Agenda and minutes

EDS, The Former Cabinet Member for Economic and Development Services - Oct 2000 to May 2005 - Wednesday 1 September 2004 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Opening of Tenders

-         to note the action of the Cabinet Member, Finance and Resources.


Resolved:-  That the action of the Cabinet Member, Finance and Resources (as substitute for the Cabinet Member, Economic and Development Services) on 16th August, 2004, in opening the tenders received for the following scheme be recorded:-


-           Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan for the Westgate Housing Market Renewal Demonstrator Pathfinder.


Rotherham to Sheffield Quality Bus Corridor - A6178 Sheffield Road, Templeborough - Proposed Highway Works

Schemes and Partnerships Manager to report.

-         to report a proposal aimed at improving access to and from the bus on Sheffield Road.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, relating to a proposal to improve access to and from the bus on Sheffield Road, Templeborough, on the Rotherham to Sheffield Quality Bus Corridor.


The proposed measures were illustrated on Drawing No.  122/QBC/SK/01, and included constructing bus boarders, pedestrian islands and replacing the existing flat top road humps with speed cushions.  It was pointed out that the proposed measures would bring existing bus stops up to the benchmark standard and provide new stops in certain locations.


Details of the proposed consultation to be undertaken were set out in the report.


The proposals would be funded jointly by South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive and from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme for 2004/2005.


The proposals were in line with the Council’s policy of improving road safety and encouraging a modal shift from the private car to public transport.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the necessary consultations be undertaken regarding the proposals.


(2)  That authority be given for the detailed design to be carried out and, subject to no objections being received, the scheme be implemented.


(3)  That the scheme be funded by South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive together with a contribution from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme for 2004/2005.


Rotherham to Thrybergh Quality Bus Corridor - A630 Doncaster Road, Thrybergh - Proposed Highway Works

Schemes and Partnerships Manager to report.

-         to report a proposal aimed at improving access to and from the bus on Doncaster Road, Thrybergh.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Schemes and Partnerships Manager, relating to a proposal to improve access to and from the bus on Doncaster Road, Thrybergh on the Rotherham to Thrybergh Quality Bus Corridor.


Details of the proposals were illustrated on Drawing No. 122/A630/SK/01, including the narrowing of Doncaster Road in front of St Leonard’s Church, together with the construction of two pedestrian islands.


Reference was made to correspondence received from Fullerton C of E Primary School for Year 6 pupils who had expressed concern about crossing the road to the Church.


Details of the proposed consultation to be undertaken were set out in the report.  Ward Members present welcomed the proposals.


The proposals were in line with the Council’s policy of improving road safety by reducing the speed of vehicles and giving more priority to the bus thus encouraging a modal shift from the private car to public transport.


The scheme would be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme 2004/2005.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the necessary consultations be undertaken regarding the proposals.


(2)  That authority be given for the detailed design to be carried out and, subject to no objections being received, the scheme be implemented.


(3)  That the scheme be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme for 2004/2005.


South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan - Annual Progress Report 2003/2004: Summary and Analysis

Local Transport Plan Delivery Manager to report.

-         to receive the report.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to the recent publication of the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan Annual Progress Report 2003/2004, which outlined progress being made towards the objectives of the Local Transport Plan.  The report also set out in summary Rotherham’s performance in 2003/2004 and contribution to the major themes of the Plan.


An Executive Summary of the Annual Progress Report was appended to the report and Members were advised that the full document was available on the Council’s Website and on CDRom.


Members’ attention was drawn to the following:-


-                   the road safety element and Rotherham’s performance in 2003/2004 compared to the County-wide position

-                   progress against targets and the percentage of indicators not on track

-                   proposals to be implemented to improve performance

-                   public transport issues including passenger satisfaction, bus reliability, timetabling, journey times etc


The Head of Planning and Transportation Service reported on the County-wide working relationship that was being developed, new staff appointments to co-ordinate strategies and improve performance, and the work of the Strategic Leadership group in looking at cross cutting issues.  It was also reported that the Council was working closely with the major bus operators on initiatives to improve bus usage in the longer term.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received and the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan Annual Progress Report 2003/2004 be noted.


