an evaluation being submitted in June/July, 2005.


(Exempt under Paragraph 1 of the Act – employees of the Council)


Sheltered Housing Schemes - Redevelopment Proposals

(Exempt under Paragraphs 3, 4 and 8 of the Act – accommodation provided by the Council/provision of services/expenditure to be incurred)


Resolved:-  That the matter be deferred to allow consultation with local Ward Members.


(Exempt under Paragraphs 3, 4 and 8 of the Act – accommodation provided by the Authority/services provided by the authority/expenditure to be incurred)