Agenda and minutes

Cabinet (Pre-Intervention - 2nd June 2004 to 4th February 2015) - Wednesday 17 November 2010 10.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Lewis South/Debbie Bacon (Exts. 2050/2054)  Email: or Email:

No. Item


Questions from Members of the Public


There were no questions from members of the public.


Good News


The Leader reported on the success by Rotherham Ready, the Enterprise Education Programme, in achieving the top prize in the prestigious “Enterprising Britain” competition announced at a ceremony at the House of Lords, London on Monday, 15th November, 2010 for their innovative model for creating a culture of enterprise.


Rotherham Ready entered the competition under the category of ‘Enterprise Culture’ showcasing the town’s achievements over the last five years to inspire children and young people about business, enterprise and entrepreneurship.


Resolved:-  That the Cabinet’s congratulations be forwarded to the Rotherham Ready Team on their achievement.


Budget 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 124 KB

-        Strategic Director of Finance to report.


Councillor Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Resources and Commissioning, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Finance, which outlined the impact on the Council of the Government’s Emergency Budget and reductions in public spending announced this summer.  The report also provided details of the pressures on the Council’s Revenue Budget that have been identified as part of the monitoring process during the first half of the 2010/11 financial year.  


In response, the Council had put forward budget proposals which clearly and positively set out how it was to address the implications of both the grant reductions and in-year budget pressures. This Budget would enable the Council to deliver its corporate priorities, protect front line services, safeguard the most vulnerable and make a positive difference to the wellbeing of the people of Rotherham while protecting the ongoing financial position of the Council.


The report set out in detail all matters relating to finance, which were referred to specifically.


As indicated, the Council was facing significant financial challenges which would require difficult decisions and actions to address.  Although most of the issues surrounding resource reductions were known, there was still some uncertainty with respect to the implications of the Comprehensive Spending Review for the Council and the borough. The budget proposals put forward to meet the in year pressures would need to be carefully managed so as to ensure the Council was able to meet its revised financial plan.


The Cabinet expressed its appreciation for the hard work put in by officers in assisting in reducing the overall in-year financial pressures facing the Council.


(1)  Resolved:-  That the report be received and the contents noted.


(2)  Recommended:-  (a)  That the proposals regarding the Council’s Revenue Budget for 2010/11 be approved.


(b)   That any further actions be determined to ensure that the Council’s spending in 2010/11 remained within the approved Revenue Budget.


(c) That the reductions in the Council’s capital funding and the actions proposed to address them be noted.


Photovoltaic Panels on Eight Rotherham Schools pdf icon PDF 62 KB

-        Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services to report.


Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Environment, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services, which set out details of the partnership with Nationwide Solar and the Council’s proposals to fit large arrays of photovoltaic panels on eight primary schools out of sixty two schools put forward in Rotherham.


The capital costs were to be covered by Low Carbon Building Grants (50%) and Nationwide Solar (50%).  Nationwide Solar would claim the Feed in Grants (set for twenty-five years by Government) for total kWh generated and the schools would in return receive free electricity and 10% of the Feed in Tariff.


All the projected figures showed a substantial annual saving on electricity bills and these were set out in the report.


There was a risk that Government would cancel the Feed in Tariff.  The risk was primarily taken by Nationwide Solar who was investing the capital in the project.


Projections of kWh output and potential financial savings were based on light level analysis carried out by Nationwide Solar engineers and were to be taken with caution.  Actual output was weather/light level dependant.


Cabinet Members welcomed this opportunity to realise savings and noted Rotherham’s success in the stringent bidding process.


It was also noted that there were proposals to fit photovoltaic panels at the remaining fifty-four schools in Rotherham in the future.


Resolved:-  That the schools photovoltaic project be approved.


Highways Enforcement Policy pdf icon PDF 70 KB

-        Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services to report.

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 61 of his meeting held on 1st November, 2010, Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Environment, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services, which presented the proposed Highways Enforcement Policy for adoption.


The proposed policy provided a set of common principles upon which enforcement activities would be based promoting fairness, openness, consistency and proportionate action based on risk assessment.


It was proposed to review the procedures relating to enforcement in the Quality Management System that were used for Street Works, Highways and Public Rights of Way enforcement to reflect the adoption of the policy.


It was also proposed to publish the policy on the Streetpride pages of the Council’s web site for the information of the public.


The adoption of the policy had no financial implications for the Service.


Formal enforcement action was not always pursued where to do so might be perceived as unreasonable. Where the investigations have followed a report from residents or the general public this might result in a negative perception of the service where the reporter expected immediate enforcement action.


