Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Education, Culture and Leisure Services - Nov 2000 to May 2005 - Tuesday 11 January 2005 8.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


Minutes of previous meetings pdf icon PDF 108 KB

- to receive the minutes

Additional documents:


The minutes of meetings held on 14th and 21st December, 2004 were agreed as a correct record.


Prosecution Policy: Non-Attendance at School pdf icon PDF 42 KB

- to agree the adoption of the policy


Consideration was given to a report of the Acting Strategic Leader Inclusion which gave details of a new policy which demonstrates how the Council fulfils its statutory duty to ensure that all pupils attend school and have the opportunity to achieve.  The final sanction in cases of non-attendance is prosecution of the parents/carers.


The report explained that if it appears to the Local Education Authority that a child of compulsory school age is not receiving a suitable education either by regular attendance at school or otherwise, then under Section 437 of the Education Act 1996 they must begin procedures for issuing a School Attendance Order.


Rotherham Education Welfare Service has a Partnership/Service Level Agreement with schools which sets out how and when referrals should be made to the Service.  It also has a clear Enforcement Process for the prosecution of parents.


This policy focuses on ensuring that Rotherham pupils at risk of non-attendance at school for a variety of reasons are identified, and systems put in place to ensure that each is able to access and receive a suitable education.  This will enhance the life chances of the vulnerable children and young people in the borough.


It was noted that a significant improvement had taken place over the last two years in relation to Rotherham’s truancy statistics, which were also good when compared to regional and national figures.  Figures had particularly decreased in terms of Non-Attendance Panels and the number of prosecutions.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Council adopts the Prosecution Policy for non-attendance at school, as contained in the report now submitted.


(2)               That the policy is circulated to all schools and their Governing Bodies with a recommendation to ensure that their procedures conform with this policy.


(3)  That the staff within the Education Welfare Service be thanked for their hard work in the compilation of this policy and their commitment to its implementation.


Rotherham Learning Grid pdf icon PDF 20 KB


Consideration was given to an update report of the Head of Information Systems RBT regarding work currently taking place within schools to install the Rotherham Learning Grid.


The Rotherham Grid for Learning Grid (RGfL) project was established to meet government objectives for all primary schools to be provided with 2Mb Internet access and all secondary schools to be provided with 10Mb Internet access by September, 2005.


The Rotherham Grid for Learning project has presently completed ninety-four of the one hundred and four circuits.   The report set out the outstanding progress at the remaining ten schools, four of which were scheduled for completion this week.


All Rotherham schools will have the benefit of Broadband nine months ahead of government targets and primary schools will receive five times the minimum required speed.


The project is progressing within the allocated budget.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the Cabinet Member and Advisors continue to be kept informed in terms of (a) outstanding issues presently being addressed on the installation of the circuits to the outstanding six schools and (b) official launch date.


Rolling Out the Archives Project pdf icon PDF 46 KB

- to approve a grant to achieve the rolling out of the Archives Project


Consideration was given to a report of the Libraries, Museums and Arts Manager on the Rolling out of the Archives project which has been developed to address outstanding issues of preservation and access to archives held by RMBC.


A bid is being prepared for submission to the Heritage Lottery fund for a grant towards the total project costs and evidence of the Council’s support for the project is required.


The Rolling out of the Archives project will kick-start work in three key areas for the Archives and Local Studies Service which have become immobilised through lack of resources.


The Service aims to collect manuscript and printed records of all aspects of life within the Borough from the earliest times to the present day and to make these available for study by customers of all ages.


If the recommendations of an inspection report by the Historical Manuscripts Commission (now The National Archives) are not met in full, Rotherham’s Place of Deposit status will be withdrawn after 2006.


The total bid value is estimated at £240,000.


Application will be made to HLF for 90% of the total project cost;  the remainder will come from RMBC’s match-funding, chiefly in in-kind contributions.


Resolved:-  That the submission of a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant to achieve the Rolling out of the Archives project be approved.


Capital Investment in Schools and Future Planning pdf icon PDF 40 KB

- to note a decision by DFES and to consider an additional allocation to meet half of the funding gap


Consideration was given to a report of the Acting Strategic Leader Resources and Information which gave an update on the situation with regard to Capital Investment in Schools and Future Planning.


The DfES has written to all Councils informing them of the details of their capital allocations until 2007/08;  and to advise Councils in which phase Rotherham will be placed for Building Schools for the Future (BSF).


From 2005/2006 Rotherham will receive slightly over £4m per annum to tackle sufficiency, condition and suitability improvements in its community schools.  Additionally schools will receive £3m to £4m per annum devolved formula capital grant.  Voluntary Aided Schools receive a smaller central allocation of over £200,000 per year, Rotherham will also join the BSF programme by 2011.  This would cover the renewal/refurbishment of all secondary schools in the Borough.


The decision on Rotherham’s late inclusion in the BSF programme means that there will need to be greater investment in simply maintaining the secondary schools in a reasonably safe, warm and dry condition.


As detailed in the report submitted, with approximately £35m worth of work for all schools to be planned for over the next 3 years, there is an overall funding gap of around £12m.   Consideration should therefore be given to a request to cover half of the funding gap over the next 3 years.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the DfES decision be noted.


(2)  That local MPs be kept fully informed of the situation.


(3)               That a meeting be arranged with the Leader and the Chief Executive to discuss the investment gap and possible options to meet the request for funding to cover half of the gap.


(4)  That a report be submitted to a future meeting on the outcome of those further discussions.