Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Education, Culture and Leisure Services - Nov 2000 to May 2005 - Tuesday 22 June 2004 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


Organisation of School Terms 2005 / 06


Consideration was given to a report of the School Organisation, Planning and Development Manager, Resources and Information on the outcome of discussions with the Teaching, Non-teaching Unions and the Rotherham Association of School Governing Bodies (RASGB) in relation to the neighbouring South Yorkshire Authority’s term dates and the Local Government Association’s recommendations for the school year 2005/2006, together with recommendations for the school term dates for the academic year 2005/06.


The report contained details of the LGA recommendations for 2005/06 who was urging LEAs to discuss the proposals and to set terms and holidays for 2005/06 in accordance with their proposals and suggested timetable.


To assist with the setting of term dates information has been sought from the Neighbouring Authorities in South Yorkshire.  At the time discussions were undertaken with the Teacher Unions, term dates had already been set by both Barnsley and Sheffield, both authorities setting the same term dates.  The Doncaster Authority was also considering setting the same dates as Barnsley and Sheffield.


It was proposed to adopt the same recommendations as those made by Sheffield and Barnsley, which were:


  • To commence the 2005/06 School Year on the 5th September 2005.


  • To take a week at October half term (this is counter to the LGA proposal, which was to add three days and which would create a split week).


  • To bring the Easter holiday forward to allow Good Friday and Easter Monday to fall at the end of the Holiday break which gives a more even term structure.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the proposed term dates for Rotherham for 2005/06, as contained in Annex A now submitted, be adopted and circulated to all schools.


(2)                   That a suitable press release be issued on the positive co-ordination of the exercise between neighbouring Authorities in acknowledging the need to set consistent term dates across South Yorkshire.


Container Library Lease Renewal


Consideration was given to a report of the Libraries, Museums and Arts Manager outlining the need to consider the renewal of the lease for the siting of the Container Library at Aston which expires at the end of July.


Options for the future use of the Container Library are being considered in the light of investment at Aston Community Library.


The Container Library currently has three sites, at Bramley, Wickersley and Aston and consideration is being given to extending the hours at the former two sites and to no longer use the Aston site.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the issue be further explored regarding the user profile of the Library.


(2)                 That Ward Members be kept fully informed.


(3)  That a further report be submitted in six weeks’ time.


Redesignation of the Existing Resourced Unit at St. Ann's School to a Pupil Referral Unit


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Leader Inclusion which contained details of a proposal to redesignate the existing resourced unit at St. Ann’s school to a Pupil Referral Unit.


The proposal to register the resourced unit as a Pupil Referral Unit should maintain the flexibility of the Council to meet the needs of permanently excluded pupils from the primary sector.  In complementing the work of both Rawmarsh Thorogate and Rawmarsh Sandhill, the primary sector will continue to have the capacity to support up to 30 pupils across the three provisions who display very challenging behaviours at any one time. 


This should also be seen alongside the broader developments described in the Behaviour Task Group recommendations approved by Council last year, which are currently being implemented across the secondary phase, and the creation of an additional Pupil Referral Unit for Key Stage 3 pupils at Greasborough.


The proposals have been produced after full consultation with the governors, staff and parents at St. Ann’s School and officers within Inclusion Services.  In discussions with the Governing Body, whilst they are in agreement for the Council to continue to use the base, they would prefer that the unit is registered as a Pupil Referral Unit rather than continue as a resourced provision.


The recommendations seek to register the Pupil Referral Unit from 1st September, 2004.


Resolved:-  That the proposals contained within the report be approved.


Approval of Draft Accessibility Strategy for Consultation


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Leader Inclusion on the preparation of two further guidance documents regarding Accessibility issues.


The guidance document set out schools in cluster groups where possibly three or four schools will be fully accessible, in order to offer parents a choice of school within their cluster area and to direct them to particular schools where there is accessibility for pupils in wheelchairs.


Last year the Council provided information to schools in relation to the Disability Discrimination Act, and raised awareness of appropriate practices for schools to adopt in respect of Disability Discrimination.  Through this process the Council, in ensuring all schools benefit from appropriate guidance, has produced additional information in relation to the curriculum, organisational and practical implications of the Accessibility Strategy.


The guidance documents focus on a number of areas and aim to provide advice to schools in order to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school’s curriculum, provides suggestions on how to improve the physical environment of the school and to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services provided or offered by the school.


The guidance also provides information on how to improve the delivery to disabled pupils, within a reasonable time and in ways which are determined, after taking account of their disabilities and any preferences expressed by them or their parents.  Information also shows where strategic access initiatives with specific schools are already planned.


Resolved:-  (1)  That The Disability Discrimination Act Accessibility Plans and Guidance for Schools April 2004 be approved and distributed to all schools to supplement the guidance document issued last year.


(2)               That a report describing the work of colleagues currently seconded to ECALS from the Health Service to support the development of inclusive practice be submitted to a future meeting.


(3)                 That a report be submitted to a future meeting in relation to the current work being carried out in terms of inclusion in view of the alignment of working practice.

(The following item was considered as a matter of urgency in order to expedite the matter referred to without delay).


Petition - Clifton Skateboard Park, Clifton, Rotherham.


Consideration was given to a petition received by The Mayor on behalf of local residents near to the Clifton Skateboard Park, Clifton, Rotherham.


The petitioners felt the area was being mis-used by non-skating youths.


Resolved:-   That a report on this matter be submitted to a future meeting.


Exclusion of the Press and Plublic


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs, indicated below, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Permission to Invoke Standing Order No. 35


Consideration was given to a report of the Business Manager, Leisure and Green Spaces requesting approval to invoke Standing Order No. 35 which permits exemption from normal contract Standing Orders.


This is to allow consultants that have previously supported officers in carrying out an appraisal of management options for Grange Park to be used again for a new piece of work.


The reasons for the requirement of the further consultancy support were outlined, together with the reasons for the request, which were:-


-                      the very short time scale involved

-                      the prior familiarisation with this area of the service by the consultants and therefore their capacity to undertake this service more speedily

-                      the high quality of the work

-                      the highly economical cost of the original piece of work


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received.


(2)                       That the invoking of Standing Order No. 35 be agreed to enable consultants that have previously been involved on a similar exercise to be used again for a new piece of work, having regard to the circumstances outlined in the report submitted.


(Exempt under Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Act – item contains financial information on the amount of expenditure proposed to be incurred by the Authority, and terms proposed by or to the authority for the supply of goods or services).


Opening of Tenders - Legal Consultancy for Leisure/Joint Service Centre PFI Project


The Cabinet Member opened four tenders for the following scheme:-


Legal Consultancy for Leisure/JSC PFI Project


Resolved:-  That the Principal Officer (Legal) Strategic Resources evaluate the tenders and accept the appropriate tender in accordance with delegated powers.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 and 9 of the Act – item relates to expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority for the supply of goods or services).