Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Community Planning and Social Inclusion - Dec 2003 to May 2005 - Friday 14 May 2004 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Debbie Bacon (Tel. 01709 822054)  (E-mail:-

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 16th April, 2004 pdf icon PDF 118 KB


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Community Planning and Social Inclusion held on 16th April, 2004 be received.


Voluntary Action Rotherham - Update


The Assistant Chief Executive reported on meetings that had taken place with the Chair and Chief Executive of Voluntary Action Rotherham where the relationship with the Council was viewed as positive.  At a further meeting the Chief Executive drew attention to the reduction in the budget allocation by the Council and the problems this would cause.


A further meeting was agreed to revisit the issue and this would include the Social Inclusion Manager.  From information shared it would appear the Council had taken the most appropriate action.


The meeting would also have to take account of the longer term vision of community development services, the best fit with the quality and ways of achieving support for the community planning process and local partnerships.


A copy of Voluntary Action Rotherham’s business plan had now been received and copies allocated to Members present.


The Social Inclusion Manager provided background information on the funding agreement for community development work, the bulk of which was provided by the Council.  Concerns around community development work, managed by Voluntary Action Rotherham, and the link to ensure a sustainable community agenda needed to be subject to review and further discussion.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the information shared be noted.


(2)  That an update report on the outcome of discussions with Voluntary Action Rotherham be provided for a future meeting.




Resolved:-  That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined under those paragraphs, listed below, of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972.

(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following item in order to process the matter referred to.)


Joint Partnership Development Project - Bankrolling Support to Greasbrough, Munsbrough, Rockingham and Wingfield Partnership

(Information relates to business affairs of an organisation other than the Authority.)


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Social Inclusion Manager on the provision of bankrolling facilities for Greasbrough, Munsbrough, Rockingham and Wingfield (G.M.R.W.) Partnership whilst it participated in the delivery of the Joint Partnership Development Project.


Members were informed that the Council was currently sponsoring a Joint Partnership Development Project involving four Community Partnerships.  From the four one of the Partnerships, Greasbrough, Munsbrough, Rockingham and Wingfield Partnership now had financial systems sufficiently developed to consider bankrolling up to a maximum amount of £10,000 following a review of the cashflow forecasts.


Members were concerned about the recovery of monies should the organisation fold or not achieve the output targets to secure the external funding and were informed that Corporate Finance would be involved in the financial monitoring to ensure the risk was minimised.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the bankrolling of Greasbrough, Munsbrough, Rockingham and Wingfield (G.M.R.W.) Partnership to a maximum amount of £10,000 for a period until 31st March, 2007 be approved.


(2)  That the funding of the potential liability be through the Social Inclusion C.E.R.B.


(Exempt under Paragraph 7 of the Act – information relates to the financial or business affairs of someone except the Council.)


Social Inclusion Unit - Progress on Restructuring

(Information relates to staffing and labour relations matters.)


Consideration was given to a report of the Social Inclusion Manager, which updated Members on the progress with the restructuring of the Social Inclusion Unit to enable:-


·              A clearer division between the strategic policy work of the Unit and the operational delivery of services.


·              Area Assemblies to be integrated within a new approach to the neighbourhood agenda.


·              Some operational service to be delivered by external organisations or through partnership arrangements.


Progress on re-structuring was provided in the following areas:-


ACE Project


Transfer of the ACE Project to Lifetime under T.U.P.E. arrangements was subject to the resolution of two members of staff who had submitted applications for early retirement.


Multi-Cultural Centre


The Multi-Cultural Centre had now been handed over to Education, Culture and Leisure Services and a budget agreed with All Pakistan Women’s Association.  The Service Level Agreement had clear educational outcomes from the work delivered by the Centre.  The grant would also cover the cost of two core members of staff, a contribution to running costs and funding for the delivery of training courses.


The transfer of the building would still be subject to further discussions and a feasibility study into the cost of expanding and developing the current premises would be undertaken.  A decision would then be made on the Spring Street premises currently leased by the All Pakistan Women’s Association.


Members questioned whether consideration could be extended to bring all services together under one umbrella to combine the Multi-Cultural Centre with the Unity Centre.


Welfare Rights and Money Advice


Welfare Rights and Money Advice would still be subject to further discussion between the Chief Executive’ Department and R.B.T. to determine what arrangements could best deliver this area of work.


Chief Executive’s Office


The Assistant Chief Executive drew Member attention to the transfer of arrangements for the Social Inclusion Unit, in consultation with the Social Inclusion Manager and the Executive Director for Housing and Environmental Services, to enable the corporate centre to best meet the needs of the Council, whilst taking into account the transfer of operational functions to other areas.


The two senior management posts in the Chief Executive’s Office had been advertised, shortlisted and following interviews should be filled shortly.  An overview of each team, objectives and specific areas of work were provided.


A report on the restructuring of the Chief Executive’s Office, including the Social Inclusion Unit, would be presented to the Leader’s Meeting on Tuesday.


Members were mindful of the need to focus on the areas for the Corporate Performance Assessment, the Equalities agenda and the Council’s political priorities.  It was suggested that there be a specific Member Champion to look at equalities issues.


The Assistant Chief Executive confirmed that a task group had been convened, with strong membership from the Chief Executive’s Office and Programme Areas to meet on a monthly basis to improve the Corporate Performance Assessment.  A policy audit would also be undertaken to show the gaps and to broker links with the Corporate Plan and Community Strategy.


Area Assemblies


The Executive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Future Agenda Items


Resolved:-  That consideration be given to the following as agenda items for the next meetings of the Cabinet Member and Advisers:-


(a)          Review of representatives on outside bodies specific to the portfolio of Community Planning/Social Inclusion.


(b)          Voluntary Action Rotherham – Update.


(c)          Restructuring Developments.


(d)          Social Enterprise.


(e)          Spoke Action Plan for Community Development.


(f)            Relationship with Economic and Development Services.


Date of Next Meeting


Resolved:-  That the next meeting be held on Friday, 9th July, 2004, commencing at 10.00 a.m.