Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Education, Culture and Leisure Services - Nov 2000 to May 2005 - Tuesday 19 April 2005 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


PRESENTATION - "Every Child Matters and the Cultural Services Agenda"


The Strategic Leader Culture, Leisure and Lifelong Learning gave a presentation on a whole range of service delivery initiatives and projects which were presently taking place within the Programme Area which included all aspects of the Cultural Services agenda, all of which had a huge role to play in terms of links to the Council’s agenda in respect of Children’s Services work and “Every Child Matters”.


The following themes were covered:-


Being Healthy


-                       4,000 young people taking part in community sports development every year

-                       4,000 parent and child swimming lessons every year

-                       600 young people taking part in the Biennial Rotherham Gymnastics Festival

-                       800 children attending Rotherham Dance Network

-                       7,500 Football/Cricket sessions on Borough Council sports pitches offering affordable physical activity opportunities


Enjoying and Achieving


-                       4,500 taking part in 2004 Children’s Book Festival

-                       100,000 School swimming lessons per year on Sports Facilities Regeneration Programme

-                       4,000 children taking part in non-school swimming lessons

-                       12,000 visitors to Civic Theatre Pantomime

-                       2,000 pupils taking up music lessons

-                       8,000 under 16’s visited RotherhamMuseums and Galleries in organised groups

-                       15,000 young people watching or participating in Living History at Rother Valley CountryPark

-                       250,000 children’s books are borrowed from Libraries every year

-                       50,000 children’s books delivered to Primary Schools through the Schools Library Service

-                       9,000 under 5’s learning through reading throughout the Book Start Scheme this Autumn.


Economic Wellbeing


-                       1,000 Youth Theatre sessions every year

-                       3,000 Theatre workshop Performance Sessions through the Arts Centre Saturday Kids Club


Performing Arts Opportunities (Staying Safe)


-                       50,000 internet and other IT accesses at Community Libraries by children under 16’s

-                       5,000 school children taking part in local environmental education projects

-                       Rangers working with 4,000 young people on environmental education projects at Rother Valley CountryPark


Out of Classroom Activities


-                       3,000 young people in several structured activities in urban parks and green spaces

-                       7,000 young people participating in formal coaching sessions in sport

-                       1,500 young people into active sport through South Yorkshire partnership

-                       Park Rangers working with more than 1,000 children in major urban parks


Making a Positive Contribution


-                       Get Fired Up – 40 hard to reach young people researching and producing a piece of public artwork for Clifton Park


Increasing Confidence and New Skills


-                       Rotherham Cultural Diversity Festival – more than 400 young participants and 8,000 young people in the audience

-                       15,000 young people learning water sports skills at Rother Valley CountryPark


Resolved:-  That the Strategic Leader Culture Leisure and Lifelong Learning be thanked for an interesting and informative presentation.


Minutes of a previous meeting pdf icon PDF 114 KB

- to receive minutes


The minutes of a meeting held on 5th April, 2005 were agreed as a correct record.


Gifted and Talented Provision in Rotherham pdf icon PDF 60 KB

- to provide an update on the impact of the Excellence in Cities Programme on the educational opportunities for Gifted and Talented children in Rotherham


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Leader School Improvement which gave a brief update on the impact of the Excellence in Cities Programme on the educational opportunities for Gifted and Talented children in Rotherham.


The report explained that Excellence in Cities (EiC) is a targeted programme of support for schools in deprived areas of the country, which provides resources linked to a range of coherent strategies that focus on learning and teaching, behaviour and attendance, and leadership.


The Gifted and Talented area of work was one of nine strands of the EiC which sought to improve the education of gifted and talented children and young people aged 3-19 in schools and colleges.


Launched as a Secondary initiative in 1999, Rotherham was one of the first Councils to embark on this work, which reflects the deprivation factor of the town.


Its core objectives are to:-


  •             Raise the attainment, aspirations, motivation and self esteem of                G&T children and students
  •             challenge and support the establishment of a differentiated learning          and teaching environment that meets the needs of the individual


The report gave details of the following aspects of the work:-


-                                   Areas of Strength

-                                   Assessment Outcomes

-                                   Areas for Development

-                                   Partnership working

-                                   Future Funding


Measures of progression show that the 5 or more GCSEs A*-C trend has increased in this area of work.


