Agenda and minutes

Licensing Board - Wednesday 9 October 2013 9.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Hannah Etheridge, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest.


No Declarations of Interest were made. 


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th September 2013. pdf icon PDF 31 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Licensing Board held on Wednesday 11th September, 2013, were considered. 


Resolved: -  That the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as an accurate record for signature by the Chairman. 


Proprietor's request for Individual Exemption to Licensed Vehicle Conditions - Display of Plate/Licence Signage. pdf icon PDF 448 KB


·         Licensing Manager (Licensing Service, Housing and Neighbourhood Services, Neighbourhood and Adult Services) to report. 


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Licensing Manager (Licensing Service, Neighbourhood and Adult Services Directorate) concerning an application from the owner/proprietor of private hire vehicle “B15 AAB Jaguar XJ8” for permission to remove the Rotherham private hire identity plate and signage as he intended to work within the executive chauffeuring and wedding markets where it was a customer requirement that signage not be displayed. The applicant had been informed that, should the application be approved, they would be required to carry the licence identification plate and other signage in the vehicle’s boot or glove box with a letter of exemption.  Members noted that permission not to display such signs would constitute an exemption to Conditions 2 and 5 of the Vehicle Conditions of Licence.


The applicant, Mr. G.W., attended the meeting and was interviewed by the Board. 


The Licensing Board carefully considered the request as submitted. 


Resolved:- That permission be granted to the proprietor’s request for Individual Exemption to Licensed Vehicle Conditions, with the exception that the rear outside plate was always displayed on the vehicle.   


Exclusion of the Press and Public


The following items are likely to be considered in the absence of the Press and Public as being exempt under the Police Act 1997 and Paragraphs 3 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (business affairs and prevention of crime).


Resolved:- That the following items be considered in the absence of the press and the public as being exempt under the provisions of the Police Act 1997 and Paragraphs 3 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (business affairs and the prevention of crime).


Determination of Licensing Issues - House-to-House Collections.


·         Licensing Manager (Licensing Service, Housing and Neighbourhood Services, Neighbourhood and Adult Services) to report. 


Consideration was given to the report submitted by the Licensing Manager (Licensing Service, Neighbourhood and Adult Services Directorate) concerning the following applications for the grant of a licence to carry out house-to-house collections: -





Five Stars Appeal.

Whole of the Rotherham Borough.


Cancer Research and Genetics UK.

Whole of the Rotherham Borough.

30th September, 2013 – 29th September, 2014.


The Licensing Manager informed the Board that she had approached the Five Stars Appeal to request further information relating to the Charity’s financial and donation arrangements and provided a deadline in time for the October Licensing Board meeting.  No response had been received to this communication. 


The Licensing Board determined that they had enough information to consider the application at this Board meeting. 


Resolved:-  (1) That both applications as now submitted, be refused.


Applications for the Grant of Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Drivers' Licences.


·         Licensing Manager (Licensing Service, Housing and Neighbourhood Services, Neighbourhood and Adult Services) to report. 


The Licensing Board considered the report of the Licensing Manager (Licensing Service, Neighbourhood and Adult Services Directorate) relating to the application for the grant of hackney carriage / private hire drivers’ licences in respect of Messrs. P.D., Z.H. and M.Q.A..


 Messrs. P.D. and Z.H., and Mr. M.Q.A. and his representatives, attended the meeting and were interviewed by the Board.


Resolved: -  (1)  That the application for the grant of a hackney carriage / private hire driver’s licence in respect of Mr. P.D. be approved for a period of three years, subject to him passing the DSA driving test.


(2)  That the application for the grant of a hackney carriage / private hire driver’s licence in respect of Mr. Z.H. be refused. 


(3)  That the application for the grant of a hackney carriage / private hire driver’s licence in respect of Mr. M.Q.A. be approved for a period of one year, subject to him passing the DSA driving test and medical examination.


Date and time of next meeting -


·         Wednesday 13th November, to start at 9.30 a.m. in the Rotherham Town Hall. 


Resolved: -  That the next meeting of the Licensing Board take place on Wednesday 13th November, 2013, to start at 9.30 a.m. in the Rotherham Town Hall.