Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Education, Culture and Leisure Services - Nov 2000 to May 2005 - Tuesday 15 March 2005 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


Minutes of a previous meeting pdf icon PDF 148 KB

- to receive minutes


The minutes of a previous meeting held on 1st March, 2005 were agreed as a correct record.


Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education, held on 23rd February, 2005, be received.


Admissions to Schools 2006/07 - Consultation Report pdf icon PDF 268 KB

- to discuss issues that have arisen as a result of the annual consultation exercise


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Leader Resources and Information which covered issues that have arisen as a result of the annual consultation exercise with and between schools and other Local Education Authorities on school admission arrangements for the Admission Year 2006/07.


Annex 1 provided details of the LEA’s consultation document relating to community and controlled schools.  The admissions criteria are unchanged from the previous year and there has been no specific feedback from consultees on this.


Proposed admission numbers for community and controlled schools had, in the main, been agreed by school governing bodies.  There had been some feedback and details were indicated at Annex 2 to the report.


Aided schools have also been taking part in the consultation and for this year this has been facilitated by use of the LEA’s internet site.  Details of aided schools’ proposed admission number and admissions criteria have been included on the site.


There has been no specific feedback on the consultation regarding the co-ordinated admission schemes.  The period for consultation ended on 1st March and determinations by admission authorities must be made by 15th April 2005.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the proposed admission numbers contained within Annex 1 for community and controlled schools be confirmed for 2006/07, subject to:-


(a) the clarifications and amendments contained in Annex 2; and


(b) further clarification of the appropriate number for Aston ComprehensiveSchool.


(2) That the admissions criteria for community and controlled schools for 2006/07 (as shown at Annex 1) be confirmed.


(3) That the changes shown at Annex 2 for voluntary aided schools be noted.


(4) That the appropriate notice be published in respect of the proposed admission numbers for schools named in Annex 2 where the admission number will be less than that currently indicated by the net capacity calculation.


(5) That the co-ordinated admissions schemes for both Primary and Secondary schools be confirmed and forwarded to the Secretary of State as required.


(6) That this report be forwarded to the Local Admissions Forum for consideration at its next meeting, to be held on Thursday, 17th March, 2005.


Education, Culture and Leisure Services - 2004/05 Performance Indicators - Third Quarter Report pdf icon PDF 275 KB

- to outline performance at the end of the 3rd Quarter 2004/05


Consideration was given to a Performance Indicator report for 2004/05, which outlined performance at the end of the third quarter 2004/05 against targets, with comparisons against 2003/04 actuals and 2003/04 All England top quartile authorities.


All performance indicators have a category of risk applied to them.  The categories are High, Medium and Low reflecting the corporate traffic light system of Red, Amber and Green.


Action plans are in place to address performance where risk is High.  These plans are progressed within teams and updates of progress is presented to Members bi-annually.


Performance Indicators reflect the Best Value Performance Plan, and have an influence on inspections including OFSTED and the Comprehensive Performance Assessment. 


Members noted that consideration was being given to the establishment of a Local Performance Indicator in respect of pupils excluded from school.  Further information about this issue would be reported to a future meeting.


Resolved:-  That the Performance Indicator report be received.


The Amalgamation of Redscope Infant and Junior Schools pdf icon PDF 41 KB

- to consider determination of a school amalgamation

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 117 of a meeting of the Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure Services held on the 14th December, 2004, consideration was given to a report of the Manager, School Organisation, Planning and Development which gave details of the consultation process following publication of statutory notices.


A proposal to make a prescribed alteration to Redscope Infant and JuniorSchools from April, 2005 had been held for six weeks from 7th January to 18th February, 2005.


In the absence of any objections, the matter could now be determined by the Local Education Authority, without reference to the School Organisation Committee.


In addition, consideration was given to the content of meetings held with Governors, Staff and Parents.


Resolved:-  (1)  That, in the absence of any formal objections, the LEA approves the following proposals:


i)                    That RedscopeJunior School will be discontinued;  and

ii)                  That RedscopeInfant School will have its age-range extended from 3 to 7 years to 3 to 11 years in order to form a through junior and infant school, each with effect from 1st April 2005.


(2)  That the School Organisation Committee and the Secretary of State be informed accordingly.


Programme Area ICT Action Plan 2004/05 - End of Year Progress Report pdf icon PDF 62 KB

- to consider end of year progress report against ICT Action Plan


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Information and Performance Review Manager on the progress made up to the year ending 2004/05 against the ICT Action Plan.


Work has been completed as follows:-


59% of actions completed, against a target of 100%

66% of key actions completed, against a target of 100%


The report highlighted areas of progress in the second half of 2005 and actions not yet achieved,


Particular comments were made in respect of:-


- schools being connected to broadband Internet;


- launch of the new 5 – years’ ICT strategy in May, 2005;


- introduction of interactive white boards in schools;


- funding for the provision of computer hardware for community-based learning


Resolved:-  That the progress outlined in the report, now submitted, be noted.