Agenda and minutes

Delegated Powers, The Former Cabinet Member for Economic and Development Services - Oct 2000 to May 2005 - Monday 12 July 2004 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Janet Cromack, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Minutes of a meeting of the All Saints Square Working Party held on 18th June, 2004 pdf icon PDF 38 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of a meeting of the All Saints Square Working Party held on 18th June, 2004.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be received.


Thurcroft "Wheels to Work" Project pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Transportation Unit Manager to report.

-           to inform of the proposed Wheels to Work Project in Thurcroft.


The Transportation Unit Manager introduced Darren Hardwick, Transportation Planning Officer, and presented a report relating to plans to improve access to education and employment in Thurcroft through the introduction and implementation of a scooter loan scheme.


It was reported that the Thurcroft Community Conference held in October, 2003 had identified issues around difficulties in accessing training, education and employment using current public transport provision.


The proposed scheme would loan mopeds to members of the community to help improve employment prospects and access to other facilities.  The scheme would operate an interview process for applicants, and the initial loan would be for three months, followed by a further review.


The scheme would be funded through Objective 1 Measure 4a, with match funding from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Capital Programme, local employers and the Countryside Agency.  Advice, expertise and administrative support would be provided by Sheffield Community Transport.


It was acknowledged that there were safety and security issues and that riders on scooters were vulnerable road users.


Members referred to schemes in rural areas, and asked if the scheme would be extended to other parts of the Borough if the Thurcroft “Wheels to Work” project was successful.  It was reported that the scheme would be evaluated and that the project was not suitable for all areas.


Resolved:  (1)  That the proposal be endorsed.


(2)  That, following implementation, a further report be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet Member and Advisors for Economic and Development Services.


2003/2004 Activity Report for Economic Strategy Team pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Economic Strategy Manager to report.

-        to inform of the achievements and key activities of the Economic Strategy Team for 2003/04.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Economic Strategy Manager, relating to the achievements and key activities of the Economic Strategy Team for the period 2003/2004.


The report set out information for each of the work areas within the team.  Examples of successes and key activities were given for each of the functions.  It was pointed out however that much of the work carried out cut across all functions of the team.


It was also pointed out that the work included management of both SRB and CERB budgets and projects.


Reference was made to a summary of outputs achieved and determined by the performance indicators in the Team Action Plan for 2003/2004.


Members made reference to the following:-


-           involvement in the development of rural areas

-           Join-in project

-           Community Football Development Programme

-           Valley Links Taxi Bus


The Chairman outlined briefly the operation of the Valley Links Taxi Bus, and the Economic Strategy Manager agreed to provide further information for Members on the projects listed above.


Resolved:-  That the activities and achievements of the Economic Strategy Team for 2003/2004 be noted.


UDP Review Members' Steering Group pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Senior Planner to report.

-           to consider the future role and constitution of the Steering Group.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Forward Planning Manager, relating to the future role and constitution of the Unitary Development Plan Review Members’ Steering Group, in the light of the requirement to prepare a Local Development Framework under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


The report outlined proposed reporting and decision making arrangements to assist in the preparation of the new planning framework which was due to commence in September, 2004.


It was stressed that the target date for the production and adoption of the Local Development Framework was March 2007.


Reference was made to the new legislation and to gradual introduction of revisions to Planning Policies and Guidance etc. 


It was pointed out that the Council had six months in which to secure Government Office approval of a Local Development Scheme setting out the specific documents to be contained in the LDF and a project plan for their achievement by the adoption target date.


It was also pointed out that the process would be monitored and an annual report would be needed and this would be used to determine the level of Planning Development Grant for the Council.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the proposals for enhancing the role and constitution of the Steering Group, as set out in the report now submitted, be supported in principle.


(2)  That the Head of Planning and Transportation Service produce a further detailed document clarifying the proposals and specifying the suggested links and the report be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration.




Consideration was given to attendance at the following:-


Local Government Association Conference – Annual Economic Regeneration Conference 2004 – 26th to 28th October, 2004 – Bristol.


Resolved:-  (1)  That approval be given to the attendance of two Councillors.


Planning and Probity – A Seminar for Local Government – 15th July, 2004 – Warrington.


Resolved:-  (2)  That Councillor Pickering be authorised to attend.


Association of Public Service Excellence – Annual Seminar 2004 – A Celebration of Excellence – 7th to 10th September, 2004 – Plymouth


Resolved:-  (3)  That approval be given to the attendance of two Councillors.