(2)  That the report be referred for information to the Cabinet and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel.


Funding for the Council's Travel Plan

Head of Planning and Transportation to report.

-         to consider funding the initiatives from the Planning Delivery Grant.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to measures to be funded as part of the delivery of the Council’s Travel Plan.


It was pointed out that due to problems with funding sources some initiatives contained within the Council’s Travel Plan had been slow to be implemented.


Members considered Appendix A which set out a range of projects which could be implemented quickly and which would represent a visible affirmation of the Council’s commitment to sustainable transport.  Details of the proposed spend on these projects was set out in an accompanying table.  The rationale of each proposal was also detailed in the Appendix.


The proposals were aimed at reducing the reliance on the private car and promoting public transport.


Members raised the issue of the difficulty in providing facilities for persons with a disability as part of the Travel Plan, and reference was made to initiatives such as public transport information, first day saver tickets, changing facilities etc.


Reference was also made to the use of motorised scooters by people with mobility problems and the Head of Planning and Transportation Services advised Members of the problems associated with their use as a means of transport. 


Members discussed the value for money of the proposed electric bikes for use by Environmental Wardens and asked if consideration could also be given to electric scooters.


Resolved:-  That authority be given for the initiatives to be funded from the Planning Delivery Grant and officers be authorised to implement the initiatives (as set out in Appendix A to the report) on a Council-wide basis to enhance the effectiveness of the Travel Plan.


Streetpride Performance Response Times

Head of Streetpride to report.

-         to consider Streetpride’s performance response times for the second quarter 2004.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Head of Streetpride Service, relating to the results of Streetpride’s performance response times for the second quarter – April, May and June,  2004.


It was pointed out that the statistics indicated a continuing improvement compared to the previous quarter.


However, Members’ attention was drawn to five specific targets, out of a total of twenty six,  which were not being met 100% of the time.


Action to address these areas of service to improve performance was outlined.  It was emphasised that the cost incurred in meeting these response times was contained within existing budgets.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That Streetpride continue to monitor performance response times and report to the Cabinet Member quarterly.


Revenue, Fee Billing and Trading Budget Monitoring Report for 2004/2005

Executive Director to report.

-         to consider the performance against budget.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Executive Director, Economic and Development Services, detailing the performance against budget for the Economic and Development Services Programme Area Revenue, Fee Billing and Trading budgets for the period April to July 2004/2005.


It was reported that at this stage in the financial year the overall position showed a projected break-even position.  However budget pressures were being identified and these were detailed in the report.  Members were advised that officers were taking appropriate action to ensure that spending was maintained in line with budget expectations.


Attention was draw to the following:-


-                   RiDO – emerging cost pressures re:  Commercial properties portfolio

-                   Asset Management – emerging cost pressures re:  office accommodation

-                   Streetpride – emerging pressures for 2005/2006 re:  further improvement and development of the service;  Grounds Maintenance contract.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the anticipated outturn position for the Economic and Development Services Programme Area Budget be noted.


(2)  That the report be referred to the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for information.


Consultation Drafts of DfT Local Transport Notes

1/04 – Policy, Planning and Design for Walking and Cycling




2/04 – Adjacent and Shared Use Facilities for Pedestrians and Cyclists.


Transportation Unit Manager to report.

-         to approve the consultation responses.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to the development of Local Transport Notes 1/04 (Policy, Planning and Design for Walking and Cycling) and 2/04 (Adjacent and Shared Use Facilities for Pedestrians and Cyclists) to make the planning and provision of cycling and walking infrastructure more consistent at a national and local level.


Members were advised that the DfT was consulting on the above draft versions, and consideration was given to a proposed response (set out in Appendix A to the report).