Cabinet Members were informed that the service would be accountable for the efficiency and effectiveness of its activities, take immediate action where a risk of injury or to health may occur and carry out works in default.  They noted the Environmental Impact Assessment and were satisfied with the annual reviewing arrangements with the relevant Cabinet Member.


Recommended:-  That the Highways Enforcement Policy be adopted and reflect the revised procedures relating to highways enforcement followed within Streetpride.


Advanced Manufacturing & Materials Sector - The Advanced Manufacturing Park and the Opportunity for the Region in the Emerging Civil Nuclear Industry pdf icon PDF 78 KB

-        Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services to report.

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 57 of the meeting of the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel held on 6th October, 2010, Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Environment, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services, which detailed the discussion by the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel and which indicated that in future budget discussions consideration be given to the importance of supporting the work done to assist the growth of the advanced manufacturing sector in Rotherham.


The report detailed the success of the Advanced Manufacturing and Materials (AMM) Team in attracting inward investment, developments at the Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP) and the opportunities for the region in the emerging civil nuclear sector.


It was pointed out that the Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Team were wholly supported through Yorkshire Forward single pot funding.


However, since the presentation of the report to the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel UK Coal had announced a three year extension to the Advanced Manufacturing Park vision and Sheffield City Council in partnership with Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster Councils had submitted an outline business plan to Yorkshire Forward that if approved would fund some continued activity in this sector.


Cabinet Members noted the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel’s comments and in particular the need to consider the continued investment in RiDO in order to support the future regeneration of Rotherham’s developing economy, which was incorporated within the scope of the Regeneration Review as detailed at Minute No. C116.


Cabinet Members offered their support to the retention and continued use of Yorkshire Forward’s Advanced Manufacturing Park assets in Rotherham to deliver the vision and attract new investment into the advanced manufacturing and materials sector.


Resolved:-  That the contents of the report and the recommendations made by the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel be noted.


Members' Training and Development Panel pdf icon PDF 53 KB

-        Chief Executive to report.

Additional documents:


Councillor Lakin, Cabinet Member for Safeguarding and Learning Opportunities for Children, introduced the minutes of the Members’ Training and Development Panel held on 21st October, 2010.


Reference was made to Minute No. 16 (CRB Checks for Elected Members) and the previous minute to the Cabinet held on 6th July, 2005 and it was suggested that the current position and exceptions be made clear and a report submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet for decision.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the minutes of the Members’ Training and Development Panel held on 21st October, 2010 be received.


(2)  That the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) submit a report on CRB checks for Elected Members to a future meeting of the Cabinet.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following items are likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under those paragraphs listed below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended March 2006).


Resolved, that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 2, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act (information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual).


Commissioning, Policy and Performance Functions

-        Strategic Director of Neighbourhoods and Adult Services to report.


(Exempt under Paragraph 2 of the Act – information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual)


Councillor Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Resources and Commissioning, introduced the report by the Strategic Director of Neighbourhoods and Adult Services, which summarised the progress made in reviewing the Council’s policy and performance functions and put forward proposals to establish a new operating model.


The proposals contained within the report involved a radical reconfiguration of back office resources and many roles would change significantly, with staff being required to engage much more directly with citizens and improve services by working alongside professional staff in the community.


The financial information and risks and uncertainties associated with the restructuring process were set out in detail as part of the report.


Cabinet Members noted the main objectives of the review, the guiding principles, the involvement and engagement of staff and the features of the new structure which was dextrous, flexible and more focused and supported the proposals to strengthen the approach to commissioning with better alignment of strategic commissioning activities.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the contents of the report, the staffing implications arising from the proposal and the timescales for implementation be noted.


(2)  That the structural changes as set out in the report be approved.


Regeneration Review

-        Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services to report.


(Exempt under Paragraph 2 of the Act – information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual)


Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Environment, introduced the report by the Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services, which summarised the review of the Council’s Regeneration function, the consultation process and responses received, the changes which have resulted from the consultation exercise, next steps, and the financial implications.


The financial information and risks and uncertainties associated with the restructuring process were set out in detail as part of the report.


Cabinet Members noted the information relating to posts and staff and supported the next steps of the recruitment process.


Resolved:-  That the  proposed structure, timescales and recruitment process be noted.


Financial Services Review

-        Strategic Director of Finance to report.


(Exempt under Paragraph 2 of the Act – information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual)


Councillor Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Resources and Commissioning, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Finance, which summarised the review of the Council’s Financial Services function and set out the principles of a proposed revised structure, some timescales for implementation and the potential financial implications.


The financial information and risks and uncertainties associated with the restructuring process were set out in detail as part of the report.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress to date be noted.


(2)  That the restructure of financial services resources consistent with this report be approved.


(3)  That the proposed timescales for completion of the review and the implementation process be approved.