Agenda and draft minutes

The Former Christmas Carnival Co-ordinating Group - Thursday 8 June 2006 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed Stuart Price to his first meeting and introductions were made.


Agreed:-  That the Committee’s thanks be recorded for Stuart Lister, South Yorkshire Police in view of his past work on the Christmas Carnival Co-ordinating Group.


Minutes of previous meeting held on 15th December, 2005 pdf icon PDF 101 KB


Agreed:-  That the minutes of the meeting of this Group held on 15th December, 2005 be received as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Premises Licence


The meeting noted that a Premises Licence had now been obtained for the purpose of town centre activities to take place this year.


Christmas Carols


A discussion took place on the use of the LCD screen for the transmission of Christmas Carols.


Julie Roberts informed the meeting of a pilot partnership with the BBC, it being necessary to obtain their authority to display visual carol singing.


Letters had been sent to eight local Brass Bands asking them if they wished to play “live” carols.


An update report on this issue would be given at the next meeting.


Santa’s Grotto


The Salvation Army band have expressed an interest in playing near the grotto on switch on evening.


Dependent upon funding, it was the intention to repeat the success of last year’s siting of the grotto outside Boots on switch on evening.


Illuminated Parade


There would be no illuminated parade this year.  This was in part due to budgetary issues, and the need to present a different attraction.


It was intended to pursue the Lions’ Club sleigh due to its popularity in the past.


A discussion took place on the need to include Wellgate in the Lions’ Club parade, as per a request from the Wellgate zone representatives at a recent meeting.


Agreed:  That The Mayor (Councillor Wootton) write to the Lions Club in order to seek their commitment to the Christmas parade.


Switch on evening – debriefing


The meeting discussed the following issues:-


-                       Health and Safety issues re. use of land on top of toilet block (as civic party waiting area)

-                       Installation of metal grids on gully

-                       Stewarding


Agreed:-  (1)  That, in order to reduce the number of people on the stage on switch on evening, Marie Hayes continue to pursue a permanent solution, or have a reserved area on ground level, as a viewing area for the civic party.


(2)  That John Stapleton, Health and Safety Officer, be invited to the next meeting.


Representation on Group


In an attempt to increase the membership of this Committee, discussion took place on the most suitable representatives/interest groups to be invited to discuss the work of this Group.


It was reported that Colin Scott and John Wadsworth from the Chamber of Trade had submitted their resignations due to their Organisation ceasing to exist.


A number of zone representatives had been invited to this meeting for the first time, none of whom had attended.


Suggestions included John Wainwright, Chairman of Chamber of Commerce, and Ian Ashmore, Traffic Manager.


Agreed:  (1)  That the thanks of this Committee be placed on record for the amount of work undertaken by Colin Scott and John Wadsworth throughout their years of service on this Group.


(2)         That Julie Roberts be asked to seek a nomination for the Christmas Carnival Co-ordinating Group at the next meeting of the zone representatives.


(3)  That Marie Hayes update the data file, as discussed, at the point of the next agenda being published.


Budget 2006/2007


Marie Hayes reported that the budget for this year’s Christmas Carnival activities was £40,900, plus a donation of £3,000 from the Town Centre budget.


As the budget allocation was insufficient to cover all the necessary work, a report was presently being prepared for a meeting of the Cabinet Member, Lifelong Learning, Culture and Leisure for a decision to be taken in terms of prioritisation of spend.


Costs were associated in relation to:


-                       Erection and dismantling of lights

-                       District Christmas Trees

-                       Electricity costs

-                       Hire of barriers

-                       Additional lighting – All Saints’ Square

-                       Metal gullies

-                       Repairs to Town Hall feeder pillar

-                       Repair of catenary bolts


The meeting went on to discuss the benefits gained by the permanent wiring inasmuch as the infrastructure was now in place for future years with the exception of High Street where permanent wiring through lighting columns was not possible.


Lighting Scheme 2006


Marie Hayes reported that extra lighting had been requested in All Saints’ Square this year.  A quotation has been received for £4,850 for provision of additional lighting in trees surrounding the Square.


A problem area was Effingham Square where a Christmas tree had been installed three years ago at the request of shop owners who had wanted a focal point.  It was not possible to barrier the tree with temporary metal barriers due to the sloping ground and the lighting Company have refused to erect lights if a barrier is not in place.


This would be discussed with relevant parties.


Switch on Evening


The date for the switch on evening was agreed for Thursday, 16th November, 2006.


Hallam FM had once again confirmed that they would host this event free of charge.


The Mayor advised the meeting that he would be assisted by his grandson for switch on.


A celebrity group/attraction had not yet been confirmed.  Once this was confirmed, the level of stewarding could be addressed.


There would be no illuminated parade this year.


A number of suggestions were being considered for the evening of switch on.


These included:-


-                       Lantern Parade

-                       Father Christmas – Lions’ Club

-                       Salvation Army

-                       Entertainment at focal points

-                       Organ


Town Centre Activities


The following town centre activities were being planned during the Christmas festivities:-


-                      Craft Market – 30th November and 1st December

-                      Authentic German Market – Late Trading (presently being explored)

-                      German Beer Tent – Late Trading (presently being explored)


A discussion took place on the siting arrangements of the market in view of other christmas attractions in the Square.


The Mayor supported the idea of a German market and asked officers to further explore this possibility.


Christmas Market


Discussion took place regarding “specialist” market stalls.


A balance was needed in terms of encouraging new visitors into town and attracting a different type of shopper, and the potential to dilute profits of permanent traders.




This attraction was confirmed for 16th December, 2006.  The reindeers may be sited in the town centre this year.


Frostie the Snowman


This attraction may be sited in the covered market area this year.


Christmas Lights 2007-2009


Marie Hayes reported that the lighting contract was due to end after this Christmas.


As reported earlier, a report on this matter would be submitted to the Cabinet Member, Lifelong Learning, Culture and Leisure. 


Any other Business


Lantern Parade


Julie Roberts referred to a suggestion made at a recent meeting of zone representatives to involve local schools in a lantern parade.


Agreed:  That Marie Hayes contact Sarah Crossland regarding this matter.


Storage site for Christmas lights Company


Marie Hayes reported that the lighting Company had requested storage space within the town centre in order to store lights from this October until January, 2007.


The meeting discussed suitable sites for what would be a large container.


One suggestion was “the abattoir” car park.


Agreed:  That this issue be discussed with David Potts, Economic and Development Services.


Date and Time of Next Meeting


Agreed:-  That the next meeting of this Group take place on Thursday, 21st September, 2006 at 2.00 p.m.