Agenda and minutes

Cabinet (Pre-Intervention - 2nd June 2004 to 4th February 2015) - Wednesday 5 September 2012 10.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Bacon  Email:

No. Item


Questions from Members of the Public


There were no questions from members of the public.


Groundworks Trusts Panel pdf icon PDF 28 KB

-           Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services to report.

Additional documents:


Councillor Akhtar, Deputy Leader, introduced the minutes of the Groundworks Trusts Panel held on 18th July, 2012.


The important contribution to the regeneration of the Borough and value for money provided by the Trusts was noted


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the Groundworks Trusts Panel held on 18th July, 2012 be received and the continued excellent partnership work of both Groundwork Trusts be noted.


eMarketplace, Connect to Support (CtS) pdf icon PDF 51 KB

-        Strategic Director of Resources to report.


Councillor Doyle, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Resources, which set out progress to date, next steps and timeline for the internal and public launch of Rotherham’s eMarketplace, Connect to Support (CtS), which was an online web based e-commerce model that contributed directly to Putting People First and the transformation of adult social care.


Customers using their personal budget and self-funders could purchase goods and services to meet their needs from Providers, and/or seek information, guidance and advice or be signposted to appropriate services including community groups. CtS would provide a dynamic mechanism that supports Social Workers, commissioning, individual customers and self funders as purchasers and facilitate reshaping of the local market for personalisation; matching needs with what local providers were able to provide.  The new technology would accelerate the implementation of ‘personalised’ markets, increasingly so, as IT literacy in the population increased.


The intention was that the online web based solution, would become integral to how all citizens were supported to achieve independence and improved outcomes including a high quality of health and well-being in Rotherham.


The eMarketplace was procured regionally across fifteen authorities of Yorkshire and Humber plus Manchester City Council. This shared procurement approach was in line with the Council’s shared service approach. The provision of this model would meet the outcomes of the Council Corporate Plan for ensuring care and protection was available for those people who need it most.


In Rotherham a programme and project management approach had been put in place and significant progress had been achieved with the initial technical blueprint sign off of the site design and content achieved at the end of May.  However, there were several separate elements remaining to ensure the system was fit for purpose before the launch of the site.


Cabinet Members noted the progress made to date, but suggested that there be further information and discussion on the chosen model in the form of a presentation prior to a meeting of the Cabinet.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress to date on the development and implementation of an eMarketplace, Connect to Support (CtS) model in Rotherham be noted.


(2)  That a presentation on the detail and chosen model of the Connect to Support system be made to all Members of the Cabinet.


Annual Governance Statement pdf icon PDF 129 KB

-        Strategic Director of Resources to report.


Councillor Akhtar, Deputy Leader, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Resources, which had regard to the Annual Governance Statement for 2011/12 which outlined the Council’s view of the application of good governance standards in the Council. The process included the certification of statements of assurance by Cabinet Members and Senior Management and took into account comments made by Members and Officers.


The overall position was positive, with good progress being made on the significant issues raised in last year’s Statement.  Only one additional issue had been added this year, relating to Care Quality Commission outcomes at two care resource centres.  


Recommended practice required the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive to sign the statement, prior to its publication with the Statement of Accounts, in September, 2012 following consideration of the contents by the Cabinet.


The report set out in detail general principles, procedure, the structure of the Annual Governance Statement, the significant governance issues and how the statement was reviewed and monitored.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the 2011/12 draft Annual Governance Statement be approved.


(2)  That the draft Statement presented to the Audit Committee on 30th May, 2012 for review be noted.


(3)  That the Leader and the Chief Executive sign the statement prior to its publication with the Statement of Accounts.


Delegation of Powers - Revenues pdf icon PDF 29 KB

-        Strategic Director of Resources to report.


Councillor Akhtar, Deputy Leader, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Resources, which detailed how authorised postholders appeared in the Magistrates’ Court on behalf of the Council on cases relating to recovery and enforcement of Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates and related issues.


The named officers were further authorised to act on behalf of the Council in proceedings undertaken at the Valuation Tribunal in respect of Council Tax, Community Charge and National Non-Domestic Rate Appeals. 


From time to time fresh resolutions needed to be passed as staff left and new staff were appointed with a requirement to reaffirm existing appointees and authorise new appointee(s).


Resolved:-  That the persons named in (c) below, being the holders of the posts of Service and Development Manager, Operational Managers – Account Management and Local Taxation, Team Leaders – Account Management and Local Taxation, Senior Technical Officers – Account Management and Local Taxation, Technical Officers – Account Management and Local Taxation, be authorised:-


(a)  Under the provisions of Section 101 and 223 of the Local Government Act 1972, to institute, carry on, prosecute and defend proceedings in relation to the recovery of Council Tax, Community Charge, National Non-Domestic Rates and General Rates which the Council, as Billing, Charging, Collecting and formerly Rating Authority, is itself authorised to institute, carry on, prosecute and defend.


