Agenda and minutes

Urgent Business, The Former Cabinet Member for Economic and Development Services - Oct 2000 to May 2005 - Tuesday 11 May 2004 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Janet Cromack, Committee Services 

No. Item

(It was noted that, in accordance with the Constitution, the Mayor, had authorised consideration of the following items as a matter of urgency in view of the need to submit the Council's views to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister by 21st May, 2004.)


Consultation Paper on Planning Policy Statement 1: Creating Sustainable Communities pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Forward Planning Manager to report.

-         to consider a summary of the key elements of the paper and consider a Council response.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Forward Planning Officer, relating to a report detailing the Government’s vision for planning and the key policies and principles which should underpin the planning system.


Members’ views on the proposals were sought.


It was explained that the paper was built around three themes:-


-                  sustainable development – the purpose of the planning system

-                  the spatial planning approach

-                  community involvement in planning


It was pointed out that the proposals formed part of the reform of the planning system, and were contained in the Government’s Green Paper “Planning:  delivering a fundamental change” published in December 2001.


Officers’ comments to the consultation paper were set out in the report and those present raised and discussed the following issues:-


-                  the Regional Assembly’s vision

-                  the need for more clarity and guidance to define spatial planning and the scope of the Local Development Framework

-                  the need for a vision for Rotherham

-                  role and involvement of the Local Economic Partnership

-                  the fact that timescales and targets were imposed by Government and were driving the process

-                  the tensions between more and better consultation, speedier decision making and meeting the prescribed deadlines

-                  demographic trends and changes in working patterns, lifestyles, culture and travel


Resolved:-  That the report be referred to the Cabinet and the Planning Board, and that the comments in the report form the basis of the Council’s response to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.


Community Involvement in Planning: The Government's Objectives pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Forward Planning Manager to report.

-         to inform Members of the Government’s vision for effective community involvement in planning.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Forward Planning Officer, relating to the Government’s vision for effective community involvement in planning, to promote a planning system which is transparent, accessible and accountable, and which effectively promotes public participation.


Reference was made to the following:-


-                  costs of participation

-                  complexities of many of the issues

-                  difficulties in identifying and reaching different groups

-                  domination by articulate groups

-                  significant concerns in achieving both more effective consultation and greater speed in the planning process


Members made reference to:-


-                  the influence of Regional planning which may overwrite local community views

-                  the short timescale involved i.e. 1/3 of the time allocated for the preparation of the UDP

-                  the confusing terminology used and confusing officer titles and roles

-                  the need for integration with the Community Strategy and Community Plans


Resolved:-  That the Government’s vision for effective community involvement in planning, as expressed in “Community Involvement in Planning:  The Government’s Objectives” be noted, and that the principles contained therein be supported and the issues and tensions arising be acknowledged.