Agenda and minutes

The Former Christmas Carnival Co-ordinating Group - Thursday 28 October 2004 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed Dawn Runciman, Town Centre Management Team to her first meeting of the Group.


Minutes of previous meeting held on 23rd September, 2004. pdf icon PDF 98 KB


Agreed:-  That the minutes of the meeting of this Group held on 23rd September, 2004 be received as a correct record.


Matters Arising


(a)                Carols from the Church


Sound Services had visited the church and established that it was possible to erect speakers on columns.  The Company had given a price for the work and the matter was presently being considered.


(b)                Christmas Trees


Marie Hayes explained that the funding for district trees had been from the Grounds Maintenance Contract., based on tendering over the past five years.


A new company had recently won the contract and the price of trees had risen considerably.  It may therefore not be possible to provide the trees next year.


(c)                Parade Route


The meeting discussed several aspects concerning the arrangements for the parade.


These included:-


-                       Police outriders

-                       Timings

-                       Actual Route

-                       Staffing/Marshalls on route

-                       Placement of Cones

-                       Windscreen passes for key personnel

-                       Santa’s role

-                       Barriers for Santa’s Grotto

-                       Street Entertainment

-                       Road Traffic Regulations


Christmas Illuminations


The Group was informed that the tender evaluation of three contracts submitted for the installation and erection of lights had been completed.


The contract had been awarded to Blachere UK.


On the proviso that catenaries have been checked, electrical work on the installation of new lights was due to start.


A brochure containing coloured photographs of areas of Rotherham showing the new lighting structures was provided at the meeting.


Arrangements for Switch On Evening


Discussion took place regarding the arrangements for Hallam FM’s involvement on switch on evening during the countdown and illuminated parade.


The following aspects were referred to:-


-                      Timetable of events

-                      Duration of Parade

-                      Cast of Cinderella/TV personalities

-                      Bands/Music/Games

-                      Late Night Opening


Santa's Grotto


Colin Scott confirmed that Santa’s Grotto was to be sited at 8 Church Street this year.


The position was considered to be good and arrangements would be made for the installation of the Grotto.


Agreed:-  That a suitable press release be issued on the siting of Santa’s Grotto, and that information be placed on the Council web site.


Update on Town Centre Events


Dawn Runciman reported that several town centre events were presently in the planning stages and had yet to be confirmed.


One event was to have a short parade of reindeers before going into the market on Saturday, 18th December.


Other events included:-


-                       Outdoor markets

-                       Santa’s Grotto

-                       Christmas Craft Market – 10th/11th December




Peter Coulton wished to formally thank all those involved in the work of the Group over the past year, and particularly the hard work towards arrangements for switch on evening.


Date and Time of Next Meeting


Agreed:-  That the next meeting of this Group take place on Thursday, 13th January, 2005 at 2.00 p.m.