Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Economic and Development Services - Oct 2000 to May 2005 - Monday 20 December 2004 9.00 a.m.

Venue: 3rd Floor conference room, Bailey House, Rawmarsh Road, Rotherham

Contact: Democratic Services Manager 

No. Item


Minutes of a meeting of the Rotherham Local Development Framework Steering Group held on 29th November, 2004


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting of the Rotherham Local Development Framework Steering Group held on 29th November, 2004.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be received.


Minutes of the meeting of the International Links and Town Twinning Committee held on 3rd December, 2004


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting of the International

Links and Town Twinning Committee held on 3rd December, 2004.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be received.


Objection to Proposed Waiting Restrictions - Mendip Rise, Brinsworth

Schemes and Partnerships Manager to report

-           to recommend that waiting restrictions are not introduced.


Further to Minute No. 245 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member held on 11th November, 2002, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, relating to the receipt of two letters of objection to a proposed “no waiting at any time” restriction on Mendip Rise, Brinsworth.


Resolved:-  That consideration be deferred pending a site visit together with Ward Councillors.


A57 Worksop Road - Proposed Road Safety Scheme

Schemes and Partnership Manager to report.

-        to inform Members of the proposal to implement a road safety scheme on the A57 between Todwick Crossroads and the Worksop boundary.



Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, relating to a proposal to implement a road safety scheme on a section of the A57, between Todwick Crossroads and the Worksop boundary.


Details of the scheme, including improved signing and lining, the introduction of more cats’ eyes, a reduction in the speed limit on certain parts of the A57 and alterations to the signals at Anston Crossroads, were illustrated on Drawing No. 129/U97/3, which had been made available in the Members’ Room prior to the meeting.


Details of the cost of the scheme were given in the report, and it was noted that funding would be available from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme for 2005/2006.


Members asked if consideration could be given to the installation of red light cameras as well.


Resolved:-  (1)  That approval be given for the necessary consultations to be undertaken regarding the proposed scheme.


(2)  That approval be given for the detailed design to be carried out and, subject to no objections being received, the scheme be implemented.


(3)  That the scheme be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme for 2005/2006.


Broom Lane Road Safety Scheme

Schemes and Partnerships Manager to report.

-           to report results survey and to recommend a traffic calming scheme.


Further to Minute No.  318 of the meeting held on 20th January, 2003 and Minute No. 397 of 9th June, 2004, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, relating to the results of recent speed surveys on Broom Lane, and to ask consideration that a traffic calming scheme be installed.


The results of an automated speed survey and four spot surveys were reported and it was assessed that in the area to the east of Grange Road the speed had not reduced appropriately.


Consideration was therefore given to a proposal to install a traffic calming scheme in the area adjacent to the proposed zebra crossing on the stretch of Broom Lane where speeds were inappropriate with a 30 mph limit.  Details of the scheme were given and illustrated on Drawing No.  129/B6410.1/TC/B/01 accompanying the report.


Details of the cost and proposed funding were reported.


Resolved:-  (1)  That approval be given for the detailed design to be carried out and the scheme be implemented.


(2)  That Ward Members and residents be informed of the proposed works.


(3)  That the scheme be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme for 2004/2005.


Provision of Pedestrian Crossing Improvement Scheme - Barbers Avenue Rawmarsh

Schemes and Partnerships Manager to report.

-        to report on removal of existing footway buildouts and implementation of pedestrian refuges.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, relating to a number of requests for pedestrian crossing facilities on Barbers Avenue, Rawmarsh.


It was reported that investigation of the injury accident database had revealed that 5 out of 6 injury accidents had involved pedestrians. 


Consideration was therefore given to the provision of central refuges to assist pedestrians to cross Barbers Avenue, and the proposed scheme aimed to provide a series of refuges located where the existing build outs were located.


Members discussed the locations illustrated on the plan provided (Drawing No.  126/11) and suggested that further consideration be given to Location A in the vicinity of Rockcliffe Road.


Resolved:-  (1)  That, subject to further consideration of the provision of pedestrian facilities at Location A, approval be given for a scheme to improve pedestrian safety on Barbers Avenue.


(2)  That subject to satisfactory outcome of further investigation and consultation, the scheme be implemented.


(3)  That the scheme be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Plan for 2005/2006.


Scholes Lane, Scholes - Objections to Proposed Speed Limit Alteration

Schemes and Partnership Manager to report.

-           to report two objections received to proposal to increase speed limit.


Further to Minute No. 237 of the meeting held on 19th January, 2004, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, detailing two letters of objection that had been received from residents on Scholes Lane, relating to the proposal to increase the speed limit from 30 mph to 40 mph.


