Agenda and minutes

The Former Lifelong Learning Opportunities Scrutiny Panel - Oct 2000 to May 2005 - Monday 25 October 2004 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Kaye declared a personal interest in Item 6 (Grange Park Golf Course) because he is a member of a sub-group to oversee a training programme for children from a local primary/junior school in the sport of golf, which is taking place on the same premises.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no questions from the press and public.


Leisure and Green Spaces Activities and Projects


Steve Hallsworth, Business Manager, Leisure and Green Spaces, and Philip Gill, Green Spaces Manager, Culture and Leisure Services, gave a presentation on activities and projects currently being undertaken within Leisure and Green Spaces.


Work was taking place with the Audit Commission and Sheffield University to clearly evidence service delivery in line with corporate priorities.


The presentation focused on the following themes which have been identified as being important by all the sources consulted through various strategies, all of which represented the people of Rotherham:-






There is improvement in some of the areas and the Service was certainly committed to further improvement.


The message from the people of Rotherham was to provide great places where people can enjoy themselves and for them to be cleaner, safer, more attractive and fit for purpose.


The Service was presently responsible for:-


-                       10 Urban Parks

-                       60 Play Areas

-                       28 Allotment Sites

-                       5 Local Nature Reserves

-                       40 Recreation Grounds

-                       16 Other Countryside Sites

-                       3 Country Parks


The following aspects were referred to:-


-                       improving safety and security

-                       making parks more welcoming

-                       caring for customers

-                       better play facilities

-                       external funding success

-                       engaging young people

-                       events in green spaces

-                       wide range of park activities

            -     watersports

            -     angling

            -     holiday coaching programmes

-           Education

-           Health and Fitness

-           Swimsmart

-           community involvement

-           Friends Groups

-           examples of Friends work

-           finding new leaders

-           more joint initiatives

-           more partnerships


A question and answer session ensued and the following issues were covered:-


  1. Type of materials used for skateboarding facilities


This was being addressed in terms of the most suitable surfaces and advice was sought from user groups.  There are a number of types of surface.  A Skaters Forum has been established and long-term requirements were being considered.


  1. Contact details on welcome signs


      Currently contact details are office telephone numbers.  Future of Park Ranger Scheme not yet determined and funding was only available to the end of this financial year.


  1. Use of Sport England’s facility at Attercliffe


      Opportunities for young people to use this facility was promoted through South Yorkshire Sports Partnerships. The facility was used nationally and provided for talented athletes from children to adults.  This would continue to be explored.


  1. The need for more school visits to use green space.


      The programme of school visits was determined by the capacity of Rangers to manage them alongside other activities.  However, opportunities were maximised as much as resources allow.  A brochure on environmental education was available to make schools more aware of the opportunities of green space.  The Service also makes schools aware of opportunities through the work of green spaces and sports development activities and the sports co-ordinator programme in an attempt to involve young people in the use of the facilities outside school time.


  1. What work was being done regarding the fact that 50% of the population was now over 50 years of age?


      There is work  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58.


Grange Park Golf Course - Update


In accordance with Minute No. B144 of a meeting of The Cabinet held on 1st October, 2003, consideration was given to the content of a report of the Business Manager, Leisure & Green Spaces following an examination by officers into the possibility of a third party taking responsibility for the management and operation of Grange Park Golf Course.


The first stage of this process was to work through a range of issues identified by GDG Acornbridge, the specialist golf consultants appointed by the council to carry out the initial options appraisal.


The issues included:


-                       putting together detailed information about the golf course (e.g. trading information, lists of fixtures and fittings, property contracts, etc.)

-                       agreeing new lease arrangements with the resident golf club

-                       establishing marketing materials and time table

-                       drafting terms of lease for potential third party management organisation

-                       commission building surveys


The majority of this work was completed by the end of September, 2004.


An advertisement was placed in a number of relevant journals and interested parties are required to submit their initial expressions of interest by the 8th November, 2004. 


An information pack containing detailed proposals will be drawn up and it is likely that the leading bidders will be asked to make a formal presentation to key decision makers.


Proposals will be carefully judged against key objectives and the experience and financial soundness of the bidder.


The intention is for the successful third party to take responsibility for the golf course during the months of February or March 2005.


Discussion took place and the following points were made:-


(a)                public access will be maintained

(b)                affordability will be maintained (e.g. private sector)

(c)                Rotherham will retain a mix of municipal and private golf course provision


Resolved:-  That the content of the report be noted.


Country Parks Update


Phil Gill, Green Spaces Manager, submitted a report on the current position regarding the activities and developments of Rotherham’s three country parks.


The parks continue to play an important role offering visitors safe, affordable access to the countryside recreation and wildlife habitats.  With their relatively good level of on-site facilities, staffing and events, they demonstrate standards that the Council seeks to achieve at other key green spaces across the Borough.


The report gave details on the following issues:-


-                       Visitor Numbers and Financial Performance

-                       Recent Activity and Developments

-                       Future Plans


The meeting made reference to the following aspects:-


-                       Popularity of fishing facilities at Ulley – enjoyed by all age groups

-                       South YorkshireNavigation Canal and Rotherham MBC’s responsibilities in terms of the importance of green space heritage and control of part of Fitzwilliam canal

-                       YES project – camping opportunities presently being explored

-                       Need for cafes/restaurants to offer a better service


One Member asked whether consideration had been given to allowing users to swim at Rother Valley CountryPark.