It was reported that the Council’s Access Officer was concerned that the advice in the LTN’s fell short of what was required to ensure that shared use cycling and walking facilities were safe for disabled, and after consulting with disabled people via the Council supported Access Liaison Group the Access Officer had suggested a supplementary “Rotherham Standard for Cycling and Walking Facilities”.  (The proposal was set out in Appendix B to the report.)  Full correspondence and documentation from the Council’s Access Officer was made available at the meeting.


Members sought clarification of the following:-


-                  who were the stakeholders that had been consulted?

-                  what was the difference between a footway and a footpath?

-                  had Parish Councils been consulted?


The Transportation Unit Manager responded to the above issues.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the comments on the Local Transport Notes, set out at Appendix A be approved as the Council’s formal response, and the comments of the Council’s Access Officer, and other officers, set out at Appendix B, be forwarded to the DfT for consideration.


(2)  That Councillor Burke, as the Council’s representative to the Yorkshire Parish Council’s Association, raise the issue of the level of consultation with Parish Councils.


Department of Transport White Paper: The Future of Transport

Transport Unit Manager to report.

-         to note the report


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to the above White Paper which looked at the factors that will shape travel and transport networks over the next thirty years, and the Government’s strategies to manage these factors, whilst safeguarding economic and social well being and the environment.  The document also outlined expenditure plans to 2015.


A copy of the White Paper and Feasibility Study on Road Pricing in the UK was made available at the meeting.  An Executive Summary was appended to the report now submitted.


It was pointed out that the strategy for the next 30 roads years was founded on the following three themes:-


-                  sustained investment

-                  improvements in transport management

-                  planning ahead


It was pointed out that there would be subsequent changes in the way local authorities received integrated transport funding, and guidance on the preparation of the next Local Transport Plan had now been issued.  Further details of the transport innovation funding were awaited.


Members were asked to note that, although this was a strategy document rather than a consultation document, it was intended to prepare a South Yorkshire response via the South Yorkshire Planning and Transportation Steering Group.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the contents of the report be noted.


(2)  That further reports be submitted when Government guidelines and changes in legislation are introduced.


(3)  That a copy of the report be forwarded for information to the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel and the Cabinet.


Design Code for the Rotherham Town Centre River Corridor

Head of Planning and Transportation to report.

-         to note the report.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Head of Planning and Transportation Services, relating to the production of a Design Code for the Rotherham Town Centre River Corridor.


It was explained that Rotherham had been selected to take part in the national ODPM Design Coding Pilot Programme to test the effectiveness of design coding as a tool for delivering high quality places whilst speeding up the planning system.


Members were advised that a consultants’ brief had been agreed and tenders invited for this work.   It was proposed that consultants be appointed by 10th September with a draft design code being produced by Christmas 2004.  This would be followed by public consultation leading to the final design code being completed in February 2005.


It was pointed out that it was proposed to involve Town Team in this process, and steps would be taken to ensure that the Code tied into the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Westgate Demonstrator Project, the Town Centre Master Plan and the Local Development Framework.


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.


Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Results 2004/2005

Best Value Officer to report.

-                  to consider the position of the results with comparison to targets.


Appendix A is supplied separately.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Best Value Officer, detailing the performance indicators set against agreed targets and priorities for the first quarter 2004/2005.  A summary of the Audit Commissions proposals for 2005/2006 was also reported.


Members’ attention was drawn to the following new cross-cutting performance indicators that had been established, and which would be reported in the second quarter:-


-                  Emergency Planning

-                  Asset Management

-                  Health and Safety


Members were also advised that the Best Value Performance Plan 2004/2005 had received an “unqualified and without reservations” result from the Audit Commission.


Reference was also made to the Programme Area’s response to the Government’s Consultation Document entitled Best Value Performance Indicators 2005/2006 which was recommending changes, deletions and the introduction of new performance indicators.  It was pointed out that these changes may impact on the Programme Area and a response to these changes was appended to the report.