Details of the objections were set out in the report, together with the Schemes and Partnerships Manager’s responses to each of the points made.


It was explained that the proposal to increase the speed limit along the semi rural section of the road would also provide an opportunity to create a village gateway at the entry point into Scholes Village using 30 mph signage.


Resolved:  (1)  That the objections be not acceded to and the objectors informed of the decision.


(2)  That the Traffic Regulation Order be made and the scheme be implemented.


Appointment of a Traffic Manager under the Traffic Management Act 2004

Transportation Unit Manager to report.

-        to inform Members of the duty of the Council to appoint a Traffic Manager under the Traffic Management Act 2004.



Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Head of Planning and Transportation, relating to the requirement under the above legislation to appoint a Traffic Manager.


The report set out a brief summary of the requirements of the Act and of the duties and responsibilities of the Traffic Manager.  It was pointed out that it was not intended that a new post be created, and that following discussions between the relevant Services, it was considered that the responsibilities should rest with the Head of Streetpride.


Members raised a variety of issues in relation to this proposal, and asked for information as to how other Local Authorities were making this appointment.


Resolved:-  (1)  That consideration be deferred pending further information being obtained as to how other Local Authorities were making this appointment.


(2)  That the outcome of the above investigation be included in a report on the Delivery of the Local Transport Plan and review of functions of the Planning and Transportation Service and the Streetpride Service, which was to be submitted to a future meeting.


(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following two items in order to progress the matters referred to.)


Highways Works Hellaby A631/M18 Junction 1


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, relating to amendments to the proposed scheme of off site highway works at the above junction, and in particular the following two issues:-


(i)         amendments to the highway improvement scheme being implemented by the Highways Agency, on the northbound exit slip road and the circulatory carriageway of the roundabout, which included provision for pedestrians to cross by means of a “Green Man” facility and the requirement for the signals to be operational full time.


(ii)        a proposal to convert the footway adjacent to the westbound carriageway to a shared use cycle/footway.  This would involve the raising of the height of the bridge parapet.


It was noted that there were good reasons in this instance to provide off carriageway cycling facilities due to the limited width of carriageway available on the motorway overbridge.


Further details of each issue were set out in the report, together with the proposed works.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the amendments to the scheme as now reported be noted.


(2)  That authorisation be given for the Head of Streetpride to exercise his delegated powers for the footway conversions, subject to the raising of the height of the bridge parapet, in accordance with the recommendations of the JMP Consulting interim safety audit.


Progress on the Regional Spatial Strategy


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Head of Planning and Transportation, updating Members on the current progress of the development of the Regional Spatial Strategy.


Reference was made to the background to the development of this document and to its importance across the whole of South Yorkshire and in particular in relation to the production of Rotherham’s Local Development Framework document, which would replace the current Unitary Development Plan.


It was pointed out that there was a pre-draft consultation period which required feedback by February 2005, prior to the preparation of a draft RSS by the April 2005 target date for consultation and submission to Government.


Reference was also made to other strategic documents e.g. the Northern Way and the Lower Don Valley Masterplan.


It was pointed out that core documents should be distributed by Christmas 2004 and topic papers on housing and employment land figures in January 2005.


Members discussed the most appropriate means of ensuring appropriate participation.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the update be received.


(2) That arrangements be made for an all Member Seminar, prior to consideration of the Council’s response by the Cabinet.



The following item is likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under Paragraph 9, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:-


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs indicated below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Design Coding Update

J. Bloy and T. Bell to report.

-           to inform Members of progress and future issues.

(Exempt under Paragraph 9 of the Act – contains contractual information)


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Implementation Team Leader, RIDO, relating to the progress being made against the current programme.


The report covered the following giving details of the current progress, timescales, reporting/funding mechanisms and next steps:-


-                  Town Centre ADF:- Housing Demonstrator Zone Feasibility Study, including All Saints and Imperial Buildings.


-                  Special Purpose Vehicle Study


-                  Living Over the Shops Study


-                  Strategic Site Acquisitions


-                  Design Coding


-                  Peripheral ADF’s:-  East;  West;  Parkgate and Rawmarsh; Wath and Swinton


Members questioned whether the Pathfinder included provision to recognise the importance of gateways/entrances to the peripheral ADF’s and it was reported that it was proposed to produce a Gateway Action Plan which would cover every entrance into the Borough.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the information be received and approval be given to the next steps to be taken.


(2)  That further updates on the Housing Market Renewal and Design Coding be presented to Members as and when material issues arose.