Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Economic and Development Services - Oct 2000 to May 2005 - Monday 18 October 2004 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Bailey House, Rawmarsh Road, Rotherham

Contact: Janet Cromack, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Minutes of a meeting of the Rotherham Local Development Framework Steering Group pdf icon PDF 138 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of a meeting of the Rotherham Local Development Framework Steering Group held on 24th September, 2004.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be received.


Minutes of a meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel held on 16th July, 2004 pdf icon PDF 90 KB


It was noted that these minutes had been considered at the meeting held on 9th August, 2004.


Promotion of Travel Plans to Businesses in Rotherham pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Transportation Unit Manager to report.

-         to report to Members on the promoting the uptake of Travel Plans amongst existing businesses.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to a proposal to promote the uptake of Travel Plans and associated measures by Rotherham companies.


Consideration was given to the employment of a public relations company to manage a campaign to promote the uptake of grants for the provision of facilities and materials to encourage sustainable transport choices.


It was reported that the proposal would be funded from existing budgets in the Local Transport Plan, and would cover the following areas of work:-


Campaign branding

Promotional literature

Promotional materials

Display material

PR campaign over a period of six months


Campaign management


Consideration was also given to a proposal to offer grants to companies wishing to improve their staff’s access to sustainable transport e.g. for the provision of cycle lockers, remarking car parking for car sharers.  It was also envisaged that the production of a video promotion of the Council’s Travel Plan would be included in the contract.


Members asked how the effectiveness of the proposed measures would be monitored.


It was also reported that consultations would take place with officers in RiDO to examine ways of linking this initiative into their work to promote businesses in Rotherham.


Resolved:-  (1)  That approval be given to tender for relevant Public Relations services, including the provision of promotional materials and information packs, and that the contract be awarded to the preferred bidder based on the criteria outlined in this report.


(2)  That, in order to maximise the use of resources, further discussions take place with RiDO to explore ways of moving this forward together.


Local Authority Business Growth Incentives - ODPM 2nd Consultation Paper pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Economic Strategy Manager to report.

-         to inform Members of the 2nd consultation paper issued by the ODPM and to seek approval for the RMBC response.



Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Economic Strategy Manager, relating to the second consultation paper issued by the ODPM which proposed a Local Authority Business Growth Incentives Scheme.


The aim of the scheme was to give local authorities an incentive to maximise local economic growth by allowing them to receive a proportion of increase in local business rate revenues to spend on their own priorities.


Details of how the scheme would operate were set out in the report and further explanation was given by the Senior Accountant regarding the terminology.


Consideration was given to a suggested Council response which was appended to the report.  It was pointed out that the document lacked detail about how the Council might maximised the benefits of the scheme in partnership with businesses when it was in place and Members requested a further report on this issue.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the contents of the consultation paper and implications for the Council be noted.


(2)  That the proposed response to the consultation be supported.


(3) That an update report be presented to a future meeting.



Town Centre, Drunken Pedestrian Accidents - Beer mat and Poster Campaign pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Schemes and Partnerships Manager to report.

-                  to report of the proposed campaign.


(Please note:  copies of the proposed beermat and poster are not available electronically.)


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, relating to a proposal to conduct a publicity campaign to highlight to town centre drinkers the dangers of drunken walking, which would include a beer mat and poster being placed in around twenty town centre pubs and bars


The proposal was part of the Local Public Service Agreement that the Council had negotiated in which one of the targets was to achieve a planned reduction in the number of people, including children, killed or seriously injured on Rotherham’s roads one year before the target year of 2006.


Reference was made to the injury accident statistics for Main Street over a three year period.  It was pointed out that the majority of the pedestrian injury accidents involved drunken male pedestrians.  Reference was also made to the time of day and days of the week on which accidents occurred.


It was pointed out that it was not possible to put engineering solutions in place to tackle this issue and reference was made to the national target to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured.


Members expressed their support for the proposal and added that Licensees needed to be involved in order to ensure that the scheme was effective, and that they should be asked to make a contribution towards the cost.


It was pointed out that the beer mats and posters would be in premises before Christmas 2004.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the publicity campaign be supported.


(2)  That the scheme be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme for 2004/2005.


(3)  That the scheme be discussed with the Licensed Victuallers Association.


Barnsley Road, Wath - Proposed Traffic Calming pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Schemes and Partnerships Manager to report.

-                  to consider a proposed traffic calming scheme and speed limit on Barnsley Road, Wath.


(Please note that the plan referred to is not available electronically.)

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 195 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic and Development Services held on 20th September, 2002 consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, relating to a proposal to introduce traffic calming measures along Barnsley Road, Wath.


Details of the proposals were set out in the report and illustrated on Drawing No.  129/0409/SK/01 appended to the report.  It was reported that the current proposal comprised of a combination of three schemes:-


-                       a double mini roundabout at the junction with Barnsley Road (this scheme had been approved previously and been put on hold until the whole of the Sector had been assessed)

-                       a mini roundabout at the junction with Melton High Street

-                       a series of traffic calming measures along Barnsley Road


It was pointed out that the aim of the scheme was to improve road safety and to reduce the speed limit from 40 mph to 30 mph.


Funding for the scheme was available from the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan 2004/2005.