Particular reference was made to:-


BVPI 165 - % of pedestrian crossings with facilities for disabled people

BV 187 – condition of footway

AC-E2 – average time taken to remove fly-tips – it was pointed out that this was the best result in the U.K.

BV99 – Road safety – number of casualties per 100,000 population

BVPI 106 - % of new homes built on previously developed land

BVPI 109 - % of planning applications determined in line with the Government’s new control targets etc

F6b – Search breakdown

Local LPI – Customer complaints – acknowledged within 5 days


Members debated at length the implications of Local 14 LPI – Rotherham’s record of informing Health and Safety Executive of reportable injuries and dangerous occurrences within 10 working days etc.  Concern was expressed at the length of time Programme Areas were taking to report back to the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel on issues identified on visits to premises.  The Executive Director, Economic and Development Services reported on a new policy and procedure which was proposed to address this issue.


In conclusion Members were advised that the quarterly performance report for April to June 2004 was a good result for the Programme Area.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the position of the results in comparison to targets be noted.


(2)  That the first quarter results for 2004/2005 Performance Indicators be noted.


(3)  That the Programme Area response to the Government’s Best Value Performance Indicators 2005/2006 Consultation Document be noted.


(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following item in order for a nomination to be made.)


RBT Committee


Consideration was given to the nomination of a Member to represent the Programme Area on the above Committee.


Resolved:-  That Councillor Pickering be nominated.



The following items are likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under the paragraphs, indicated below, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:-


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs indicated below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Community Economic Regeneration Budget - 8.44 Economic Development for the Black Minorities Ethnic Community

Economic Strategy Officer to report.

-                  to seek approval for CERB funding to contribute towards the above study.

(Exempt under Paragraph 5 of the Act – financial assistance)


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Economic Strategy Officer, relating to an application for CERB funding in 2004/2005 to contribute towards a study into Economic Development for the BME Community.


It was pointed out that the study would be managed by the South Yorkshire Partnership and aimed to inform how partners across South Yorkshire could make changes and interventions needed to improve the economic and social position of BME communities in the sub-region.  The study would be at a strategic level and look at fundamental issues of institutional and financial change.  The study would lead to a concentrated baseline of real needs in relation to ethnic minority groups, examples of best practice and information to meet the needs of diversity and equalities policies.


Details of the current position of the CERB budget were set out in the report.


Resolved:-  That, subject to:-


(i)   other funding being approved

(ii)  this Council receiving a copy of the tender brief and a completed report


the study into Economic and Development in the BME Community be supported by the CERB budget in the sum of £5,000 revenue in 2004/2005.


(Exempt under Paragraph 5 of the Act – report related to financial assistance by the Council)


Investor Support Aftercare Programme (Objective 1 Measure 30) - Feasibility and Trade Exhibition Grants

Development Negotiator to report.

-                  to consider the introduction of two new grant schemes.

(Exempt under Paragraph 5 of the Act – financial assistance)


Further to Minute No. 257 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member and Advisors for Economic and Development Services held on 2nd February, 2004, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Development Negotiator, relating to the introduction of two new grant schemes for companies in Rotherham.


It was pointed out that the schemes would extend the scope of the Objective 1 Measure 30 (M30) grants available to Rotherham SME’s and inward investors through the South Yorkshire Investor Support Aftercare Programme.  Reference was made to the HR Grants available to companies and it was pointed out that it was proposed to extend the range of activity that could be supported through M30 grants to include support for feasibility studies and exhibition attendance.


It was noted that the proposal should help the Council achieve outputs in relation to the Community Strategy and Regeneration Plan.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the addition of feasibility and trade exhibition grants to the M30 Business Support scheme highlighted in the report be approved and implemented.


(2)  That the progress and outcomes of the scheme be reported as part of the RiDO Business Development team reporting procedure i.e. six monthly progress report.


(3)  That the report be referred to the Regeneration Board for information.


(Exempt under Paragraph 5 of the Act – report related to financial assistance by the Council)