A Showcase Conference was to take place in October, 2005 which will reflect the progress and activities that have happened within the Excellence in Cities programme in Rotherham.


The meeting discussed the links between this initiative and work with other young people, in particular the Education of Looked After children and visits to Universities, and children who are gifted and talented in music and sport.


The report was to be considered at the next meeting of the Lifelong Learning Opportunities Scrutiny Panel.


Resolved:-  That the report be received and the information noted.

(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following item in order to resolve the matter referred to without delay)


Nomination - Rotherham Arts Executive Committee


The meeting was asked to consider up to six nominations to serve on the Executive Committee of the above organisation.


Resolved:-  That Councillors Austen, Boyes, Littleboy and Swift, Guy Kilminster and Lizzie Alageswaran be appointed to Rotherham Arts Executive Committee as Trustees.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following items are likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under those paragraphs, indicated below, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:-


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs, indicated below, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Walker Mausoleum

- to consider the Council’s rights and obligations in relation to the Walker Mausoleum


(Exempt under Paragraph 12 of the Act – legal proceedings by or against the Authority)


Further to Minute No. 4 of a meeting of the Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure Services held on 29th June, 2004, consideration was given to a report of the Libraries, Museums and Arts Manager on the requirement to obtain a Court Order to grant the necessary access to the Walker Mausoleum in order for the Authority to carry out its obligations to repair and maintain the Mausoleum.


The owner of the Masbrough Chapel has refused to give RMBC Officers access to the property.


The report set out the details of a 1968 Agreement between the Chapel Trustees and the former County Borough Council (CBC) and the responsibility of CBC for the management and control of the burial ground and mausoleum.


Resolved:-  That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to commence such Court proceedings as may be necessary to establish the Council’s rights and obligations in relation to the Walker Mausoleum, in order to enable works of restoration and repair to the Mausoleum to proceed.


(Exempt under Paragraph 12 of the Act – information relating to any legal proceedings by or against the authority).

(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following two items in order to expedite matters referred to without delay).


Tender Report - Sure Start, Maltby

- to seek approval to accept a tender for the new Sure Start building



(Exempt under paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure proposed to be incurred for the supply of goods or services)


Consideration was given to a report of the Executive Director, Economic and Development Services which sought approval to accept a tender for the new Sure Start building on Tickhill Road, Maltby.


The work consisted of the construction of a single storey building on the vacant site next to the Edward Dunn building on Tickhill Road, to provide Sure Start facilities and a café, together with offices for Sure Start personnel.


It is intended that the building will be ready for use by 29th October, 2005.


The report set out details of the project cost and funding source.


Resolved:-  That the tender submitted by Birse Build Limited, dated 6th April 2005, with a Target Cost of £855,700 and a Guaranteed Maximum Price of £870,700 be accepted.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 – information relating to the amount of expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority for the supply of goods or services).


Tender Report - Pope Pius X Catholic High School - NOF Sports Hall

- to seek approval to accept a negotiated Target Cost tender



(Exempt under paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure proposed to be incurred for the supply of goods or services)


Consideration was given to a report of the Executive Director, Economic and Development Services which sought approval to accept a negotiated Target Cost tender for the construction of a sports hall at Pope Pius x Catholic High School.


The contract is for the construction of a new 4-court sports hall and associated changing facilities at Pope PiusX CatholicHigh School.


The report set out the budgetary and financial implications of the Contract.


Resolved:-  That the Target Cost Tender Sum of £1,145,483 and Guaranteed Maximum Price of £1,295,257 negotiated with Henry Boot Construction Limited for the Pope Pius X Catholic High School – NOF Sports Hall be accepted and a start be made on site on or after 13th June 2005, subject to final approval by the funder (New Opportunities Fund) and to the conditions of contract being agreed.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – information relating to the amount of expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority for the supply of goods or services).