It was pointed out that a record should be made of the consultation undertaken.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the necessary consultations be undertaken regarding the proposed scheme, and that the consultations be recorded.


(2)  That approval be given to the detailed design being carried out and, subject to no objections being received, the scheme be implemented.


(3)  That the scheme be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme for 2004/2005.


Winter Service 2004/2005 pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Network Manager to report.

-         to consider a revised policy following legislative change.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Streetpride Network Principal Engineer, relating to the change in the Council’s statutory duty relating to highways maintenance due to the amendment of the Highways Act 1980 by Section 111 of the Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003.


Members were referred to the statement in the report that the amended section stated “In particular, a Highway Authority are under a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable that safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow and ice”, and it was pointed out that the use of the word “highway” applied the duty to all highway surfaces including footways and cycleways.


Reference was made to the current schedule of salting routes, including main traffic routes, public transport routes and roads linking rural communities. It was reported that in the light of the legislative changes an evaluation had been undertaken on the practicality for pre-treatment of the busiest sections of footway.


Consideration was therefore given to proposed amendments to the existing Winter Maintenance Policy and a revised Statement of Winter Maintenance was appended to the report, together with a list of the busier sections of footway throughout the Borough.


Resolved:-  That the Statement of Winter Maintenance, as appended to the report now submitted, be approved as the basis for future Winter Services.


(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following item in order for places at the conference to be booked)



-        to consider the nomination from the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel to attend the following:-


Local Government Association - Annual Economic Regeneration Conference, 26th to 28th October, 2004 - Bristol


Consideration was given to attendance at the following conference:-


Local Government Association – Annual Economic Regeneration Conference – 26th to 28th October, 2004 - Bristol


It was reported that the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel had proposed the attendance of Councillor Swift.


Resolved:-  That approval be given for the attendance of two Councillors – Councillors Pickering and Swift.



The following items are likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under the paragraphs, indicated below, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:-


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs indicated below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Orgreave Community Gain Fund

Head of Planning and Transportation Service to report.

-                  to report the procedure for the release of monies.

(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – report relates to financial information)


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Minerals and Waste Officer, relating to a proposed procedure for the release of monies from the Orgreave Community Gain Fund.


The background to the setting up of the Fund was explained, together with the current position.   Particular reference was made to the request in September 2003 by British Coal to extend the timescale of the original permission at Orgreave by an additional four years to allow coaling to continue on the site beyond the agreed end date.  It was reported that this had led to an additional contribution to the community fund being secured.


The report detailed the current total value of the Fund.


Members were asked to consider a procedure for the allocation of the Fund.


Members referred to the original agreement and the previous allocation of the Fund.  The view was expressed that a further tranche should be allocated to the Parish Councils in line with the existing criteria with the remaining Fund to be bid for by other group.


Resolved:-  That consideration be deferred and a further report, taking into account the views now expressed, be submitted to a future meeting.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – report related to financial procedures)


Retail and Leisure Study

Head of Planning and Transportation Service to report.

-                  to endorse the use of the Retail and Leisure Study in determining planning applications and making other planning decisions and to refer the report to Cabinet for endorsement.

(Exempt under Paragraph 9 of the Act – land and property issues)


Further to Minute No.  89 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic and Development Services held on 4th October, 2004, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Head of Planning and Transportation Service, relating to a summary of the findings and recommendations of the Rotherham Retail and Leisure Study.


It was reported that reference to developments in the Dearne Valley, in particularly Express Park, had now been incorporated into the report.  Early feedback on the study from Consultants was positive.  However, it was pointed out that the study had looked at Rotherham in isolation but it was acknowledged that the Dearne Valley was on the boundaries of both Barnsley and Doncaster also.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the use of the Retail and Leisure Study, as now amended, in determining planning applications and making other planning decisions be supported.


(2)  That the report be referred to the Cabinet for endorsement.


(Exempt under Paragraph 9 of the Act – report referred to land and property issues)


Streetpride: Budgetary Pressures for 2005/2006

Head of Streetpride to report.

-                  to outline future pressures on the Streetpride budget and options for future Highway Service Improvements.

(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – report contains to financial information)


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Head of Streetpride Service, relating to a number of areas where budget pressures were impacting on the effective delivery of highway maintenance and other Streetpride services, and also preventing the service meeting the expectations of highway users.


Reference was made to the success of the initiative and to the continually increasing demand for the service over the past eighteen months of its operation.


Members’ attention was drawn to resource implications including:-


-                   the reduced percentage of revenue funds committed to the maintenance of the actual highway fabric

-                   reduction in Neighbourhood Renewal Funding (impact on graffiti team and street cleaning)

-                   winter service demands

-                   Landfill Tax increases

-                   Sustainability of growth items provided as one-off in 2004/2005 e.g. graffiti removal


It was also reported that the 8th Reachout Survey had recorded concern about the condition of highways and footways throughout the Borough.


It was also pointed out that the most relevant BVPI’s were currently well below the “all England” upper quartile performance.


The implications of a stand-still budget were highlighted, and the case was argued for additional funding for the Service.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the content of the report be used to influence the Council’s budget setting for 2005/2006.


(2)  That the report be submitted to the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for information.


(3)  That the report be submitted to the Corporate Management Team for information.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – report contained financial information)