Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Education, Culture and Leisure Services - Nov 2000 to May 2005 - Tuesday 2 November 2004 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


Education of Looked After Children pdf icon PDF 95 KB

- to receive minutes


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting of the Education of Looked After Children held on 18th October, 2004 be received.


Matter Arising


GCSE Results


Discussion took place on the GCSE examination results for 2004 and their correlation in terms of the Authority’s performance indicators in relation to both the Education and Social Services Programme Areas.


It was felt important that the Cabinet Members for Education, Culture and Leisure Services and Social Services be kept informed of GCSE Results.


Resolved:-  (1)  That Di Billups, Executive Director for Children and Young People’s Development, be asked to arrange a presentation to all Members on the importance of the role of Elected Members, and ways in which it may be strengthened in terms of their responsibilities as corporate parents to children in the care of the Local Authority.  That this include information on Performance Indicators relating to young people’s achievements who are in the Council’s care.


(2)                     That a letter be sent to all Members informing of the Post 16 Awards presentation to take place on 24th November, 2004.


Proposal to 'amalgamate' Redscope Infant and Redscope Junior School pdf icon PDF 44 KB

- to agree to consult on a proposal to amalgamate both schools

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Manager, School Organisation, Planning and Development on a proposal to consult on the amalgamation of ‘Redscope Infant and RedscopeJunior Schools’. 


The School Organisation Plan set out the requirement to consult, as appropriate, where two schools meet the considerations for amalgamation.


It is proposed to close RedscopeJunior School and change the age range of RedscopeInfant School from its existing 3-7 years to 3-11 years.  The effective date of the proposal is April, 2005.


The principal objectives of amalgamation are:-

i)                     to provide a continuous primary entitlement across the key stages;  and

ii)                   to produce financial savings to deploy elsewhere within the Education Services Budget

The conditions for consultation on an amalgamation, as contained in the School Organisation Plan, are met.

The report set out further information in terms of staffing and budgetary implications, admission number, numbers on roll and capacity and the aims and objectives of the proposal.

Reference was made to the consultation timetable.


Resolved:-  That the consultation on a proposal to amalgamate ‘Redscope Infant and  Redscope Junior Schools’, as described in Appendix A now submitted, is begun and that a further report be submitted upon the outcome of the consultation.


LEA Governor Appointments

- to determine LEA Governor appointments


Pursuant to Minute No. C50 of January 2000, consideration was given to nominations received to fill LEA vacancies on school governing bodies.


Resolved:-  That, with the effective date of appointment the following appointments be made to school governing bodies:-


Anston Hillcrest Primary                    Mrs J Holcombe                    2/11/04

Aston Fence J&I                                 Mrs C Ritchie                         2/11/04

Blackburn Primary                              Mr J Brennan                         2/11/04

DaltonFoljambe Primary                    Cr D Pickering                         2/11/04

Maltby Crags Junior                           Mrs C Fitzgerald                     2/11/04

Maltby Redwood J&I                          Mrs E Bolam                           2/11/04

RawmarshThorogate J&I                  Cr Mrs J Hamilton                 2/11/04

St. Ann’s J&I                                       Mrs Z Ahmed                         2/11/04

West Melton J&I                                Mrs J Hughes                                    2/11/04

Wickersley Northfield Primary           Cr Mrs P Darby                      2/11/04

Trinity Croft CE J&I                             Mr R Brook                             2/11/04

RawmarshCommunitySchool           Mrs D Douglas                       2/11/04

Thrybergh Primary                              Mr A V Scholes                      2/11/04

Swinton Brookfield Primary                Mr B Butler                             12/11/04

Brinsworth Manor Junior                   Mrs M Rollinson                     21/11/04

Sitwell Infant                                        Mrs C Y Burgess                   21/11/04

Winterhill Comprehensive                  Cr B Kaye                                21/11/04

St. Ann’s J&I                                       Cr S Ali                                    30/11/04


All the above appointments are subject to a satisfactory check being undertaken.






(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following item in order to expedite the matter referred to without delay).


Nomination - Dearne Valley College


Resolved:-  That, further to Minute No. 86 of a meeting of the Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure Services held on 26th October 2004, Councillor Atkin be nominated to serve on the above Organisation.


Exclusion of the Press and Public


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs, indicated below, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Children's Amusements - Clifton Park

-          to accept a tender

(Exempt under paragraph 9 of the Act – any terms proposed by or to the authority for the supply of goods or services).


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Leader, Culture, Leisure and Lifelong Learning containing details of the operating procedures of the children’s amusements in Clifton Park via the use of a partnering sub-contractor to operate the service.


The report set out the background on the matter, details of the tendering exercise and conditions of the lease, and outlined the advantages to be gained in raising the profile of Clifton Park .


Resolved:-  That the tender from Philip Wheatley and Sons Amusements to operate the children’s amusements for a period of 5 years from April, 2005, be accepted.


(Exempt under paragraph 9 of the Act – report contains information relating to a contract for the supply of goods or services).


Keppel's Column

-          to determine which of the available options to actively pursue

(Exempt under paragraph 7 of the Act – information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority)).


Further to Minute No. 195 of a meeting of the Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure services held on 3rd December 2002, consideration was given to a report of the Libraries, Museums and Arts Manager on the completion of the work funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to prepare costings for the refurbishment of Keppel’s Column.


The report set out the options and key issues for consideration.  These included further details on the following aspects:-


-                       cost of a full repair and refurbishment project

-                       advice of the HLF on funding criteria

-                       views of local residents

-                       views of the ‘Friends of Keppel’s Field and Column’


Resolved:-  That a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund be pursued for 90% of the total cost of repair and refurbishment.


(Exempt under paragraph 7 – item contains information relating to financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority)).