(b)  To act on behalf of the Billing, Charging and Collecting Authority in proceedings undertaken at the Valuation Tribunal in respect of Council Tax, Community Charge and National Non-Domestic Rate Appeals.


(c)  The authorised persons for the purposes of (a) and (b) above are:  -


Mr Robert Cutts                              Mr Steven Ward

Mrs Rachel Humphries                   Mrs Melanie Kennedy

Mr Alan Norcliffe                             Mrs Sharon Coombes

Mrs Gill Leivers                                Mrs Julie Chapman

Mrs Sally Olivia                                 Miss Suzanne Styring

Mrs Diane Woolley                          Mrs Christy Ward


Diabetes Scrutiny Review pdf icon PDF 27 KB

-        Strategic Director of Resources to report.

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 93 of the Cabinet held on 9th November, 2011, Councillor Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Resources, which detailed the response to the Scrutiny Review and how over 12,000 people in Rotherham suffered from diabetes.  Diabetes was the commonest cause of avoidable blindness as well as a significant risk factor for heart attacks and stroke.  Prevention, screening of high risk individuals, identification, treatment and treatment or prevention of complications were key Public Health priorities for the Borough.


In 2013 the Council would be responsible for ensuring that everyone aged 40 to 75 in the Borough were offered an NHS Healthcheck once every five years.  This included height and weight measurement and appropriate lifestyle advice as well as blood sugar measurement.


The Health Trainer Service in Rotherham offered lifestyle support for those identified at risk of diabetes and heart disease particularly amongst the most deprived communities. In 2011/12 9% of the Health Trainer Service clients were from BME groups and 23% considered themselves disabled.


Adoption of the recommendations would support the Strategic Outcomes that have been identified as a result of the JSNA, Health Inequalities Consultation and emerging Health and Well-Being Strategy.


Resolved:-   That the response to the Scrutiny Review of Diabetes be approved.


Scrutiny Review - Role of School Governors pdf icon PDF 38 KB

-        Strategic Director of Resources to report.

Additional documents:


Councillor G. A. Russell, Chairman of the Improving Lives Select Commission, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Resources, which set out the findings and recommendations of the scrutiny review into Support for School Governors, undertaken by Improving Lives Select Commission.


The review recognised and valued the role of school governors in providing leadership and challenge in schools. As a volunteer body they played a vital role to improve outcomes for children and young people in Rotherham and also acknowledged the financial constraints experienced by schools and education support services.  This was the context in which this review was undertaken.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Scrutiny Review of the Role of School Governors and its recommendations be noted and a response be submitted within two months as outlined within the Council’s Constitution.


(2)  That the decision of Cabinet on the report, recommendations and proposed action be reported back to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in due course.


Budget Setting Process - Report of Self-Regulation Budget Sub-Group pdf icon PDF 81 KB

-        Strategic Director of Resources to report.


Councillor J. Hamilton, Vice-Chairman of the Self Regulation Select Commission, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Resources, which outlined the main findings and recommendations arising from the Self-Regulation Select Commission budget sub-group’s discussions with portfolio holders on the 2012/13 Budget Setting Process.  The report and its recommendations have been considered by the Self-Regulation Select Commission and Overview and Scrutiny Management Board on 20th July, 2012.


The Council made a commitment to maintain delivery in priority areas and “protect services for those most in need”.  Clearly the decisions taken by the Cabinet about the allocation of resources had been very difficult and the scrutiny sub-group appreciated the huge challenge of formulating a budget under these circumstances. 


The Sub-Group had clear terms of reference and followed a process in preparation of the budget exercise.  A number of discussions took places, which were set out in detail as part of the report.


The Sub-Group appreciated the complexity of the information and the difficulty of arriving at a set of proposals.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report of the Self Regulation Budget Sub-Group and its recommendations be noted and a response be submitted within two months as outlined within the Council’s Constitution.


(2)  That the decision of Cabinet on the report, recommendations and proposed action be reported back to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in due course.


Forge Island pdf icon PDF 39 KB

-        Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services to report.


Councillor Stone, the Leader, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services, which set out details with regards to the delivery of a cinema and a new theatre which were key regeneration objectives for the town centre.


After looking at a number of town centre options, a preferred location was identified as Forge Island which had capacity for a cinema and associated car parking which was a crucial factor in encouraging an end user to locate in the town centre. The site also benefitted from the proximity of both the bus and train stations.


Development and feasibility work would also be undertaken into the possibility of co-locating a cinema and theatre on Forge Island. Initial studies showed that both a cinema and theatre could physically be accommodated on the site.


Cabinet Members were in support of progressing the regeneration of Forge Island, but suggested that as part of the discussions consideration also be extended to the use of renewable energy via the adjacent weir.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress to date in the delivery of a town centre cinema be noted.


(2)  That Forge Island be confirmed as the preferred site for a town centre cinema and theatre development 


(3)  That once site investigations on Forge Island and further financial analysis have been completed a further report be submitted to Cabinet.