The point was made that there were no plans to pursue this suggestion in view of Health and Safety issues concerned with the use of such a large area of water.  The message to the general public had always been that the lakes were definitely not safe. 


It was understood that the question of outdoor swimming provision had been considered alongside the swimming strategy.


One Member suggested that a section of shallow water could be marked off for the purpose of young children being able to paddle in a supervised manner, the success of the swimming pool in Clifton Park being a good example of this.   However, officers replied that this was not feasible due to safety issues.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That an update report on the YES project and the involvement of key partners be provided for all members of this Scrutiny Panel.


Longdendale Update


Discussion of this item was deferred until a future meeting.


Habershon House Update


Discussion of this item was deferred to a future meeting.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting of this Scrutiny Panel held on 20th September, 2004


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting of this Scrutiny Panel held on 20th September, 2004 be received and accepted as a true record.


Matters Arising


(1)        2004/2005 Work Programme


Delia Watts, Scrutiny Adviser, gave details of the content of the next Scrutiny Panel meeting to be held on 22nd November, 2004.


The meeting was to be a full day event and it was probable that work would take place in small groups with information being collated at the end of the day and a report produced.


The meeting was open to any Member of the Scrutiny Panel.


Further details would be sent to Members nearer the date.


(2)                           Visit to Ferham Centre


One Member expressed the view that the recent visit to Ferham Centre had been  both worthwhile and enjoyable.


Another member had been impressed with the buildings and facilities, atmosphere, the behaviour of the children and management by the Head Teacher.


In addition, the new facilities at CliftonComprehensive School had surpassed all his expectations, particularly the music section.


The meeting discussed the combining of Scrutiny Panel meetings with visits to schools and was informed of a similar initiative by The Cabinet


A question was asked regarding current building work at Wath Comprehensive School.


The Strategic Leader, School Improvement, confirmed that the present school hall would be incorporated into new build and was not being demolished.


(3)               New Swimming Pools Provision


A question was raised regarding a suggestion of a fifty metre pool.


Steve Hallsworth, Business Manager, Leisure and Green Spaces, reported that a meeting had since taken place with Metro and the Amateur Swimming Association, ASA having given a more collective view of what was needed.  It had been decided that the 50 metre pools in Sheffield and Leeds would meet the needs of higher level competitive swimmers.


A further question was raised regarding lane swimming provision for the over 50’s.


Steve Hallsworth, Business Manager, Leisure and Green Spaces, explained that  one of the principles behind new facilities was that they meet the needs of all the users within the borough.  The Programme Area would then consider the management of the pools to meet those needs.


Resolved:-  That the Business Manager, Leisure and Green Spaces, raise an issue with the appropriate officers in his Programme Area regarding the summer swimming programme, to ensure that adults lane swimming is still available alongside the increased provision for children during the school holidays.


(4)               Manager, Library and Information Service


The Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure Services reported that Keith Robinson, Manager, Library and Information Service had left the Authority to take up a position with Doncaster and that Elenore Fisher had been appointed to the vacant post.


Resolved:-  That the Manager, Libraries, Museums and Arts be asked to pass on congratulations to Elenore Fisher on behalf of the Scrutiny Panel.


(5)        Askander Akram


The Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure Services reported that Askander Akram, Project Worker, had been awarded a national STAR award for the high quality of service in connection with e-learning work in Libraries, a new system set up by DfES.


It is recognised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64.


Minutes of Meetings of the Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure Services


Resolved:-  That the decisions made under delegated powers by the Cabinet Member for Education, Culture and Leisure Services held on 17th, 24th August, 7th, 21st and 28th September, 2004 be noted.


Matters Arising


24th August, 2004 Abbey SpecialSchool


A Member asked for further information on the demolition of swimming facilities at Abbey School and what the alternatives were for pupils.


The Strategic Leader, School Improvement reported that this had been due to the poor state of the building and the need for significant improvement to the environment around Abbey School as part of a major PFI re-building and improvement programme.


The Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure Services added that the work had been funded through the Capital Programme as part of the “Special School Review” to re-build all special schools as part of the inclusion process.


28th September, 2004 WinterhillSchool


A Member asked whether a further new build of six general classrooms was at the expense of the PFI Project.


The Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure Services clarified that the work was to be funded through the Education Capital Programme.  It was a reflection on the popularity of the school and a problem with temporary classrooms since the fire incident.


Minutes of a meeting of the Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meetings of the Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee held on 3rd and 24th September, 2004 be received.


Matter Arising


Middle Lane Traffic Calming Scheme


One Member requested an update on the position regarding this work particularly in view of the forthcoming re-opening of the Museum.


Particular problem spots were highlighted on Doncaster Road/Clifton Lane corner and Doncaster Road/Middle Lane.


There was no appropriate road sign to inform drivers of the route to the museum.


Concern was expressed that there was to be a zebra crossing outside Clifton School and of pedestrians not being able to see traffic coming up Doncaster Road.  Such issues had been debated at the Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee and Area Assembly.


Traffic measures to be installed in the Clifton Lane/Middle Lane area were uncertain and local schools and the Primary Care Trust had not been consulted.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Cabinet Member, Education, Culture and Leisure Services liaise with the Cabinet Member, Economic and Development Services and Executive Director, Economic and Development Services regarding this matter.


(2)  That Councillor Dodson, in his capacity as local Councillor of the problem area concerned, liaise with Officers in Economic and Development Services on this matter.


Minutes of a meeting of the Leisure Joint Service Centre Project Board


The Panel noted the content of the minutes of a meeting of the above Committee held on 29th September, 2004.